BMW Self-Balancing Concept Motorcycle


Aug 20, 2006
The Motorrad Vision Next 100 is BMW’s idea of what a futuristic motorcycle should be. It’s a zero-emission bike with self-balancing wheels that allow it to stand upright even at a full stop.
Well, I wanted to say I want one, but it will probably cost like 100K or something. I do like the looks very much and would definitely like to ride one.
All motorcycles are self-balancing at speed. The only advantage here would be when coming to a stop, that you wouldn't have to put your foot down. I doubt it could stay upright when parked though forever, so you'd still need a kick stand.

Nice of BMW to also promote riding without a helmet or armored motorcycle attire.
I would never buy one just from the simple fact that you have to wear that visor instead of a helmet. What jackass thought that would be a great idea?!?!
Looks like a Ducati Diavel mated with the predator in some fucked up Tron fantasy.

And yes. Apparently people in the future people have caught a case of the stupids and stopped wearing helmets. You would have thought that by then those dumb fucks would have been mowed out of existence.

It's also funny that a woman and a BMW rider at that needs the assistance of technology to ride a powered bicycle. Calling it now - Feminazi sjw trigger uproar

What's next, anti trip shoes? Hell yes!

So let me get this right, they have put a heavy and/or fast spinning gyro on this bike. What if it goes faulty and stays on and you did not find out until your next corner? This really seems like something that could go terribly wrong.
Beautiful show bike though. I suspect we will see some of it's tech show up in their other bikes. I have long wanted a hud for my motorcycle helmet. I have always liked the idea of bar end controls, where the cabling all runs through the handlebars.
No head protection. Model with a masculinazed hair cut, vynil audio at the start, valve'ed audio at end. It is a Tron motorcycle, with references to 80's audio and 90's hair cut.
I can forgive the hair cut.
i can ignore the absence of head protection for artistic liberty.
But the presence of vynil and valves on audio equipment in a 2016 commercial demands torches and pitchforks.
No head protection. Model with a masculinazed hair cut, vynil audio at the start, valve'ed audio at end. It is a Tron motorcycle, with references to 80's audio and 90's hair cut.
I can forgive the hair cut.
i can ignore the absence of head protection for artistic liberty.
But the presence of vynil and valves on audio equipment in a 2016 commercial demands torches and pitchforks.

And a strap on
No head protection = death trap.
Even cyclists need head protection.
Falling off when stationary isnt the major issue, its hitting things.
Gyros and wind deflectors cant prevent that.
Bulky glasses are likely to add serious injuries!

I'm amazed they want to have this association.
Ggggaaaaayyyyyyyy. Just put training wheels on a big boy bike and let her "find her femininity" or whatever they were trying to convey in that commercial on that.
Still trying to figure out why some of you have an issue with this bike? Seems to me to be something safer than most of what is on the road today.
bike looks good, and should be my choice to wear a helmet or not....
didn't realize there were so many helmet police on this site.. wow

I'd rather just have a kickstand... save a lot of unessary weight and money
on gyro...

I'd consider buying this bike if it could go from 0-60mph in less than 2 seconds
and 1/4 mile < 10.5 seconds , :)
and cost less than $15,000 usa..,
No head protection = death trap.
Even cyclists need head protection.
Falling off when stationary isnt the major issue, its hitting things.
Gyros and wind deflectors cant prevent that.
Bulky glasses are likely to add serious injuries!

I'm amazed they want to have this association.

smh, its a concept where the point is to think beyond the limits of the box. Not sure many of you guys crying nanny rules get it?
Dude seriously, you gonna go round in circles? It's a fucking concept vehicle, get over yourself.
You are causing the problem.
I made a valid comment about the concept, you seem to be opposed to them.
Address the comment not me.
interesting, looks cool and I'm glad to see manufactures pushing bikes forward...its very sleek but does it even exist? its funny how some people look at the safety equipment that is absent...around here most everyone wears full helmet, jacket, jeans, boots, gloves...but riding between just MD and PA you see a massive shift between gear and no gear (those PA guys are troopers riding on the highway with no lid!), then roll south to NC and you see guys with no jackets or jeans but out west they are tooled up and safe again.

as for the visor instead of a helmet, I think that is just BMW getting us ready for their integrated hud helmet visor they should be rolling out (and licensing) pretty soon. it will be able to connect to your phone or gps to give you some map information and your bike for fuel/mileage type useful information. should include audio/communication and recording capability too. showing it without a helmet just details how small it is. also they wanted us to the see the pretty girl :D
interesting, looks cool and I'm glad to see manufactures pushing bikes forward...its very sleek but does it even exist? its funny how some people look at the safety equipment that is absent...around here most everyone wears full helmet, jacket, jeans, boots, gloves...but riding between just MD and PA you see a massive shift between gear and no gear (those PA guys are troopers riding on the highway with no lid!), then roll south to NC and you see guys with no jackets or jeans but out west they are tooled up and safe again.

as for the visor instead of a helmet, I think that is just BMW getting us ready for their integrated hud helmet visor they should be rolling out (and licensing) pretty soon. it will be able to connect to your phone or gps to give you some map information and your bike for fuel/mileage type useful information. should include audio/communication and recording capability too. showing it without a helmet just details how small it is. also they wanted us to the see the pretty girl :D

In socal, its hilarious to see guys and girls wearing just shorts with a lid on.