Blockbuster Sued Over Facebook's Ad Program

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The only thing surprising about this lawsuit against Blockbuster over Facebook’s Beacon ad program is that it didn’t happen sooner.

Cathryn Elaine Harris, a Texas resident, filed a complaint in a Texas court on April 9, claiming that it's a violation of a federal statute for Blockbuster to participate in Beacon, which shares rental history on Facebook members' "news feeds" unless they manually opt out. She is seeking class-action status, hoping to eventually net $2,500 for each infringement.
Only perverts need privacy! Honest citizens should welcome the free exchange of information.

...or something like that, I really should reread 1984, or Animal Farm (for the pictures).
I do think it's retarded that they think it's OK to post what someone added to their queue. I've seen some other crazy shit about people on Facebook. It's shady shit, but it's ok if you go in there and manually tweak the privacy shit. (the default settings are terrible, especially on the gayass applications you can install)
How about defaulting to opt out instead of opt in? I hope Ballbuster gets hit for $250,000 each infringement.
Isn't it Facebook that defaults to Opt In instead of Opt Out?

How come Facebook isn't included in the suit?
Sound like good news. The thing about it is if you had a facebook account and a blockbuster account and you logged onto blockbuster it asked you with a flashy popup if you wanted to install if you don't click anything, I think it was 15s or so, it automatically selected yes for you. I had it happen to me. I got up to go get a soda or something and when I came back the ad was gone. I figured oh well it must have just closed out; since I didn't interact with it. Wrong it added the application to my facebook account and activated it. Later when I logged onto facebook I saw this and immediatly disabled it out of principal. Then I went to blockbuster's site, logged into my account, and sent a nasty message to their customer service department. I hope they really stick it to blockbuster for that, although minor, shady bit of buisness. I enjoy it when large corporations are held accountable for their actions.