Borderlands 3 months in - lasting appeal?

Sep 30, 2004
Just curious, my friend and I are having WoW fatigue. Interested if people who bought this game back in October are still playing? or is the games' long-term content lacking?
Think I got to a Lvl 25 character before I got bored with it.
Kyle - how much time did you invest in it? Would you say it was worth your money - or look else where?

I have my internal scoring system.......kinda a pass/fail personally. When I think back and wonder if a game was good, I think did I finish it. If I actually took the time to play it through, it goes on the pass list. But I know a lot of folks really enjoyed that game, and if you got three solid months of gameplay out of it for $50, that is a pretty good deal. The whole RPG thing does not sit well with me....I am already over ME2....just moves too damn slow with all the cut scenes....I would rather watch a movie.
the game is not bad at all... i played it on the PC and liked it. But the FOV was really hard to get past. The menu system is also a mess imo. I played (let me check on steam) 16 hours... wow ... i tought i played maybe 6-7 hours.

Maybe wait for a good deal to come up and snatch it.
I'd say you can get a full 2 play through's out of the game before getting bored.

However, that depends if you play it co-op, going solo gets old after a while.

You can probably complete two runs in under two weeks. I got the platinum trophy in about 9 days.
I put about 20 hours in it. However, that was all with friends. I never played it otherwise.
While I have played a lot of Borderlands, I think the game gets worse the more you play it. I hate having the enemies scale in level with my characters, it just make me feel like I need to shoot them in the face more times as I level, instead of giving me the ability to tear through packs of enemies. Trying Moxxi's with high level characters takes FOREVER to clear through the waves, its a joke. Also the itemization is terrible (especially in the expansions) and half the time you struggle to get something, the reward is a POS.

If the gamer had enemies that stayed the same level, and well designed weapons instead of a bunch of random crap that usually sucks, it would be perfect (aside from the moderately terrible UI)...
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Its better when you have people to play with. But it still doesn't have much to offer once you've beaten it.
I did 60+ hours on it, great fun for me! And I think I could still do more.

The online multiplayer was fucked at launch, and they fixed it recently, when it was already dead :(.
havent played it in a good month or so. dont see myself touching it again tbh.
I beat it once all the way through. it was good for that but i dont see any value in completing multiple playthroughs. I started it but never even got close to done. Its a good game but I very rarely play through a game more than once
i got it for christmas and played it (solo and multiplayer) right up until ME2 came out. eventually i'll go back to it, i'm not nearly as excited as i used to be to play it, but it's pretty good. i think it depends on the type of gamer you are. if you enjoy games like diablo2 and liked to keep killing the same enemies in the same levels over and over again, it's great.

btw i say that as an avid diablo2 fan
I played Borderlands only with friends, was not that good solo.....

I played it up until MW2 came out, than I moved to Mass Effect 2
I barely got myself to beat it. It started getting really boring about a quarter way through
My question is whether you need to be at the same level (or close) to your friends in order to play co-op and have it be enjoyable, or does it somehow allow co-op play for people at different levels? Can I twink a new character for a friend if we're at different levels and still have fun?

I got Borderlands cheap in the last Steam sale, but it's in a queue with a few other games, and I haven't played much at all yet. I haven't even bought ME2 because of the other games I've already bought and not played yet.
I played it a lot, around 56 hours according to steam. But I also have an addictive RPG style personality (killing enemies for exp / loot).
Borderlands is great as a coop game, one of the best ever released. Yes it has a lot of flaws but how many coop games do we get? Enemies don't ALWAYS scale, they scale when you enter an area then stop. For instance when you take a mission it's scaled for your character, if you queue up a lot of quests they stay at the level you initiated them. I also believe they expect your character to be at a certain level for each area, if you do lots of sidequests your character is usually overpowered by the time you get to a new area.

Biggest gripes
1) FOV is fucked
2) No randomized level layouts
3) No weapon customization
4) Most of the RPG traits are useless
5) Get fuck all reward for killing the toughest guys, then luck upon an awesome weapon you will use for the next 8 hours and wonder "why isn't there a new gun".

Still fun, just play it coop and you'll have a blast.
wow. Apparently I played 46 hours. Just finished zombie island the other day. i had a problem with the game that seems to be different than everyone elses.

around level 25 [soldier] i found a 4x65d double anarchy 82 round magazine. that combined with my soldier gear that allowed for 13+ ammo and health regen. I basically became invincible. never got hurt and never ran out of ammo. the game just got really boring. even in multiplayer. I lost interest in zombie island because i was expecting it to be more difficult but by the time i got to it i was already level 50 and apparently youre supposed to play zombie island at lv25.

I urge anyone who plays this game don't play as the soldier. there's no challenge what-so-ever. i spent more time going online and warp leveling random people out of boredom. it reminds me of a lot of dreamcast games that were incredibly original ideas but not very well thoughtout.
I thought Borderlands was good, could have been excellent, but the end was insultingly stupid. Worst end since HL2 and no replay value at all, IMO.
I thought Borderlands was good, could have been excellent, but the end was insultingly stupid. Worst end since HL2 and no replay value at all, IMO.

Sorta nullified your statement with calling HL2's ending bad. :D
Borderlands is an incredible game, done "half-right".

The weapons system is uninspired, stats and gun choice feel gimmicky. They effect the player on less dramatic levels than it actually should. Regardless of character choice, you always feel like some gun toting super hero who can use anything and be fairly effective.

Traveling system could be better. For example after completing a quest and your at the far end of the reaches of the desert, the quickest way to get back to town is by actually quitting the game.

Since when you hover over your "yes" button for confirming quitting it says "your progress will be saved" so it dawned on me that it'll put you back at one of the portal stations, oddly enough this has made it somewhat more enjoyable, but its odd and gimmicky.

Instead of creating an easier to understand game, gearbox decided to go with an "easier to play game", it really is stupid easy. For example you can chose to use different guns on different types of mobs and they'll be more effective but there is little explanation of this in game, in the end you'll kill want you want to kill anyways.

The bug list for this game is quite huge also if you ever visit the gear box forum. The multiplayer was unplayable 90% of the time, until recently.

Don't even get me started on the loot system, it makes no sense whatsoever. They keep promoting that "more players = more better loots" however multiplayer was unplayable for so long that most players just don't care about the game anymore.
I love action RPG's and a week in I was tired of Borderlands. Thankfully I borrowed it instead of buying it.
It's a fanatastic co-op game, but has lots of flaws. Still a blast to play through with friends though and the humour in the game was awesome. I played through it twice, and might have worked on other characters but MW2 came out and everyone (including me) is hooked on it like crack.
If you don't have friends willing to co-op with you, it'll last maybe over a playthrough. If you have friends who have it and play it, you'll have tons of fun for awhile.

I bought it 1st day, then recently turned it into gamestop for $42 credit towards Bayonetta. I prefer Bayonetta.
me and a friend are still playing through our second play through, we are both lvl 48 and its a lot of fun to play with a friend, i don't think i would have went past lvl 25 on my own.

the new dlc is coming and from what i understand it is coming with a lot of new content and level cap. i would recommend buying the zombie island dlc but don't bother with the mad moxxie its not worth it.
Loved the single player until the very last drop. I won't spoil the end for you, but it was not the kind I was expecting.

haven't played it in awhile, I got tied back up in Gears 2 with a group of friends. Plan on playing Borderlands with a couple friends online soon, though, once they actually get the fkn game.
Well yeah, the story was weak. They went more for fun gameplay than a good story. Unfortunately I like both in my games...