Borderland players with ATI?


Oct 16, 2009
The recent benchmarks show a 8800GT beating a 4870 in terms of FPS... The game isn't super smooth for me either, on a q9550 3.7 + 4870x2. I am beginning to think it's a problem the ATI.

What settings/FPS do you guys get with an ATI card?
You mean the benchmarks from a german site that is heavily tilted towards nVidia?

4870 (friends, I don't have many ATi cards anymore), runs at 1080p (dell monitor :p) at 60fps. Dunno about the settings, but he is a stickler for them.
4870 here at 1920x1080 i've had no slowdowns at max all settings.

Really? What res do you play at? Everyone I know with ATI cards have struggle playing at a decent clip with Dynamic Shadow and Ambient Occulsion on.
I run at 1080p with my 4870, everything maxed out, and extra graphical settings enabled through .ini tweaking. The game runs between 30 and 60FPS nearly all the time (usually closer to 60). I get a few framerate drops once in a while, but overall it runs quite smoothly.
I basically just enabled all of the graphical features that were disabled. I also increased the shadow resolution and changed a few of the LOD settings, although I haven't noticed any visual difference from that.
I run the game maxed out with a few ini tweaks and the frame rater is super smooth, not a single slow-down.
4850 at 1080p everything maxed never goes below 30fps, stays at 60 fps with dynamic shadows off and abient occlusion on
I am using 8800 GTX, there are many stuttering and slow down in game, in some specific location will drop down to like 10.... which is entirely not acceptable..

no idea how that benchmark site got those numbers...
Hopefully the 9.11 will fix the low performance with dynamic shadows on.
Running it on the rig in my sig, at 1920X1200 with V-Sync on, I'm stuck at 60FPS with no dips. This is even after tweaking the ini to try and give better IQ. I also renamed the exe to UT3 and force 8xAA and 16xAF from Catalyst Control Center. The strange thing is that the AA seems to work on some parts of the scene, but not others. Guess we'll have to wait for AMD to give specific support for this game in their next driver release.
I have the same CPU and Videocard as OP, but I am running my CPU at default speed. Borderlands runs silky smooth with everything maxed.
Im running the same processor at 3.6, same card, and a 30 inch monitor and i had problems with borderlands being all lagged out too. But, after reading on some other forum, the trick is if you are running a 4870x2 or maybe other ATI cards is to rename the .exe file to Bioshock.exe. This will double your frames. I already tried renaming it to UT3.exe and it didnt do anything but Bioshock.exe is the magic trick. Give it a shot ;)
4870 here with rig in sig 1920x1200 maxed no AA i get anywere from 34-62 usually round 40's though hit 60s when im not looking at so much scenery. kinda dissapointed people with lower end cards are geting better performance then me. i to thought it was an ati thing.
1920x1200 Everything max on a 4870x2, with no slowdowns.
I upgraded to a 4870 from an 8800GT and the experience has improved in Borderlands. I went from running the game at 1680x1050 on the 8800GT to 1920x1200 on the 4870.
Anyone with Crossfire then?

No problems. (but then again, if I did I'd throw the computer out the door.)

My son uses a single GTX 285 with everything on and his game is smmoth as silk, even in 4 way CO-OP.
Running a 4850X2 and I have have to turn off dynamic shadows to stay above 30fps. Maybe I'll try disabling crossfire.
single 4890 all settings maxed 1920x1200 and ive never seen it hiccup

***edit to add

running it on win7 x64, 6 gigs ram, i7-920
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4870 Dark Knight 512mb 950mhz core/1000mhz mem in crossfire with a i5-750 @ 4ghz and 4gb ram @ 2ghz 9-9-9-24 1t. win 7 ultimate x64 w/ samsung 1tb f3
consistant slowdown and i can't figure out for the life of me.... most places i can see it stutter noticeably.
My 3850 runs it fine @ 1680x1024 with 4x af 0x aa, all other settings maxed except ambient occlusion unchecked. Some slow down occurs when I'm upclose while gibbing an enemy, but otherwise it feels smooth. I'll run fraps when I get home.
There still seems to be a lot of problems with people with Crossfire who get medicore performance...

anyway, I wanted to try the bioshock.exe renaming trick, but I can't, since I'm on Steam... Any way to get around this?
System in sig, i get some slowdowns but its really random. Ive used the bioshock.exe trick to try and even it out. Sometimes the game will run great, then others it will drop really low.
There still seems to be a lot of problems with people with Crossfire who get medicore performance...

anyway, I wanted to try the bioshock.exe renaming trick, but I can't, since I'm on Steam... Any way to get around this?

Yes. Download the fixed exe(nocd exe) from GCW, I used the Reloaded one. Basically the retail game and the steam install are the same, just a modified exe. Use the nocd one and the game loads(not through the steam shortcut though, you'll have to make your own). Rename it to bioshock.exe or ut3.exe, and AA works.

It's worth noting that the way Gearbox did the cell-shading borders means the AA is subtle at best, even at the highest possible settings. The black borders are jagged and it doesn't seem like AA can do anything to fix that.
Yes. Download the fixed exe(nocd exe) from GCW, I used the Reloaded one. Basically the retail game and the steam install are the same, just a modified exe. Use the nocd one and the game loads(not through the steam shortcut though, you'll have to make your own). Rename it to bioshock.exe or ut3.exe, and AA works.

It's worth noting that the way Gearbox did the cell-shading borders means the AA is subtle at best, even at the highest possible settings. The black borders are jagged and it doesn't seem like AA can do anything to fix that.

I've already tried this, but the game gave me a lot of sync errors and I couldn't launch. Even with Steam off.
Strange, try a different exe? It worked for me, although AA doesn't do very much.
Two 4850's in crossfire here. 30fps+ depending on how I set it up. No complaints at all.
I'll try it when I get home. Did you notice a big performance boost?

*performance* boost? I've just realized you were talking about Crossfire, and in that case I have to admit I don't know what you should expect. I was referring to being able to force AA settings from the Catalyst Control center. I have no idea if it will help Crossfire performance or not, sorry :(
Im running the same processor at 3.6, same card, and a 30 inch monitor and i had problems with borderlands being all lagged out too. But, after reading on some other forum, the trick is if you are running a 4870x2 or maybe other ATI cards is to rename the .exe file to Bioshock.exe. This will double your frames. I already tried renaming it to UT3.exe and it didnt do anything but Bioshock.exe is the magic trick. Give it a shot ;)
I remember someone said they changed the name of their exe and then it wouldn't launch through Steam.
Killdozer; read the posts above yours(namely, mine).
Heh, thanks for pointing that out.

I tried the one that didn't require mounting an image and launching directly with the Borderlands.exe did work, and of course changing the name didn't work either. For shits and giggles I tried launching, through Steam, with the correct name Borderlands.exe and it still didn't work. Every time Windows would give an error message and the game wouldn't launch.