Blu Tooth Issue After installing 1803


RIP [H] Brother - June 1, 2022
Aug 9, 2005
Anyone else seeing Dev Manager issues with their BluTooth hardware after installing Win10 1803 ?

In my case, it's the Asus BTC400 USB Adapter, and this is the device striing:


I have not been able to find a driver anywhere to fix it. I tried Windows update, the ASUS driver and even the generic Intel driver. No joy.

The funny thing is, my BT mouse still works. I'm just afraid this is a land mine waiting to be stepped on.

Lots of reports on the net but no solutions I could find.

Windows 10 1803 done fucked up Blutooth.
Yes, but it doesn't solve the problem. It's an OLD driver.
if its working just wait for them to update the driver. or bug intel for an update.
I've seen a lot of BT drivers that are only available through Windows Update for some reason. I think the companies are working specifically with Microsoft to keep the hardware working.

What you could do is install the adapter on a 1709 machine and back up the driver, then try bringing the driver over to 1803 and keeping a backup.