Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Smaller Than Borderlands 2?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
According to the folks at CVG, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel will be smaller than Borderlands 2 but bigger than the original Borderlands.

"It's pretty big. I don't think it's going to be as big as Borderlands 2," Pitchford said. "It might be as big, or a little bigger, than Borderlands 1. It might be kind of in between the two."
For the Pay2Win Borderlands MMO to work, they need some editing to the plot. :D
I still play BL2. Finally got my character up to the 71 level. I play with the kids and we have a blast together. They both went ape when they saw the Pre-Sequel announcement. Some of the best gaming money I have spent in years. Got the kids into the original as well. :D
SO basically the Prequel is just an expanded DLC...

Still I enjoyed BL2 quite a bit.
Is this game really that good? I've never played either of them, but that's awful high praise coming from a guy known for having high standards and harsh words for poor products.
It's really good, especially the co-op. Even playing with just one other person makes the game ridiculously more fun.
I quit playing during Tiny Tina's DLC. Did you keep pushing through it? I guess the fun ran out on me after playing so much with BL2.
I had the same problem. I've been tempted to play a few times since but I think I need more time away after the incredibly heavy play I gave it. I expect to start again in a couple months and really enjoy it.
I quit playing during Tiny Tina's DLC. Did you keep pushing through it? I guess the fun ran out on me after playing so much with BL2.

Actually I played this DLC start to finish with the kids (11 and 13) and I have to say that I had more fun with this DLC than any other. It was the team aspect that made it awesome though. Some of the humor is a little old for the both, but it makes for GREAT "don't tell your mom" moments. (I actually arranged to have Butt Stallion put on my daughter's BDay cake on Friday. Mom finally caved as long as it did not spell out "Butt Stallion." Daughter is gonna freak with excitement.)
I have all 6 characters at OP8 lol. I have 3000 hours playing according to Steam :)

I need a new Borderlands game for another year and a half of fun.
SO basically the Prequel is just an expanded DLC...

Still I enjoyed BL2 quite a bit.

No, the prequel is by a separate group (2K Australia) and its a whole new game essentially built on top of the BL2 engine with new textures, maps and assets.

Think Arkham Origins, where the publisher wanted the IP to keep producing revenue, so they gave a third party an order for a stopgap title while the real developer worked on the real sequel.

Gearbox is undoubtedly working on Borderlands3/BorderWorlds or whatever they end up calling it, but its not ready and 2K Australia developing BL:TPS gives them more time.
Calling this DLC is just dumb.

Pitchford said. "It might be as big, or a little bigger, than Borderlands 1. It might be kind of in between the two."

That's easily 30 to 40 hours for a single play though if true.
Game is larger than the first game but people still don't think that is good enough to be a game of its own :rolleyes:
They're actually calling this the "Pre-Sequel"? SMH.

Yes, which makes sense if you look at it. They are having fun with what it is. Calling it a prequel suggest it takes place before the other games. So you don't really want that. Calling it a sequel wouldn't be right either as it isn't a sequel to both games. So it is a pre-sequel, a game between prequel to the sequel of borderlands.
Fine by me, I was sick of the game by the time I reached the end. I loved the first game, but the drop rates in BL2 just pissed me off. I didn't find a single legendary weapon my entire play through, and I did every single quest in the game. Having to farm bosses for hours to get a gun was just miserable. Felt like I was playing D3 all over again. I hope the "prequel" is more like the first game, where it was all about being badass and blowing the shit out if stuff, instead of stringing me along so they can sell me more dlc.
Borderlands 2 was fun the first playthrough. The second was only ok. The 3rd was boring and the grinding after the 3rd was outright dumb besides the two good DLC's Tiny tina and torge's badass crater.

Grinding bosses and glitched bosses are not fun, they never were fun and WoW (maybe also EQ) can go DIAF for introducing it to people.
...but the drop rates in BL2 just pissed me off. I didn't find a single legendary weapon my entire play through, and I did every single quest in the game. Having to farm bosses for hours to get a gun was just miserable...

Borderlands 2 was fun the first playthrough. The second was only ok. The 3rd was boring and the grinding after the 3rd was outright dumb besides the two good DLC's Tiny tina and torge's badass crater.

Grinding bosses and glitched bosses are not fun, they never were fun and WoW (maybe also EQ) can go DIAF for introducing it to people.

I played the hell out of BL2 and liked it far more than BL1, but I agree completely on these points... except that (to viscountalpha) the actual king of grind-farming came from good ol' days of Final Fantasy, far pre-dating the grind in any MMO.

Anywho, after finally quitting the FFXI grind for good, then going to a SP/Co-op game and with similar farming requirements was more than a bit off-putting. Out of 20+ tries, I had a single legendary shotgun (the ping... caller...thinger...can't remember the name now) drop from the final story boss. And it was stuck under the corpse, just out of reach. That was a very well-deserved rage quit.