Blizz getting prepared for Starcraft 2?


Limp Gawd
Aug 11, 2004
They've announced a ton of new job openings, some concerning media creation, such as "Game Programmer" and "Senior Graphics Programmer". I'm guessing that this surge of demand for employees is either a result of their unexpected success with WoW, or they're buffing up for Starcraft 2, which is rumored to either be in production or about to be. They're also releasing a new patch, 1.12, for Starcraft soon.

Damn you have me analyzing your site for clues because of Starcraft.
I wouldnt be suprised if Stardraft 2 is in development or going to be in development soon. They will be realising starcraft ghost soon and will have more resources to devote to a new title.
ThirtySixBelow said:
wow, starcraft 2 would definitely kick (butt). that was one of my favorite games of all time

Starcraft 2 would definitely be killer, especially using high end graphics engines :D
OK...I'm a insides actually flipped when I read the thread title. Hope it's true.

Also, there's still a place for TA in this world :)
They had better get StarCraft 2 going or I'll have lost all faith and interest in Blizzard.
or maybe they are just now starting to get SC:Ghost finished and released :)
i think they scraped Ghost because i remember the release date was suppose to be of November 2003. Plus Ghost is a first person shooter, i want a ..... game like the first Starcraft, i dont what those kind of games are called. Stratagy?
roninblade said:
i think they scraped Ghost because i remember the release date was suppose to be of November 2003. Plus Ghost is a first person shooter, i want a ..... game like the first Starcraft, i dont what those kind of games are called. Stratagy?

1. Starcraft Ghost is supposed to come out in June of this year. It has been delayed more times than I can count...kinda lost track/care for title but we'll see what happens.

2. Starcraft is a "rts" game aka real time strategy game.

Now considering how much Blizzard has fucked around with Ghost id say it would take at least another 10yrs untill they actually got Starcraft 2 out.
Wish a lot of the dev's didn't leave blizzard, but alas quite a few of their best people have left blizzard, it's not the same as old blizzard.
yep there is some speculation, theyve also been asking on their forums what people want in a starcraft sequel.

I still play starcraft a lot, at a high competitive level, as well as a lot of other people. Anyone else play starcraft (im not talking about noob money mappers).
Rumors were (at least what I've heard/read) is that Blizz was unhappy with Ghosts development and brought a lot of it back to the drawing board.

Now you have to realize that other stealth type games similar to Ghost have come out recently. Splinter Cell series, MGS (to a certain extent) etc. Perhaps Blizzard saw these game come out and realized glaring holes and problems in Ghost. Maybe they saw aspects in the games from their competition and wanted to make Ghost destroy these games rather than be just another stealth game.

Perhaps a lot of good ideas they had for Ghost were also picked up by the dev's from Splinter Cell and didn't want Ghost to look like Splinter Ghost, a Splinter Cell knockoff in the StarCraft universe.

That's just my theory. Since Blizz has WoW to be their cash cow, they can bulk up to make Ghost as good as it can be. They won't have to rush Ghost out the door to try and get back in the black.
If they are developing a new starcraft, I don't want to know about it. It will take so long to come out... I don't need that kind of anticipation/hype for five years. I'd rather read a review about it a week before it hits store shelves.
I heard that they completed redid the coding for the game and thats why its taking so long :(

I remember seeing it on their site and telling my friends, got them hyped up....where has that hype gone :eek:

Blizz has stated many times that they do plan on doing another starcraft game but they dont have any "official" plans/press releases as of yet
Couldn't it also be Diablo 3? Just wondering what clues you got to it being a SC game. Can't just be because of Ghost... can it?
well, i guess the diablo world would be next in line after starcraft ghost, either way they would both get my $50
Starcraft 2 is gonna be so awesome, hope they get around to it soon
Half life 2 taught me not to get excited about a game until the day I see it on the shelf. Seeing as they havn't even officially announced the START of the project, I am far from getting my hopes up for this game. Don't get me wrong, starcraft was probably my favorite game of all time, and I would love nothing more than to see starcraft 2, but I just don't feel like being on the edge of my seat for another 2,3,4,never... years.
DemonDiablo said:
Now considering how much Blizzard has fucked around with Ghost id say it would take at least another 10yrs untill they actually got Starcraft 2 out.

so true it isn't funny :(

oh well when it does come out it will be fun
Someone claiming to know a Blizzard employee said it was already in production, but it's just a rumor. I really hope it's true. I would like to know they are making it asap, because I enjoy waiting for a game (not copious amounts of time, mind you) and being very excited when I get it. Besides, I want to see screenshots. I would be pissed if they made Starcraft 2 as cartoony as Warcraft is now.
pkScary said:
Someone claiming to know a Blizzard employee said it was already in production, but it's just a rumor. I really hope it's true. I would like to know they are making it asap, because I enjoy waiting for a game (not copious amounts of time, mind you) and being very excited when I get it. Besides, I want to see screenshots. I would be pissed if they made Starcraft 2 as cartoony as Warcraft is now.

glad i wasn't the only person taht though that of warcraft 3, first time i saw it, well i can't think of what it reminded me of right now.
pkScary said:
I would be pissed if they made Starcraft 2 as cartoony as Warcraft is now.

The original 2 Warcrafts were "cartoony" (it may have been because of when they were made- in the stone age of PCs- so it seems the WC3 fit with that. I do hope they keep the "gritty" tone of SC in any sequels
[cynicism] Starcraft 2 will never happen. [/cynicism]

I have been waiting too long. I realized that if I was a dev for Blizzard I wouldn't want to touch Starcraft. I mean if it isn't PERFECT you are going to have a shite-storm on your hands. An all-enveloping riot of angry, possibly homicidal, strategy gamers not to mention the Korean mafia. Of course that already happened when some idiot thought it would be easy to make a nickel on a FPS. I realize that alot of PC gamers also do consoles but not nearly the entire fan base of Starcraft. It is still my vote for best game and storyline ever. Maybe it wasn't an evolution in gaming but man it sucked you in over and over again. As far as Diablo 3 I would rather have that series go MMO than any of the others. Starcraft 2? Ha I will believe it when I see it... Personally I almost see them coming up with an entirely new gaming world before visiting either of those again.
Hmm, SC2... VERY interesting. I can wait for that. Meanwhile I will play "Dawn of War"
Either Diablo III or Starcraft II would interest me. Hell, just about any game made by Blizzard interests me. I still want to play "Warcraft Adventures". I just wish they would announce something already. As far as I know, they didn't fire the World of Warcraft development team , so what is that entire team doing now? They can't all be creating new content for WoW. Besides, isn't there a Blizzard North and South?
I always really enyoed Starcraft myself. I thought the plot was better then Warcraft, especially the whole kerrigan thing, I remeber first playing SC and when that happend it was very awesome.

SO many great moments .... Tasadars Kamakazi, Kerrigans accident, Jimmys badass attitude.

It would be nice to see Starcraft 2, and would logically make sence as models, sounds, etc made for starcraft ghost, could easily be ported over to starcraft 2.

Also rock and roll racing 2 would be nice :p
Diablo 2 > Starcraft

but, I doubt they will make another Diablo game for a long while, if ever. Starcraft is what they are doing.
*Trying to calm down*

Yeah, Starcraft 2 would be neat....

OMG, ghosts, nukes, seige tanks, dark templars!!

*Goes into spastic shock*

I remember someone in here once posted this:

I won't buy a game just to see kerrigan die...
chinoquezada said:
I remember someone in here once posted this:

I won't buy a game just to see kerrigan die...

Your right .... I'll only buy it if she gets naked. :p

Heres a little tidbit, have you guys seen kerrigan in WoW. Shes there =)
Ozone77 said:
Hmm, SC2... VERY interesting. I can wait for that. Meanwhile I will play "Dawn of War"

Starcraft Zero ;)

I'd love to see a MMORPG based on the Diablo or SC universe... something with a darker tone than WoW...

Ghost was looking cool... until poor Nova picked up a machine gun and went toe to toe with multiple firebats...
Noodle Boy said:

Starcraft 2 would definitely be killer, especially using high end graphics engines :D

People said that about WC3, and that game sucked a big one.
MeanieMan said:
People said that about WC3, and that game sucked a big one.
Yeah, I'm tired of video game goodness being based on graphical capabilities. A lot of games comming out now are just "OMGWTFBBQ LOOK AT OUR NEW ENGINE!!!" rather than "look at how good our storyline and innovative gameplay are."
I totally love's an idea:

How about a whole new universe?
Forget starcraft, diablo and warcraft and make a new something rather than sequal after sequal
Netrat33 said:
I totally love's an idea:

How about a whole new universe?
Forget starcraft, diablo and warcraft and make a new something rather than sequal after sequal

thats an idea! it for after they make StarCraft 2 though ;)