Boot/Hard Drive Problem

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Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 20, 2002
<Windows root>System32/hal.dll is either missing or corrupt. Please reinstall the above file.

So that's what it says. I can't even seem to look at the hard drive with my other computer. There's 1 file that i need that's pretty important on it (tax returns) so if anyone has any suggestions please reply.

Thanks in advance.
Originally posted by Munka
try repairing your windows install......that's if you use XP....

I do use XP Pro, but wasn't sure how to use the windows Repair :/.

I boot from cd choose windows repair, and then it says I need a windows recovery disk. Can I mask that with any windows xp computer?
hmmm... this is the problem I suppose, not every windows XP pro disc is the same... if you put it in, and acutally say you want to reinstall windows on the same partition as your current install it should ask you to repair it before it formats...BE CAREFUL AND DON'T FORMAT IT if you got important files on there... If you are desperate, reinstall windows but leave the existing file system intact...I can't say for sure if that will work tho....
Originally posted by Munka
hmmm... this is the problem I suppose, not every windows XP pro disc is the same... if you put it in, and acutally say you want to reinstall windows on the same partition as your current install it should ask you to repair it before it formats...BE CAREFUL AND DON'T FORMAT IT if you got important files on there... If you are desperate, reinstall windows but leave the existing file system intact...I can't say for sure if that will work tho....

Yeah I tried that and it said that it was corrupt or something. :/ And only gave me the option of formatting and the installing.
Anyone know of any good harware recovery software? Anything at all. There's only 1 file I need off of the freakin hd.
easiest way might be to go get a cheap used hdd from a local store, install windows on it, boot into windows then copy the file over, then restart the whole process.

Or even easier, get a machine with windows installed (a friend or an old one you have) copy the file from the hard drive to the new media then reinstall.

Or you could install windows without formatting your harddrive, rather than rehash directions this page goes into some detail on it: