Borderlands - why so hush?

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Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 30, 2001
Anyone else excited about this game coming out? It's like Diablo meets an FPS game. Random item generator for guns and accessories (armors, etc), RPG leveling system. 4 player co op. Arena style PVP (only 4 player though).
Definitely, I got a chance to play it at PAX and it was a lot of fun. The action is just as fast paced as any FPS so if anyone is worried that it's going to feel like you're playing Fallout 3 then you will be happy. I really like the way the damage numbers pop up out of your enemies, like it's a water balloon and the bullets are poking little holes in it while the blood streams out like a waterfall. So cool.
Because since they changed to Loony Toon graphics the game (imho) is gonna suck...Looks like a Wii game now.
Because since they changed to Loony Toon graphics the game (imho) is gonna suck...Looks like a Wii game now.

I kinda like the art style. There are a million supposed hyper realistic FPS's on the market. Good on them for taking it in a different direction I say :)
Because since they changed to Loony Toon graphics the game (imho) is gonna suck...Looks like a Wii game now.

aaaaaaaaaand here we go.

hardcoreness is totally proportionate to how "real" graphics look. True story.

Because since they changed to Loony Toon graphics the game (imho) is gonna suck...Looks like a Wii game now.

I agree. I haven't been interested in the game since they changed. Also it was announced there will be no weapon customizing. That was the nail in the coffin for me.
As long as it is fun and entertaining, I won't care. Looking forward to this one based on what I have seen and heard.
If the gameplay delivers I'll be all over it at some point.
I don't mind no weapon customizing. They could always add DLC or an expansion pack for that. The random gun generator seems cool enough. Shotgun slug firing pistols anyone? :D
I'm plenty excited for it, just trying to forget about it so time passes more quickly until release day :)
I recall a time (last year?) when every single gamer on these sort of forums would bitch for weeks about how awful a company would be to release a game that is bugridden and that the developer should have taken extra time to do more testing/bugfixing.
I recall a time (last year?) when every single gamer on these sort of forums would bitch for weeks about how awful a company would be to release a game that is bugridden and that the developer should have taken extra time to do more testing/bugfixing.

Yep, I'd much rather the devs take their time and release a game with as few bugs as possible rather than push it out the door in a half broken state.

Look at recent releases like Red Faction: Guerilla that had broken 5.1 surround support among multiple other bugs.

Rushing unfinished, buggy products out early just serves to aggravate the consumer and hurts the company image.

As much as I would love to see every game released on time every time. It is in the best interest of the consumer and the company for games to be released "When it is complete".

Special Preorder Bonus:

Borderlands' Unique, and Semiofficial, Preorder Bonus
Mikey Neumann, Gearbox's creative director, wants you to commit to Borderlands now. If his tweet is to be believed, send in a picture of yourself preordering the game today and he'll play with you day one and drop some loot.


Twitter Link

haha, quote from Twitter: "OMFG KOTAKU DID NOT JUST DO THAT TO ME"

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aaaaaaaaaand here we go.

hardcoreness is totally proportionate to how "real" graphics look. True story.


Um no. I AM a self professed graphics whore. If I wanted to play a Wii game I would play the Wii. Look at my sig. I am looking for the upper echelon of graphics when I play PC games. Why in the fuck would I want to play a cartoon on my rig?? If I want to play a game that doesn't cater so much to graphics I boot up the PS3. Judge much?


Valve did the same thing for TF2 and look at how that turned out ... ;)

Yeah, and I have never played it. Well, tried it once but really hated it.
Um no. I AM a self professed graphics whore. If I wanted to play a Wii game I would play the Wii. Look at my sig. I am looking for the upper echelon of graphics when I play PC games. Why in the fuck would I want to play a cartoon on my rig?? If I want to play a game that doesn't cater so much to graphics I boot up the PS3. Judge much?


Yeah, and I have never played it. Well, tried it once but really hated it.

Yeah, you're hardcore dude. I bet you don't play pussy shit like team fortress 2. I mean, LOOK AT YOUR RIG. And art style has EVERYTHING to do with how many pixels your phat rig is pushing.

Yeah, you're hardcore dude. I bet you don't play pussy shit like team fortress 2. I mean, LOOK AT YOUR RIG. And art style has EVERYTHING to do with how many pixels your phat rig is pushing.


Where the hell do you get Im "Hardcore"? First off, that is the gayest shit I have ever heard. I dont have time to play shit I dont like. I work and do the husband and father thing. Second, I dont like fucking cartoon graphics. I dont have a rig that I Iovingly built with my own two hands and bought with money I earned to play fucking cartoon games. Its my fucking opinion. Get off your high horse and call me when you move out of your moms basement.
Where the hell do you get Im "Hardcore"? First off, that is the gayest shit I have ever heard. I dont have time to play shit I dont like. I work and do the husband and father thing. Second, I dont like fucking cartoon graphics. I dont have a rig that I Iovingly built with my own two hands and bought with money I earned to play fucking cartoon games. Its my fucking opinion. Get off your high horse and call me when you move out of your moms basement.

I bet you love action movies like Crank and Gamer dont ya?
Where the hell do you get Im "Hardcore"? First off, that is the gayest shit I have ever heard. I dont have time to play shit I dont like. I work and do the husband and father thing. Second, I dont like fucking cartoon graphics. I dont have a rig that I Iovingly built with my own two hands and bought with money I earned to play fucking cartoon games. Its my fucking opinion. Get off your high horse and call me when you move out of your moms basement.


I'm dying here, seriously. You've got to be putting us on with this. It's like a perfect imitation of angry hardcore gamer.
well, i got the action movie part right :rolleyes: I KNEW IT!

Ahhhh, bet you didnt know I also like the Wizard of Oz! Watch it when I can with my daughter :D


I'm dying here, seriously. You've got to be putting us on with this. It's like a perfect imitation of angry hardcore gamer.

What pissed me off was your judgmental attitude. Just because I didnt like something you thought I should, you figured it was ok to make assumptions about me when you dont know me. So, Care to make more assumptions?

Yeah, none of that cartoon pussy shit!

And here is another one of your incorrect assumptions. Im a HUGE fan of all the Loony Toons cartoons. Foghorn Leghorn is one of my all time favorites! I grew up when Saturdays was the only day that there were cartoons and Bugs Bunny was what I lived for. Hell, when I was a kid we even called Saturday, Cartoon day.
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Ahhhh, bet you didnt know I also like the Wizard of Oz! Watch it when I can with my daughter :D

What pissed me off was your judgmental attitude. Just because I didnt like something you thought I should, you figured it was ok to make assumptions about me when you dont know me. So, Care to make more assumptions?

And here is another one of your incorrect assumptions. Im a HUGE fan of all the Loony Toons cartoons. Foghorn Leghorn is one of my all time favorites! I grew up when Saturdays was the only day that there were cartoons and Bugs Bunny was what I lived for. Hell, when I was a kid we even called Saturday, Cartoon day.

When you confirm all of the assumptions with your subsequent posts it's pretty easy man.

As for cartoons, the fact that you still think this game is one is what continues to be the most laughable.
When you confirm all of the assumptions with your subsequent posts it's pretty easy man.

As for cartoons, the fact that you still think this game is one is what continues to be the most laughable.

noob, you are just the epitome of fail...keep on with your thinking everyone has to believe everything you do. I have better things to do than to answer another one of your ass-u-ming post. Have a nice life!:cool:
noob, you are just the epitome of fail...keep on with your thinking everyone has to believe everything you do. I have better things to do than to answer another one of your ass-u-ming post. Have a nice life!:cool:

You'll deserve your hardcore graphics when you upgrade those slow as hell 280GTX's. You haven't even over-clocked them. That is hardly a FTW system. Don't complain about poor graphics in Borderlands when your system can hardly even handle the cartoony graphics.

Please respond to my ass-u-ming post. You won't since you something better to do? By that I'm guessing finally upgrading your system? or at least over-clocking it. Have a nice life!
Guys, calm the fuck down or make your own damn post about pissing in each others' cereal. I'm pretty sure there's more to this post than why people hate the cartoony graphics. If the other post is any indication, more people welcome the cell shaded graphics than the people that are against it.

I made this thread to promote discussion of this forthcoming game, not talk about beating a dead horse.

"Other" post:

For the people bitching:
Reminds me of people who didn't like windwaker because of the cell shaded shit. That game kicked fucking ass.
Reminds me of people who didn't like windwaker because of the cell shaded shit. That game kicked fucking ass.

The game was pretty cool, but I for one would have liked a darker more realistic zelda. Especially after Ocarina of time which cannot be topped. My opinions are the same as some others. Borderlands looks fun as an rpg, but I was definately more excited the first time I saw this game in the old videos.
Already pre-ordered mine.... Cant wait! :)

I love the style there pushing on this one, its a bit on the different side, which will allow it a chance to flourish on its own. I give Gearbox credit on this one and am looking foward to playing the finished product!
Randy Pritchford answered some questions about the pc version in a Shacknews comment thread.

I guess I'll step up, since I'm here and all :)

But I'm not going to say too much since apparently talking about the game means we're desperate and over-hyping it ;)

The PC version is nice - it's the best looking version easily and you can get the best performance there, too (if you've got the rig for it).

It's a legit PC game and our dev team has been building on PC from the start. The game assumes a mouse and keyboard configuration - not a joystick config. There are some cool PC-only touches like timedemo for benchmarking and a tool to export item cards at .JPG's in case people want to make thottbot or wowwiki like databases of all the loot tables and drop rates and such.

I'm apologize for not haven't talked about the PC version that much. The lesson with this thread is that when we talk about the game, some Shack people say, "They must be desperate because they're talking about the game!" When we don't talk about some aspect of the game, some Shack people say, "Why aren't they talking about the game? They must be hiding something!" Heh.

Most of the people on Shack are pretty cool, though, so I'll quit my QQ'ing.

Anyway - the game is fun - I think it's the best we've done. If layering Diablo style leveling and loot on top of Call of Duty or Halo style FPS sounds like your thing, you'll probably like it. It's a new pitch, though, so you can always play it safe with something you can know what to expect with - Halo ODST and Call of Duty 6 are the obvious known quantities.
He also confirmed it would be on Steam
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