Bluetooth audio question


[H]F Junkie
Apr 13, 2000
I'm not sure if computer audio is the right place for this question.

Ok, so I've about had it with WindowsXP Pro SP2 and my bluetooth handsfree Jabra earpiece. Its paired, then I have to manually go to settings->control panel-> sounds and audio devices, and go to audio tab and manually select the bluetooth device to have audio stream to the earpiece, under sound playback, default device.

Now, it will work for a day, but if I don't use it for a while, it defaults back to the original audio device. Now, when I pair the piece of shit, the bluetooth device is not available under sounds and audio devices in the audio tab. WTF. Yet the earpiece is paired. AND I have handsfree unit service AUTOMATICALLY STARTED under the bluetooth configuration.

My question is, how does Vista handle bluetooth? Is it this much of a pain in the ass? Often times I have to restart Firefox if its already streaming audio to my speakers, in order for it to switch to the bluetooth headset, if I switch default audio to bluetooth instead of my soundcard.