Blocked Access

Dec 20, 2006
...or perhaps I'm just doing something wrong. I just tried to overclock my C2D watercooled machine using this page as a guide: , but so far I've had almost no success. I can raise my FSB to 333MHz, but it seems to have no effect on my actual overall speed. I've followed the guide to the T, with the only exception being that these values:

HT Spread Spectrum - disabled
PCIe Spread Spectrum MCP - disabled
Sata Spread Spectrum - disabled

I wasn't able to disable because they were blued out and so are still set on auto? What should my next step be? Do I need a new BIOS? Am I missing something huge? The FSB and voltage is definitely upped, it just isn't affecting my readouts in CPU-Z, which still has me at 2.4GHz. Help!
What board?

Many boards require you to press some wierd key combination to get into the REAL OC settings... Like ctrl+F8 or something.

What do you mean by " but it seems to have no effect on my actual overall speed."

Your CPU frequency is moving up, but your Multiplier is wrong. The multiplier should be 9x, NOT 7x. At 333mhz your CPU speed should be 2997mhz NOT 2331. This could be due to the Speedstep Cooling (C1 advanced HALT state) option.
Looks like speedstep is active. The multiplier on your E6600 should be x9, not x7. Try disabling it?
Here's all the information I have on the Board:

Version 2
BIOS: Pheonix Technologies, LTD
BIOS Version 6.00PG

When I talk about overall speed, I mean that raising the FSB from 266 to 333 didn't change the reported Core Spped in CPU-Z at all.

I know this sort of thing is frowned upon, but I'm hitting a brick wall with google and I'd really hate to have put water cooling on a stock speed 6600.
Here's all the information I have on the Board:

When I talk about overall speed, I mean that raising the FSB from 266 to 333 didn't change the reported Core Spped in CPU-Z at all.


I don't know what you mean by this... In your CPUz screenshot, your FSB is set to 333, and your clock speed is 2331mhz with a multiplier of 7x. At stock, your clockspeed should be 2400mhz, with a multiplier of 9x and a FSB of 266 mhz.

Since you've got the "speedstep" activated, and your system is at idle, it drops the multiplier down to 7x from 9x to save power. If you throw on superPi, I bet CPUZ would report a higher Clockspeed, as the system is no longer idle, so it kicks it's self into gear.
How would I go about turning off Speedstep then, or even accessing its controls. I see that I have to manually bump the multiplier up to 9, and I'm definitely going to do that now.
How would I go about turning off Speedstep then, or even accessing its controls. I see that I have to manually bump the multiplier up to 9, and I'm definitely going to do that now.

In the BIOS look for the "C1 Speedstep" or anything that looks like it... And disable it.