Bought 1st laptop, what next?

May 14, 2005
Ok guys, Just ordered my first laptop!!

My question to you is what type of software and accessories should I look into?
I have MS Office.

What do you guys have and suggest for:
Helpful software?
Spare time games?
Entertainment software?
Productivity software?

Oh yah here are some articles on laptop accessories you might be interested in:

Thanks ahead of time!!

Hay congrats on the purchase!
It might be helpful if you give us an idea of what you plan on using the laptop for so we can make useful suggestions for programs and accessories.
If you're like me and have 2 usb slots but 4 or more usb devices (mouse, keyboard, PDA, iPod, external HDD, Jumpdrive), then you'll want to look into getting a USB hub.

Also I've found the backpack-style carrying bags to be much more comfortable than the standard side-carrying bags.'s up to you, it's really the same as what you would put on a desktop computer. On my laptop I use:

MS Office
World of Warcraft
And all my software needed for work...
Donk3y said:
Hay congrats on the purchase!
It might be helpful if you give us an idea of what you plan on using the laptop for so we can make useful suggestions for programs and accessories.

I have a main system in my office at home so this will be used wirelessly around the house, on business trips, and will probably go just about everywhere :D with me!!

Word and excel will be used for reports and such for work and I will be updating my site and writing articles for my book / site.

Movies, MP3's, and Photos will also be the norm...

I hope to be able to at least run Civ 4 on this for nights away from home but I'm not sure how that will go.

I thought some productivity or game packages might be recommended by you in the know.

The system I bought also has bluetooth,,, wanna give me a link to some good info on this or tell me how you use it...

First head over to and pickup something to carry it around in. Grab a ethernet & modem cable, and a external mouse. Those are the only things I carry with me most of the time and haven't had the need for any other accessories.

As for software, same stuff you use on your desktop :)

And congrats on the laptop, looks like a nice unit.
I would recommend the Vantec notebook cooler with the variable speed fans and the USB hub. Very convenient.
I usually carry a crossover cable in my laptop bag.

Make sure you have anti-virus, spyware, and firewall. Several threads alreaady on that topic.

For videos I use VLC player, and sometime Media player classic with FFD show, Quicktime alt. and Real alternative. For a picture viewer I use IRfanview. Also Winrar, and/or 7-zip come in handy. Install the latest versions of you video drivers, Direct X, and Acrobat. Gaim for instant messaging.
Nomad said:
I would recommend the Vantec notebook cooler with the variable speed fans and the USB hub. Very convenient.
Excellent!!! I would have never thought of that...

I have a phone line and an Ethernet cable already for it, I'm gonna pick out a case at a local retailer because I wanna see the size and such....

Virus and spy-ware, check! Compression software, Picture / movie software, check!

How about a keyboard and mouse - did you go bluetooth?
I have all BT. Very nice because I can drop my mouse in my bag and use it without a dongle (BT built into laptop)