

May 10, 2006
Well, I got blur...

that's all I can really say about it...

I got the game through steam, I updated video/audio/everything else

I can't get the game to start for crap, nothing I've done.. cerified files this and that... nothing.

Starts loading then... boom blur.exe has stopped working (lazy bastard!)

Anyone else get the game yet and have this issue? or had it and fixed it?

Windows 7 Pro x64
AMD Phenom II 940 @ stock
4GB Kingston HyperX
Corsair P64 SSD
HT Omega Striker 7.1
Video card?

Do you have the latest drivers? Have you tried running the .exe in compatibility mode with Vista or XP? Your sure everything download properly?
damn I can't believe I forgot to put the video card... gah!

a single ATI 4870 1GB

tried vista/xp compatibility modes nada

when I try DirectX it says it's already current no need to install

I redownloaded all drivers/directx within the last 2 hours now so I know everything is up to date...

I went on steam forums and only 1 person so far has posted this problem with no response as of the last time I checked it.

I'm also redownloading it AGAIN... maybe 3rd time is the charm?

EDIT: nope, reinstall didn't work either
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I'll let ya know, I just bought it, it'll be a few hours for the download.

It looks dead sexy and at least worth $40 of fun. I haven't enjoyed a good car game since Gran Turismo.

I'm really starting to hate Steam for its ease of use and simplicity to spend my hard earned money in the blink on an eye. I've bought like 6 recently, I think prior to that my last game purchase was WoTLK :D Its really just so easy, and the sales are killing me ;)
I've got runs well. I'm getting about 70fps average @ 1920x1200 with 4X AA on a GTX 275 and FW196.34.

Haven't had any problems, so I'm afraid I can't be of any use to the OP.
I guess I could... nothing else I have really has much on video card power... but I guess if it will atleast start I'll know it's my comp
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in the event viewer I got this on the times it crashed

Faulting application name: Blur.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4bf4184e
Faulting module name: Blur.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4bf4184e
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x002844e9
Faulting process id: 0x5a4
Faulting application start time: 0x01cafce21dde2a45
Faulting application path: d:\steam\steamapps\common\blur\Blur.exe
Faulting module path: d:\steam\steamapps\common\blur\Blur.exe

I googled that exception code and it says access violation...

I have it set to run as administrator under compatibility on the blur.exe didn't change anything... should I do the same thing to the steam exe too? (didn't work either)
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I don't know how to change where steam installs the games, I don't have them on C: because I use an SSD and well it can't hold my steam games (5 games installed, 40GB used on D) so I installed steam and whatnot on D for that reason.
I don't know how to change where steam installs the games, I don't have them on C: because I use an SSD and well it can't hold my steam games (5 games installed, 40GB used on D) so I installed steam and whatnot on D for that reason.

I put mine on a second drive problems with that...


Just wondering, does "run as administrator" give the .exe access to any .dll on your computer?

Let it be known, Blur MIGHT have issues with 5.1 audio, I switched to stereo and I R now playing... game is fun!

I was reporting back in after install for ya, all is fine here and glad ya got it working there.
as far as customization goes... so far.. just paint, solid 1 color... unless you get more options later on when you unlock them.
I've only played it about thirty minutes yesterday but I'm enjoying it. It's certainly not DiRT 2 or even Split/Second in the graphics department but it seems to emphasis playability over eye candy, and I'm okay with that. With the 3-day holiday weekend coming up, I'm hoping to log some more time on it and Split/Second.
yeah it's even more of a port then the others, it uses Xinput for game pads, which most of the Pc stuff uses directinput. You can use a 360 controller :-P

also means no steering wheels either. I've never had many racing games on the PC so I'm comfortable with pre-config #2
Looks like I may be getting this game TODAY. How's the multiplayer?

It's fun in my opinion, there's constant action. Positions constantly change due to the powerups. There's not a ton of people online overall, but you can always get in a nearly full game so it really doesn't matter.
yeah I had a lot of fun on multiplayer, but yeah not real populated yet.... I just don't like all the lvl 50's that took advantage of the debug menu left in the game after release, seems a bit unfair.
I've heard a lot of arguments for both sides, just like any game really...

Game limitations on both sides, game play annoyances, all games have em...

Fortunately for me, mine was a issue that was resolved rather easily, just not as soon as I had originally hoped.

On that note actually, I changed the in game audio to surround and now I can leave my 5.1 settings on now and everything works fine.

I've found the game to be extremely fun, and a friend of mine got it we played most of the morning, had great fun talking crap, shooting each other, and of course teaming up against others at times. Now I just have to get the rest of my friends to join in ...
Absolutely fantastic game. There isn't even a contest between this and Split/Second (which I unfortunately own). I love the powerups and how skill is rewarded instead of simply pressing a button to trigger something -- you have to actively aim and use much, much more precision/talent to win a race. Way more cars, more maps, more content, 60+ fps (no ridiculous 30fps cap), AA settings, runs smooth, great soundtrack, many MP modes...I have a hard time thinking of negatives about the game. I do wish there was a chat feature - some races really need a "good game" or discussion after them they're so action packed. This and trackmania united forever are my favorite racing / arcade sims. I admit I'm not a fan of pure racing games at all: dirt, grid, etc -- I barely like driving a vehicle in real life as it is, haha.
Blur multiplayer is fucking awesome. I got Split/Second coming in as well, hopefully it'll arrive this week.

From what I've heard S/S single player > Blur single player but Blur multiplayer > S/S multiplayer.

Only bad thing about Blur is the low player count online. Hard to get 20 man races together much less any of the other events aside from skirmish racing and the occasional motor mash.
Hard to get 20 man races together much less any of the other events aside from skirmish racing and the occasional motor mash.
It's hard to get 10 man races together (67 players in skirmish and I wait 10 minutes to get into a 3-man race. There are 15 people online playing motor mash at the moment.
I've got runs well. I'm getting about 70fps average @ 1920x1200 with 4X AA on a GTX 275 and FW196.34.

Haven't had any problems, so I'm afraid I can't be of any use to the OP.

That's odd, I'm running the same res with no AA and it's nowhere near 70 FPS. It was lagging in the menu alone with 4X AA, so I turned it off. Seems like this game doesn't support SLI, and/or something else is wrong with it for me.
So you guys know when you get wrecked and your car becomes transparent for a little bit? Well I think it's a glitch or something, but I'll be driving just fine and my car will hit the brakes and become transparent. Usually leading to me respawning. There's a few other glitches/bugs I've noticed.

Hopefully they get fixed, along with the menu in Eyefinity.
I know what your talking about, I sometimes (not often but enough to notice) just go transparent and it's like a wrecked... sometimes I re spawn and sometime I actually come back and start going again. Either way it's annoying... I was thinking it was some kinda of connect interruption or something maybe.
I wish there was either Voice communication or at least text chat.

Also, I've been having problems where Blur will sometimes start without sound, or the sound will cut out. :(
That's odd, I'm running the same res with no AA and it's nowhere near 70 FPS. It was lagging in the menu alone with 4X AA, so I turned it off. Seems like this game doesn't support SLI, and/or something else is wrong with it for me.

Try disabling SLI, see what happens.