Booting up outside of case


Dec 22, 2005
I currently have an msi neo2 platinum thats dead. It may be a short in the case, or it may be a dead motherboard, so before MSI tech support even bothers with me they want me to test the motherboard outside of the case.

My question is, what kind of surface would be ideal for this? I plan on just sitting the motherboard down on a table, plugging in the power supply, turning it on to see if it works. I have it on one of those black foam sheets currently, but I'm not sure if that would cause some kind of problem once power is going through it. I could take it off the sheet and put it on the table, which is a plastic surface.

Sooooo... what should it be on? ;D
table is fine, or put it on a static bag if you have one. stay away from carpet though :)