blue screen before boot

Tangent inc.

Limp Gawd
Oct 5, 2006
i rebuilt my media center today and it is not booting into windows. post is fine and i can enter bios no problem. i booted into partition magic fine and windows reinstall menu runs fine but i did not reinstall windows. when i try to boot into windows i get a blue screen but my system restarts before i can read what it says. this also happens when trying to enter safe mode. i only changed my cpu mobo and video card, everything else carried forward from my old system. i don't know where to start or what i need to send back if anything.

current setup:
opti 180 - new
Foxconn NF4K8MC-EKRS - new
gigabyte 8600gts silent pipe - new
corsair TWINX2048-4400PRO - old
bluegears ensirer - old
First, uncheck "automatically restart" under system failure
This will let you read the bsod.

Well I guess this would be pretty hard to do if it won't even boot to safe mode, huh?
Guess I should read a little better before getting trigger happy.
haha thanks anyway man... yeh im not really sure what i am going to do about diagnosis. i have a system in my house i can use to test the 8600gts ram and blue gears card but my mobo and opti are the only 939 parts in my house. i also ran a search and found nothing on compatibility issues with my ram and mobo.

when trying to enter safe mode it reboots at " ESC to cancel loading STPD.sys"
You changed major component of the system, thus the reason for the BSOD.

You could try to repair windows, but it may fail. You may need to reinstall your OS.

Good luck :)
repairing worked fine but it would not activate widows. when i tried to click OK to activate, windows would log off. i ended up unplugging my sound card and sata drives which prompted the reactivate menu allowing me to go into my profile so i could install the ethernet drivers and activate over the internet. after the drivers i plugged in my blue gears and sata drives prompting the reactivate for the thirded time and everything works as needed.

thanks guys,