BlacX/HDD Issue


Apr 21, 2001
I was swapping some files around with my BlacX docking station and when I plugged on of my hard drives back in (WD15EADS) it failed to be recognize and got a pop up saying the drive needed to be formatted (???). I thought maybe I didn't seat it well enough so I turned it off and reseated it. This time it showed up with Drive Label and "NTFS" in Windows Explorer but with no space information. But now it gives me an error "D:\ is not accessible. Access is denied". I tried USB over eSATA, same problem. My other drives work fine. The weird thing though is that it shows in Disk Management as Healthy BUT it shows that is has 93% free space. This does not match up because I am sure I had at least a terabyte of space occupied on the drive.

I have yet to connect it to an internal SATA slot but I am unsure if that will change anything. Has anyone had this issue before? Did my drive just randomly decide to take a crap on me?
the only drives that never read on my blackx were previously damaged

i would just connect it via internal sata
Yea I think I am going to try that... WD Diagnostics tool shows SMART status as a pass and it passed the Quick Test also. Really weird stuff. I'll report back my results when I connect it internally.
So I've connected it via internal SATA connectors and still the same problem. Shows volume letter (which I can manipulate via disk management), drive label and "NTFS" under it. I also ran the extended test with the WD Diagnostics tool and everything came out fine. So it seems like tools and error checking can run, but I just can't access the drive otherwise (i.e. Windows Explorer).

Is there any way to "reset" or "format" the drive without losing the data on there, per say?

EDIT: I did some reading and apparently my partition or boot sector might have been corrupted.
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hmmm, well if the drives still shows up in your bios i would see if running spinrite did anything