Blocky-Shadows w/ 6800nu


Limp Gawd
Aug 29, 2004
Currently using:
P4 2.8GHz
BFG 6800 OC
61.77 Drivers

Heres some screens of performance--note the shadows.
Look at the shadow on the gun *Far Cry1.1-1.2 (Same in both)*:


Look at beneath the truck *Battlefield Vietnamn-Newest Version*

Look at the shadow of the solider *Doom3-V. 1.1*


Men of Valor Demo-


Anyway in FC and BFV shadows cast by moving objects (Shadows of trees on guns, shadows of vehicles) Seem blocky, and then have a seperate (and hard to notice) light smoothed ring around them. Men of Valor...Well i just couldnt tell at all in game. It was a maybe. And in Doom3, shadows were perfect.

EDIT oh and if i have time in the morning, ill try to get bigger and better screens.
You probably have DST enabled. It's a new "feature" mVidia has that reduces shadow quality to increase performance.
I've been having the same probs for a while myself... Where would one get rid of this, "DST?"
I'd imagine it's in either the Nvidia control panel or in Graphics Card Properties.
Dst is only for shadow mapping, so for doom 3 not shadow maps were used purely stencil shadows.
Turn off DST and find out, it'll fix Farcry for sure. Whats wrong with the D3 shadow? I cant really see. D3 shadows are always blocky.
Nothings wrong with the D3 shadows.

Ok how hard is this....can someone w/ BFV or FC post a pic of their shadows + setup.
Ok, for the life of me I can't find any DST option in the nVidia display control panel... can somebody tell me exactly where to go to turn this off?
No, it isnt only for 3dmark... but that thought makes you wonder.. :p

Somone with a nVidia card could tell you. I assume it would be in the control panel.