Blizzard CEO Talks About Unannounced MMORPG


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
Without divulging any solid details on the ‘completely new and fresh’ approach to the new project, Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaine at least acknowledged the unnamed project as ongoing and will co-exist with the World of Warcraft franchise. A teaser for sure.

While speaking at the DICE Summit in New Vegas, Blizzard Entertainment CEO Mike Morhaine also discussed one of Blizzard's unannounced projects, and from everything he says it sounds very much like it will be the rumored "Titan" MMO
The developers of Crack have taken lessons they learned from selling Crack and are applying these lessons in the developement of a new drug.

I'm not sure I'm strong enough.
Man... I absolutely want any company other than Blizzard to create an MMO.... WOW actually killed MMOs, because everyone just tried to copy their model and beat them @ their own game. The only way forward is to make a niche for themselves. Where is a more adult, darker, skill based and actually difficult MMO?
Man... I absolutely want any company other than Blizzard to create an MMO.... WOW actually killed MMOs, because everyone just tried to copy their model and beat them @ their own game. The only way forward is to make a niche for themselves. Where is a more adult, darker, skill based and actually difficult MMO?

There is always life. It is more adutish, darker, and skill based with a high level of difficulty than any MMO. Try raising your cooking skill or *gasp* your dancing skills ;) Life is more fun when you apply MMO skill levels to it. I raised my strength and endurance by two points this morning going to the gym and my cooking skill by 1 point.
Man... I absolutely want any company other than Blizzard to create an MMO.... WOW actually killed MMOs, because everyone just tried to copy their model and beat them @ their own game. The only way forward is to make a niche for themselves. Where is a more adult, darker, skill based and actually difficult MMO?

ya i would have to agree
wow had significant impact on mmo market in good way however like you mentioned was the worst thing ever happend to mmo market at same time...

GuildWars is a good RPG - success depends on skill, not gear and not time spent, as the "best" armor has the very same stats as the "normal" armor. The only difference is the appearance.

I'm excited for GuildWars 2. Now they just need a release date lol.
There is always life. It is more adutish, darker, and skill based with a high level of difficulty than any MMO. Try raising your cooking skill or *gasp* your dancing skills ;) Life is more fun when you apply MMO skill levels to it. I raised my strength and endurance by two points this morning going to the gym and my cooking skill by 1 point.

You assume I don't live? How do you know I'm not an athlete? Or a cook? Pretty naive dude.

GuildWars is a good RPG - success depends on skill, not gear and not time spent, as the "best" armor has the very same stats as the "normal" armor. The only difference is the appearance.

I'm excited for GuildWars 2. Now they just need a release date lol.

Yeah I might check it out. It doesn't even have a monthly fee does it? :confused:
Man... I absolutely want any company other than Blizzard to create an MMO.... WOW actually killed MMOs, because everyone just tried to copy their model and beat them @ their own game. The only way forward is to make a niche for themselves. Where is a more adult, darker, skill based and actually difficult MMO?

As much as it would help it wont solve the problem. These companies will always attempt to make another MMO that will clone WoW in an attempt to re-create its success. Problem is they don't have the popularity that blizzard had going into these projects, zero hype machine, zero story line people have been following for 15+ years prior to it.

Maybe id could come out with an MMO model that will be a great adult like, darker and more skilled (twitch?) based MMO, their Rage game looks like a lot of fun, if it takes off what are the chances it could turn into a future MMO down the line after product maturity?
If they can make a MMORPG without mindless grinding and repitition, with a story (if it even has one) that develops at a faster glacial rate and isn't just like a standard RPG with days and sometimes weeks between events, then it will sound intresting. Otherwise its more WoW type borefest crap.
If they can make a MMORPG without mindless grinding and repitition, with a story (if it even has one) that develops at a faster glacial rate and isn't just like a standard RPG with days and sometimes weeks between events, then it will sound intresting. Otherwise its more WoW type borefest crap.

It's virtually impossible to make a game without any repetition, so your standards have already been set absurdly high. This is the kind of mindset the current generation has with video games in general, and it'll only continue to feed on their cynicism like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Something new an innovative is certainly desired and is realistic to achieve, but I can only imagine that it'll follow some sort of repetition in the end.

I know it's a SOE product but someone needs to make Planetside 2

Never liked wow, all the faggy elves and lame swords and shit.

Give me some guns, mechs, Galaxy dropships, tanks, transports, and multiply by 1000 to create large scale warfare (just like in the first planetside)

I would preorder 1000 copies and distribute them to people for free just so they could experience the AWESOME.

I never did get my CR5 in PS.....
It's virtually impossible to make a game without any repetition, so your standards have already been set absurdly high. This is the kind of mindset the current generation has with video games in general, and it'll only continue to feed on their cynicism like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Something new an innovative is certainly desired and is realistic to achieve, but I can only imagine that it'll follow some sort of repetition in the end.

There is no game without repitition, but one of the basic skills in game design is hiding the fact that the player is repeating the same action over and over, which is something MMORPGs fail at abysimally with their usual "do something 10, 100, 1000 times" style gameplay. Minecraft is a good example of something where you are repeating the same thing constantly over and over, but because the goals of the game are being set by a larger goal this repitition is hidden, especially when done socially. The game system is simple and changable enough that people can set their own goals and make their own game. Most, if not all online RPGs are very rigid linear affairs with mountains of linear tediom.
Man... I absolutely want any company other than Blizzard to create an MMO.... WOW actually killed MMOs, because everyone just tried to copy their model and beat them @ their own game. The only way forward is to make a niche for themselves. Where is a more adult, darker, skill based and actually difficult MMO?

WoW didn't kill MMO. Other MMO killed MMO trying too hard to steal Blizzard's fame and success and failing left to right instead of trying something original that may work.

Final Fantasy is still going strong, and I hope BioWare does well with SWTOR as well. LOTRO and DDO did ok, but they didn't follow up on their semi success. Aion could have been great except for it was too PvP oriented and linear.

I can't wait to see what else Blizzard has in store for us.
There is always life. It is more adutish, darker, and skill based with a high level of difficulty than any MMO. Try raising your cooking skill or *gasp* your dancing skills ;) Life is more fun when you apply MMO skill levels to it. I raised my strength and endurance by two points this morning going to the gym and my cooking skill by 1 point.

Post of the day
Man... I absolutely want any company other than Blizzard to create an MMO.... WOW actually killed MMOs, because everyone just tried to copy their model and beat them @ their own game. The only way forward is to make a niche for themselves. Where is a more adult, darker, skill based and actually difficult MMO?

Companies want to make money and because WoW is the biggest there is everyone is going to model after WoW. If you cater to a niche you are going to get niche profits. No casual player is going to spend 2 hours running to get their corpse and retrieve drop items. No casual player is going to run out of a town and immediately get killed by a PVP who is 20 to 50 levels above them.

I played a MMORPG before they were called MMO, where it relied on skills but it was highly unbalance and you were sh*t out luck if you screw up your skills, there was a term for players that screwed up their toons, "gimp".

For a dark, adult game I actually enjoyed AoC to some degree, but there were mechanics to the game which I thought were unfair or put in rather stupidly. I am not looking at Rift or SWOR, I am waiting for GW2 for my next MMO.

I think Blizzard is smart enough that their next MMO will not be a copy of WoW, their IP of games have all been specific to a particular style and genre. I think Blizzard will do the same with their next MMO.
Whether WoW was good for MMOs notwithstanding, I like what he is talking about here. His point about how much fun a simple game like Words with Friends is because you actually play it with people you know is really spot on.

I think a prime example of this is L4D. I have three real life friends and 4-5 internet friends (we all used to play TF2 nightly on the same server) that now play L4D together. When I play the game with 7 of these guys, I can play for 3-4 hours and not get bored. When I log in and play with pubs, I quit in 15-20 minutes.

Games that encourage small groups of people to play together regularly are soooo much fun. The social aspect is what kept me in WoW for as long as it did (~2 years). I hope their next game has this aspect, only stronger.
There is no game without repitition, but one of the basic skills in game design is hiding the fact that the player is repeating the same action over and over, which is something MMORPGs fail at abysimally with their usual "do something 10, 100, 1000 times" style gameplay. Minecraft is a good example of something where you are repeating the same thing constantly over and over, but because the goals of the game are being set by a larger goal this repitition is hidden, especially when done socially. The game system is simple and changable enough that people can set their own goals and make their own game. Most, if not all online RPGs are very rigid linear affairs with mountains of linear tediom.

Besides the questing in WoW, there's not much of the repetition you speak of, and even the quests in Cataclysm were spiced up. Dungeons and raids are very challenging and require team coordination and personal attention to do well in. Despite this, one can go far as to say that running dungeons/raids is also repetitive and grindy. Thus, the unrealistic expectations continue to grow. It's a slippery slope in the minds of the public opinion.

I get what you mean by hiding repetition, but it seems a little misguided. Plenty of games with massive amounts of repetition were very popular, and will probably continue to be popular. It has to have more than just gameplay to stand on its own though. The formula of WoW hasn't changed much over the years, yet we've seen wildly varying opinions throughout its life cycle. This includes vanilla WoW, which had been regarded as the favorite by many despite being the most mind-numbingly repetitious and grindy in its history.

It could be plain old nostalgia, or it could be something entirely unrelated to gameplay that most people have trouble articulating.
Guild Wars 2 is on the way. Nothing else even remotely worth considering. It is going to rock hard.
There is always life. It is more adutish, darker, and skill based with a high level of difficulty than any MMO. Try raising your cooking skill or *gasp* your dancing skills ;) Life is more fun when you apply MMO skill levels to it. I raised my strength and endurance by two points this morning going to the gym and my cooking skill by 1 point.

Ya, but can you come back to life after you die by falling out of a airship at full speed?
Final Fantasy is still going strong,

FF14 is the worst MMO I have ever played. Granted I only played the first 2-3 weeks it was out, but god it was horrible. I mean they centered the entire controll structure around a PS3 controller and then they have to even release it for the PS3. I laughed when I got an email from them saying they were sorry so many people were disappointed with the game and until further notice the game was free to play.

Thank you for your continued interest in and support of FINAL FANTASY XIV.

While more than two months have passed since the official launch of FINAL FANTASY XIV service, we deeply regret that the game has yet to achieve the level of enjoyability that FINAL FANTASY fans have come to expect from the franchise, and for this we offer our sincerest of apologies.

After thorough deliberation on how to meet those expectations, it was decided that the most viable step was to approach improvements under new leadership and with a restructured team.

To realize this vision, and in doing so, provide our customers with a better game experience, we have assembled our company’s top talent and resources. Taking over the role of producer and director is Naoki Yoshida, a passionate individual for whom customer satisfaction has always taken top priority. Not only is he one of our Group’s most accomplished and experienced members, Naoki Yoshida is also a charismatic leader possessing the skill to bring together and effectively helm a team which encompasses a wide range of responsibilities. We also welcome several new leaders handpicked from other projects to work with the existing talent on FINAL FANTASY XIV.

We realize time is of the essence and are fully determined to provide our customers with quality service. It is because of this that we ask our customers to be patient until we are able to confidently present them with a concrete plan outlining FINAL FANTASY XIV’s new direction. The free trial period will be extended until that time.

Regarding the PlayStation 3, it is not our wish to release a simple conversion of the Windows version in its current state, but rather an update that includes all the improvements we have planned. For that reason, we have made the difficult decision to delay the release of the PlayStation 3 version beyond the originally announced date of March 2011.

The FINAL FANTASY XIV team is working hard to bring our customers an unparalleled adventure, and we ask for your continued understanding and support as we march ever diligently towards that goal.

President and CEO, Yoichi Wada

As for ripping on Blizzard. They are one of the most successfull studios out there and certainly one of the most well known. Yet they have only put out about a dozen games over the last 20 years (consoldating franchise titles). They even had the strength to put off a game they didn't think met their standards (Ghost). I understand people don't want to like popular stuff nor do they get the fantasy elements....but Blizz is popular for a very good reason.
There is always life. It is more adutish, darker, and skill based with a high level of difficulty than any MMO. Try raising your cooking skill or *gasp* your dancing skills ;) Life is more fun when you apply MMO skill levels to it. I raised my strength and endurance by two points this morning going to the gym and my cooking skill by 1 point.
Its the charisma skill that kills the life game for most players. It's just too hard to level that one for most.:eek:
FF14 is the worst MMO I have ever played. Granted I only played the first 2-3 weeks it was out, but god it was horrible. I mean they centered the entire controll structure around a PS3 controller and then they have to even release it for the PS3. I laughed when I got an email from them saying they were sorry so many people were disappointed with the game and until further notice the game was free to play.

As for ripping on Blizzard. They are one of the most successfull studios out there and certainly one of the most well known. Yet they have only put out about a dozen games over the last 20 years (consoldating franchise titles). They even had the strength to put off a game they didn't think met their standards (Ghost). I understand people don't want to like popular stuff nor do they get the fantasy elements....but Blizz is popular for a very good reason.

He was talking about FFXI not XIV. FFXI is still going strong after 10 years.

That said, I found a screen shot of an included accessory with Blizzards next MMO.