Boot on LAN?

Not sure what you mean by "boot on lan". Are you talking about wake-on-lan or network booting? Wake-on-lan enables you to turn on a computer remotely, over the network. Network booting allows the client computer to pull a boot image off a boot server and boot that image locally.
roninblade said:
networking booting

It does exactly what jpmkm says it does. It allows you to set the machine up to boot from an OS image that resides on a server. It's generally used for diskless workstations.
What I was wondering before I try to dive into this project of mine is if it is possible for a unix server to host a windows XP image for a diskless workstations
ScruffMastahB said:
What I was wondering before I try to dive into this project of mine is if it is possible for a unix server to host a windows XP image for a diskless workstations

Yes. Any OS that can serve the image(s) up via tftp will suffice.