Bought a RETAIL BOXED Seagate 60GB HDD but it turns out it is OEM?


Jan 24, 2006
I bought a 60GB HDD at frys for full price, in BOX competely retail. I put it into my mom's computer and it works fine for the next 2 years, I pull out the drive to RMA it and then to my dismay, I discover that it's an OEM drive. It says "this drive is manufactuered by seagate for OEM distribution. For product information or technical support, contact your system OEM. I'm not sure what to do because for one I don't think they sell this drive anymore and two I bought this drive two years ago from frys. I have a bad feeling someone bought this drive and swapped it and returned it to frys. FYI it's a laptop HDD.
Lappy IDE hdd's can be found cheap on flebay 80gb less then 50$ usually. So the question to ask is your time to RMA and wait for the new/refurbed drive, and dealing with the manufacture worth the cost of a new(ish) drive off fleabay?

I would simply purchase one from fleabay and cut my losses rather then attempting to deal with the Frys non retail HDD issue. FYI this happens a lot at BBY, CC, and Frys. I have been burned a few times so I always check my stuff at the counter in front of the salesperson. Also as a former BBY geekturd i used to see this all the time.

Wouldn't surprise me if somone swapped out the drive and returned it. Fry's is known for resealing things or placing it back up on their shelves.

I would personally just cut my losses.