Bought a Coolermaster CM690 having problems after install


Jan 11, 2005
Hey everyone,

I bought a new case, Coolermaster CM690, I'm expecting my i7 setup to arrive any day now but I wanted to test out the case with my current mobo/cpu. I have a Gigabyte M55plus-SG3 + X2 3800+, it's a backup system. I placed the mobo in the case, connected all the front panel stuff, my video card, ram etc.

My problem is I don't get any video at all. No post, no video, nothing, my monitor just stays in power saving mode. I've tried resetting the CMOS like it states in the mobo manual but no luck. I don't know what to do :( I can't think of anything else. I've never had this problem before and the setup was working just fine in my old tower. I get al lthe bootup noises, DVD spins, fans spinning, HDD's turn on yet no video. I don't have a speaker in the case so I can't hear any error peeps.

Anyone have any suggestions as to what I can try??
If all the hardware is the same as what you had before then .. user installation error. A case isn't going to bork jackshit unless you're sticking the board onto the tray without standoffs, in which case I suggest stepping away and having someone else build your i7 system.
Hit up the stickied Basic Troubleshooting Guide here in General Hardware.
If all the hardware is the same as what you had before then .. user installation error. A case isn't going to bork jackshit unless you're sticking the board onto the tray without standoffs, in which case I suggest stepping away and having someone else build your i7 system.

It's seated properly all mounts are on and secure, I just tried connecting it in my old case and I no longer get video. I just don't understand what could have gone wrong, I grounded myself, unscrewed everything, removed all components and installed the mobo into the coolermaster, connected the front panel stuff, installed the ram, video card / PCI-E molex, PSU 20pin/4pin, SATA HDD's and turned on the system. I don't get any video, no error beeps nothing. I've noticed something on my ATI card though. I don't know if this is normal but when the computer turns on the ATI card has 2 lit red LED's on the top of the card, they don't turn off. I don't remember seeing these before. Is there any way to diagnose what could be wrong with the mobo? I called like 3 computer shops in my area, just to look at it it would cost me 120$CAD, a new motherboard is cheaper than that, and it doesn't even include their labour if something is found.

I'd appreciate some help, the board again is a Gigabyte GA-M55plus-SG3 Rev1
Which video card is it? Are you certain the video card is seated properly and in the right slot? Is the power connected to it from the PSU if necessary? If the LEDs aren't turning off, they're telling you something's wrong.

If it's the 4850 you talk about in other threads, apparently one LED means over-temp protection enabled, and the other is EXT 12V fault. Either it's not seated/connected properly, your PSU isn't strong enough or is faulty, or the card is faulty.
Do you get any post beeps? do the fans spin at all? if not, then follow the directions in the basic troubleshooting guide for no post.
The card is an ATI 4850, yes, the card is 100% seated/connected properly, I'm not a total moron.The LEDs do stay on. I left it on for about 4 minutes with no change. I connected my system speaker to the mobo and I'm not getting any beeps at all. The card does require the PCI-E power connector to run on my system. Now here's the kicker, my board has onboard video/sound etc. If I disconnect my ATI card, all extra HDD's and CD-Rom drives I still don't get any video even after I've reset the CMOS to accept onboard video. Is there any way to test to see if my 4pin/12v connector is faulty?

Do you get any post beeps? do the fans spin at all? if not, then follow the directions in the basic troubleshooting guide for no post.

Fans spin, CD-roms load - open/close, HDD's turn on. No beeps at all.
No beeps? follow the steps in guide, still. basically, do you get beeps without ram and/or a vidcard? make sure you have a system speaker (onboard or from the case).
No beeps at all, none with/out vid/ram nothing. I'm going to go out and pick up a cheap 600w PSU to test out to see if it is my PSU that's screwed or not. I really hope it is, AM2 motherboards are REALLY expensive locally (purchased my mobo on AM2 release for 79.99$CAD, now it costs over 129.99).
No beeps at all, none with/out vid/ram nothing. I'm going to go out and pick up a cheap 600w PSU to test out to see if it is my PSU that's screwed or not. I really hope it is, AM2 motherboards are REALLY expensive locally (purchased my mobo on AM2 release for 79.99$CAD, now it costs over 129.99).

The speaker on your mobo may be all that's busted. As for the original problem, I'd say odds are PSU or vid card.
The speaker on your mobo may be all that's busted. As for the original problem, I'd say odds are PSU or vid card.

I can't see where there would be a speaker on the mobo, tthe case speaker itself doesn't make any noise when connected to the front panel.

I didn't do anything to the video card though, I don't know why it's giving me those LEDs, I really hope it is the 4pin connector. the current PSU is a 5year old 400W ATX PSU thats been used from project to project.

I got my buddy to get me the PSU while I'm assembling everything in the new case.

I'll get back when I've tested everything, I hope with goodnews.
I'm way out of it, don't mind me.

And you didn't do ANYTHING to your card? Because this is from another one of your threads:

I fixed it, I rewired the entire card, it seems whomever built the card screwed up the leads on the 7v/12v pins. I called them up and they told me to RMA it I would have to ship it, that would cost me 3/4 of what I paid for the card, but I have everything working now.

Fan is 100% speed, you can hardly hear that it's on and it's idling at a cool 35C over the stock cooler which was 52C. On load it goes all the way up to 49C with clocks of 695/1190mhz. I applied AS5 to the core and used heatstrip tape on the vram and such to keep the ramsinks on.
that was the fan, I tested the card in my girlfriends acer PC though EXTREMELY TIGHT the card worked, it booted the system just fine. It's definitely not the video card.
Is it out of the case yet, sitting on its mobo box?

whats sitting where?

I tested a new PSU and still no video, everything else turns on. I think my board may have fried somehow... I was grounded the entire time :( I don't know what else to try.
hes saying take it out of your case and sit the mobo on the box it came in, set it up and try it. if it posts, the mobo was grounding itself to the case somewhere.
hes saying take it out of your case and sit the mobo on the box it came in, set it up and try it. if it posts, the mobo was grounding itself to the case somewhere.

Ah ok, I thought he was talking about the video card. If by chance the mobo is being grounded what would that mean exactly? time to contact coolermaster?
it would mean you get to play a game called, "Find the short." :p The steps to setting up the barebone setup are in the basic troubleshooting guide.
I found out the problem, my mobo popped a capacitor without making any noise or smell. I took the system to a buddy of mine and he examined everything until he found that 2 of the caps were discolored near the bases. He gave me an Asus M3A board and everything is working perfectly for the AM2 setup. As for the i7... GODLY.

Thanks a lot for everyones help.