Blizzcon 2018


You Know Where I Live
Aug 25, 2013
Whelp, opening stuff has happened.
I was really hoping for some juicy Diablo news. Diablo news there was: Switch port which has been known for a while. Then there was the utter garbage of a "full blown" MMOARPG for mobile. I'm disgusted.

Anything exciting/disappointing for y'all?
Once you realize you are no longer their customer, and that they are now targeting your kids, it begins to make more sense.

Still not happy, but not really that surprised either.
Once you realize you are no longer their customer, and that they are now targeting your kids, it begins to make more sense.

Still not happy, but not really that surprised either.

I am seriously fucking surprised by this. Especially with all the job listings and everything else. I honestly can't figure out how the fuck this didn't get leaked months ago. I mean, there wasn't even any whispers around about a mobile game.

This pretty much sums it up.

the issue is activision needs to kill blizzcon/blizzard the weaker of a showing they have the more activisions shit will keep popping up like a fucking weed in
Really, Really disappointed & frankly mad that they kept using hoping for a new Diablo game, and they made a mobile game. Obviously this is geared toward the Chinese market & to be used as a cash cow, the developers could give two shits about the fans of the genre. Really pisses me off. But, I guess I can't be too mad, it is Blizzard/Activision after all. You dance with the devil, you get burned every now and then.

-PS, Deckard Cain was killed by a butterfly. -Never Forget.
New Hero for Overwatch. Not sure if it was announced at Blizzcon but she was featured in a new cinematic that came out today,
I'm curious what all the Diablo project job postings have been for, since we know they outsourced this mobile trash game to NetEase
My wife and I were at Blizzcon and left back home after the opening ceremony. We were hoping for bigger announcements and something to do besides watch kids play games and play classic wow demo. It's not a good Blizzcon event this year.
I can't seem to find much about WoW Classic. The one Q&A vid on youtube is full of non-classic bs lol

Anyone know the beef with it?
I can't seem to find much about WoW Classic. The one Q&A vid on youtube is full of non-classic bs lol

Anyone know the beef with it?

Wow classic was awful. The kids at blizzcon are in wtf mode.

"you mean I have to grind mobs for 14 hours to go from 32->33???"
Wow classic was awful. The kids at blizzcon are in wtf mode.

"you mean I have to grind mobs for 14 hours to go from 32->33???"

This makes me happy. All the people crying for vanilla wow will be reminded how awful it was. I did that grind already. Not about to pay to do it again.
New Hero for Overwatch. Not sure if it was announced at Blizzcon but she was featured in a new cinematic that came out today,

I for one am really excited to play Classic, but I'm REALLY excited for Warcraft 3: Reforged. I spent so much of my childhood playing the story campaign, the ladders, the custom games, it's amazing to me that people will be able to relive that fantastic period of gaming. A new PC build will be in order I'd think.
I for one am really excited to play Classic, but I'm REALLY excited for Warcraft 3: Reforged. I spent so much of my childhood playing the story campaign, the ladders, the custom games, it's amazing to me that people will be able to relive that fantastic period of gaming. A new PC build will be in order I'd think.

Super excited for Reforged too. I'm actually kinda bummed they didn't spend time to redo Warcraft 1 and 2 also. Just to get the whole series in line.
Super excited for Reforged too. I'm actually kinda bummed they didn't spend time to redo Warcraft 1 and 2 also. Just to get the whole series in line.

Can't have it all, would require far too many resources and time. I'm happy with just 3, that's where I spent most of my time.
This makes me happy. All the people crying for vanilla wow will be reminded how awful it was. I did that grind already. Not about to pay to do it again.
Wow classic was awful. The kids at blizzcon are in wtf mode.

"you mean I have to grind mobs for 14 hours to go from 32->33???"

As someone who has played on multiple Vanilla private servers I'm going to go ahead and disagree with you there.

I cannot wait to get a vanilla experience again right from blizzard. None of the private server BS, with legit OG content where the journey was the point, not the destination.
Ahh, vanilla on decent hardware (server-side), US servers, upgraded graphics engine, and support REAL support! ahhh yes...
As someone who has played on multiple Vanilla private servers I'm going to go ahead and disagree with you there.

I cannot wait to get a vanilla experience again right from blizzard. None of the private server BS, with legit OG content where the journey was the point, not the destination.
The journey was often 5 hours of waiting around in LFG chat.

Sounds like fun
The journey was often 5 hours of waiting around in LFG chat.

Sounds like fun
If that was your experience I do feel for ya.. that'd have been awful.

I'll bet that could have been easily mitigated by realm choice (for better population) and multitasking (do something fun and productive while looking for a group).
As someone who has played on multiple Vanilla private servers I'm going to go ahead and disagree with you there.

I cannot wait to get a vanilla experience again right from blizzard. None of the private server BS, with legit OG content where the journey was the point, not the destination.

Leveling was fine in vanilla IMO, sure it took longer but it wasnt awful. End game raiding, even if you were in a raiding guild was a grind, multiple sets of gear for resists, farming mats for resist potions, getting 40 people to show up at the same time (If you were PUGing it, settle in for a looooong wait) People often lament about how great vanilla was, I think what they mean was the raids etc were fun, but they forget about all of the work that had to be put in before you could set foot in a raid and expect to make any progress.
The game started at 60 in Vanilla. And unless you worked your schedule around raiding, the game sucked. Fortunately I was in a MC/BWL/Naxx guild. We'd raid for about 25h a week. There was a solid ~38 of us so picking up two randoms wasn't all that big of a deal.

What I did like was how much being in the community meant. You had a name and a reputation. You knew people. If you wanted to run UBRS, you would hit up your friend's list, not smack the "I" button and wait. So if you were an asshole and troll, your reputation was shot. Good luck getting groups.

Also, epics meant epics. And they really didn't do all that much. Like, 3mp5? Hooray, you can hast an extra Healing Touch over the course of a 5m fight. Grats. But the fact you had it meant something. Now, its just...numbers.
Ahh, vanilla on decent hardware (server-side), US servers, upgraded graphics engine, and support REAL support! ahhh yes...

That's the key I'd say. The company is backing this fully and has every intention of making this experience as fantastic, and authentic (most important) as possible. If you guys haven't checked out the panel, it's worth watching through, very valuable information:

As someone who has been with WoW since Alpha, I'd say it's one of my most cherished gaming experiences. It forged a lot of great friendships nad made for some very memorable moments. Sure there were some tedious moments like grinding for this and that, but being on voice chat with others who were doing the same while sharing a common end goal alleviated any pain.

The fun of Vanilla wasn't only in the challenges, not that there weren't challenging encounters, but more so that you had to work together with large groups of people to accomplish goals, and results and prizes didn't just fall out of the sky. Modern WoW still has some challenge, but it's vastly different. On the other hand, it's really not a one size fits all game. Some people may disagree with my sentiments and claim that the game was tedious and not fun, and that's fine. Different strokes, you have to play what you like and with those you like.
If that was your experience I do feel for ya.. that'd have been awful.

I'll bet that could have been easily mitigated by realm choice (for better population) and multitasking (do something fun and productive while looking for a group).

What exactly would you do? Doesn't sound like you played vanilla man. There wasn't a group finder, if you wanted to get in one, you had to stand around Org or Ironforge for hours, then fly forever to the instance. You can't go farm and try to get in one, it didn't work like that.

I was on laughing skull with pals for life... I doubt there was a much higher populated server after the Leeroy Jenkins business.
As someone who has played on multiple Vanilla private servers I'm going to go ahead and disagree with you there.

I cannot wait to get a vanilla experience again right from blizzard. None of the private server BS, with legit OG content where the journey was the point, not the destination.

I wish you well but... I've been there. Not on private servers for vanilla but in SWTOR in 2011/12. It was WoW in star wars galaxy where I had to use lfg chat to get a group and run around grinding on foot till 14 speed boost and level 20 ground mount. The storylines are the only thing that kept me interested and not to ever get to max level. It would be fun to see the original world again though.

I might try wow classic but unless it brings back SS vs TM (and world pvp was dying before BC with flying) and twink low level pvp, I'm not that interested. Will they still have cloth armor with agility? Truly the most important question. /s