Borderlands 2 with PhysX video

That was nice I played Borderlands the original on the PS3 and didn't see any of that.
Seems like a steaming pile of TWIMTBP bullshit to me.
Wow, that's pretty cool!

My GTX 670 FTW is on its way.....and I got a free copy of Boarderlands 2 with it! :cool:
It looks cool in the videos, but unless you are the type that likes to anally mess around with objects in the environment, you are unlikely to even notice. I recently bought both Batman games during the Steam sale, and I didn't even notice the effects. I had to watch a youtube video to know what I was supposed to look for.
It looks cool in the videos, but unless you are the type that likes to anally mess around with objects in the environment, you are unlikely to even notice. I recently bought both Batman games during the Steam sale, and I didn't even notice the effects. I had to watch a youtube video to know what I was supposed to look for.

I loved Batman AC and also got it during the steam sale. Nobody had to tell me about the particle effects to notice and it adds to the immersion. Saying that you will be unlikely to notice and dismissing it graphical enhancement is disingenuous. I remember vividly running through clouds of smoke and really appreciating the enviroments.

Look through this one video of Batman AC and tell me its no big deal:

All games should have this by now. It looks awesome.
Already saw the video, that is why I said I had to lookup the video to notice it. Honestly, if the smoke had not been there it would not have made a big difference to me. I liked the games, but like I said I am not the type to stop and mess around with papers on the floor and stuff in games. Is it nice to have, yes, but if it weren't there, it wouldn't really bother me either.

What I am getting at is, developers need to use PhysX in a way that meaningfully impacts the gameplay experience; using physics with stuff that is actually crucial to gameplay. Otherwise you have to be the type that likes to mess around with stuff in the environment for no apparent reason. Or they need to start using it in 50x the number of things they are using it in now, so you don't have to purposely look for the 5 things it is used for in each physx supported game.

I loved Batman AC and also got it during the steam sale. Nobody had to tell me about the particle effects to notice and it adds to the immersion. Saying that you will be unlikely to notice and dismissing it graphical enhancement is disingenuous. I remember vividly running through clouds of smoke and really appreciating the enviroments.

Look through this one video of Batman AC and tell me its no big deal:

All games should have this by now. It looks awesome.
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Well, at least it is fun to blow up the shit with PhysX while non-PhysX can't do shit about it.

Oh I agree it adds to the game, I just think "forcing" devs into using their closed system of implementing those types of effects when other graphics card are equally as capable of using them under an open solution is the worst kind of anti-competitive behavior, that only serves to hurt consumers.
Unfortunately, that's how differentiation in the marketplace works. Team green has their "standards" that separate them from Team Red. I swing both ways...

Oh I agree it adds to the game, I just think "forcing" devs into using their closed system of implementing those types of effects when other graphics card are equally as capable of using them under an open solution is the worst kind of anti-competitive behavior, that only serves to hurt consumers.
"with physx - water spewing everywhere from a leaking pipe, nice effects"
"without physx - the leaking pipe and water isnt even there"

nice comparison lol
Call me a sucker. Ordered an EVGA GTX 670 FTW from Newegg for 369 plus free Borderlands 2, which I had already pre-ordered. Effectively 300 bucks for the upgrade.
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What I am getting at is, developers need to use PhysX in a way that meaningfully impacts the gameplay experience; using physics with stuff that is actually crucial to gameplay.

You will likely never see that. Doing so it will alienate the AMD crowd from the game, and if I'm a PC developer, I'm going to want a hell of a lot more nVidia "bribe" money before I agree to make a PC game that only roughly half of the market can play. (going by the current steam hardware survey)

Not to mention how difficult it would be to make sure all those gameplay effecting physics effects stay sync'd between 2 or more computers if I'm doing a multiplayer title.

Thats why you will always see it used for nothing more than special effects and gloss, that have no direct impact on gameplay.
I went from 2 gtx 460 768mb in sli to one gtx 660 Ti. Do you guys think it is a good idea to keep one of the 460s for a dedicated physx card for Borderlands 2? My only concern is that will for force the 660 Ti to run a 8x pci-e instead of 16x.

Oh I agree it adds to the game, I just think "forcing" devs into using their closed system of implementing those types of effects when other graphics card are equally as capable of using them under an open solution is the worst kind of anti-competitive behavior, that only serves to hurt consumers.

No, it doesn't hurt consumers.
If there were no PhysX, there would be no such effects for both Nvidia and AMD customers. It costs time and money to implement them and publishers want the games finished quickly and cheaply.

PhysX: At least Nvidia customers get added value
No PhysX: No one gets added value

I seriously doubt that PhysX is holding back the development of these features in form of an open standard. That will come when the time is right, i.e. when the new console generation and newer iterations of game engines appear.
You will likely never see that. Doing so it will alienate the AMD crowd from the game, and if I'm a PC developer, I'm going to want a hell of a lot more nVidia "bribe" money before I agree to make a PC game that only roughly half of the market can play. (going by the current steam hardware survey)

Not to mention how difficult it would be to make sure all those gameplay effecting physics effects stay sync'd between 2 or more computers if I'm doing a multiplayer title.

Thats why you will always see it used for nothing more than special effects and gloss, that have no direct impact on gameplay.

well given that the first borderlands had nvidia stamped all over it, not to mention the splash screen you couldn't skip even though you could skip all the others. i don't think the developers had much or any say if they had to continue using nvidia's shit in the second game.
It looks cool in the videos, but unless you are the type that likes to anally mess around with objects in the environment, you are unlikely to even notice. I recently bought both Batman games during the Steam sale, and I didn't even notice the effects. I had to watch a youtube video to know what I was supposed to look for.

Haha you funny. You a funny man. How do you look at that video and then say "oh you can barely notice it!" It's literally happening every time he throws a grenade or even shoots an enemy in the video. So yea you're right, if you're the type that doesn't play video games, you won't notice how the video game looks like. XD
Thats why you will always see it used for nothing more than special effects and gloss, that have no direct impact on gameplay.


The only way for physics to be part of the game is if it's part of the main cpu game loop. At which point, you're not using physX (or any other api) which renders it all pointless.

Carmack knew this instantly when PhysX came out and has been laughing to himself every day since. PhysX will only ever be 'after effects'.

The only way for physics to be part of the game is if it's part of the main cpu game loop. At which point, you're not using physX (or any other api) which renders it all pointless.

Carmack knew this instantly when PhysX came out and has been laughing to himself every day since. PhysX will only ever be 'after effects'.

Don't see a problem with that, at this point. Considering how much effort people go through to improve textures, SMAA injectors, etc the visual improvement you get from properly done "after effect" physics is enormous. I loved Borderlands 1, and seeing this video was enough for me to switch over to Nvidia after my last Nvidia card was a Ti4200.
I loved Borderlands 1, and seeing this video was enough for me to switch over to Nvidia after my last Nvidia card was a Ti4200.

Nvidia will be happy to know that their TWGMTP marketing dollars are resulting in new card sales!:D