BLOODBORNE - Gamescom gameplay trailer

twelve fucking hours, twelve and i haven't beat first boss. im pissed.... i suck so bad hahaha
I just started playing this, probably put in 2 hours or so. Pretty fun game, haven't beaten the boss yet. Explored around and found the hunter set in the sewers.

Fantastic game, glad I made the plunge. I do die quite a bit though, lol.

Made it to level 16 after spending blood echoes, but I probably lost about 8-9k blood echoes in the process.. haha
If you are at the first Boss make sure you unlock the shortcut on the bridge so you can get to him quicker only attempted to fight him once. Not going to use (Insight) summon ingredient if I can solo him.
If you are at the first Boss make sure you unlock the shortcut on the bridge so you can get to him quicker only attempted to fight him once. Not going to use (Insight) summon ingredient if I can solo him.

shortcut eh? where's that
When going past the two Big wolves you can hook to the left or right I forget and you go though this house or building then you can unlock the Lantern starting area with a locked gate.
ah i see, i found it. very nice!

wow, i cant believe i didnt notice that, thank you
I got him down to 1/3 of life at level 15 I could of had him if I had a few more potions..... he's not really that hard I think Just hit him in his chicken leg.
I have killed both the werewolves, and made it into a sewer once, but can't get back without dying. Good to know the lever to open the shortcut is soon. I can still get owned by the mobs at the start of yarnham central.

I'm still just messing around. Haven't leveled or anything. I started with the saw weapon and blunderbuss.

Going behind that walking crowd, I ran into what I presume is the cleric beast. Got my ass killed fast. Reminded me of attacking the red eye knight in 1-1 demons souls the first time.

So far, so good. I like blood vial health system better than estus. It's like the grasses.

I miss having a shield. But the combat is good. I'm amazed people beat this in 40 hours. I already have played 3 and I'm still practically at the beginning.
anyone having issues with coop?

Using a unique password, does a buddy and i both use the bell ? or one or the other? I'm not getting this lol
Finally killed the Cleric the Trick is use your Hard Attack on him once or twice don't extend the cleaver if you have it for a faster attack. I got 20 Vials the problem with the Cleric is the Camera =) You get too close to him he throws you on the ground and you loose a good chuck on life. He goes down pretty fast if your leveled was 18 I could of done it earlier if I was smart to the Hard Attacks which shines like a Gem when you do them.
are there a lot of illusory walls and secret areas like the previous Souls games? weapons degrade?
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are there a lot of illusory walls and secret areas like the previous Souls games? weapons degrade?

if degrade, you mean loss or durability? Then yes.
There are dungeons, random rooms, nooks and crannies, dark rooms, creatures of all sizes, the infamous death drops, 10 story tall ladders (so it feels like), and much more .
Killed the 2nd Boss they are not kidding with Bonfires or Lanterns being sparse..
I used Co-op on the 2nd Boss cause I had like 6 insights.
This game from all I seen is so Gaudy.....nothing like the environments of Dark Souls II.
yeah ds2 honestly looks like shit. the textures were made with a pretty nice lighting system in mind but it was scrapped last minute and now the game looks awfully washed out. all the terrain textures and geometry textures look like they have simple normal maps like HL2 to simulate light but in certain areas it looks horrid
I couldnt believe how big Yharnam was once I fully opened it up. well theres still a gate that I havent opened yet

it feels like a massive victorian era city. the buildings are just massive.
As someone who hates the first 3 games I'm digging this. Probably the faster pace and way better graphics.

The frame pacing is a problem though, hopefully they patch that out.
my PS4 is on the FedEx truck for delivery...I don't know if 30 days is enough time to see and discover everything Bloodborne has to I need to devote a few days to playing the Last of Us Remastered which came bundled with it...might get tempted to keep the console...
I thought Heavy Rain was good I didn't play it but watched a Twtich stream never attempted to pick up the The Last of Us.
Anyone buy a ps4 this week just to play this game?

I'm seriously contemplating it.
Anyone buy a ps4 this week just to play this game?

I'm seriously contemplating it.

I did after reading all the amazing reviews of the game...just received mine from Amazon a few minutes ago...will most likely sell it after I get my fill of Bloodborne but I reserve the right to change my mind if the game becomes too addicting
Anyone buy a ps4 this week just to play this game?

I'm seriously contemplating it.

Left work early today, and now sitting here in front of computer trying to decide if it's finally time to grab a PS4. I know I'll need one for Uncharted, but that's a ways away. I'd really like to play this game though...My only real concern is having enough time to play it, and not having it just sit there and collect dust...blah.
This game from all I seen is so Gaudy.....nothing like the environments of Dark Souls II.

So far the environment is very drab compared to DS. Better graphics, but DS was "Prettier". But I'm not far yet.

I never played DS2. When I bought BB, I noticed the poster for a PS4 remaster DS2. I might give it a shot a few months from now, after I have played through all of Bloodborne's content a few times. DeS took me around 100 hours to beat the first time, same for DS. I don't think BB seems any easier.
Having fun so far, but the framerate is driving me nuts. Smoothmotion doesn't help either. It's either 30fps and feeling slow or jerky as hell with smoothmotion.
God, I hate this generation of consoles.
Left work early today, and now sitting here in front of computer trying to decide if it's finally time to grab a PS4. I know I'll need one for Uncharted, but that's a ways away. I'd really like to play this game though...My only real concern is having enough time to play it, and not having it just sit there and collect dust...blah.

It's a tough call. I bought one in October and have barely touched it. I'm tempted to pick up Bloodborne with the hope that it will catch my interest but also contemplating selling it in the [H] For Sale forum or trying to trade it for a GTX 970.
Anyone buy a ps4 this week just to play this game?

I'm seriously contemplating it.

I bought another one 2 weeks ago for this. My previous one was bought for Destiny which is terrible and all my friends quit/traded it so there was no reason until now to get one.I sold the previous one for a profit though so there is that.

I played a bit of Infamous SS, that came in the Amazon PS4 games bundle and I must say it is really damn good. Much better than the previous games.

I bought the 1 yr PS Plus so I might keep it this time for atleast that long. Atleast it is much better than the Xbox, just sold it on here actually. What a shitty console.