Bought Cpu, Shipped in Envelope, Envelope is Empty!!!

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Mar 30, 2005
I'm not sure what I'm going to be able to do in this situation.
The shipper shipped it, with tracking number and i'm guessing insurance, but the envelope is empty.
The envelope has flat rate 1 lb postage.... It doesn't appear that the envelope was opened, but then again it opened without any fuss. As in it could of fallen out... in the sorting facility.

What should I do, should I proceed and file a claim with paypal?
Where am I going to be able to stand?
The seller appears to be stand up guy, and I don't think that he sent an empty envelope.

I didn't it buy it from these forums, but I have been lurking on the [H] Since inception... and I feel more comfortable asking here for advice.
Contact the seller, see what he has to say.
If you dont get an acceptable response or no response within 2 business days file a PP claim.
Ok, I pm'd him on the relevent forum. Hopefully it will get resolved. either he ships me a similar cpu, or i get my money back and go back to hunting.
Hopefully he's a good guy and put insurance on the thing...

My buddy got posted to Greenland recently, after just getting married to his long-time GF. His wedding ring had a stone fall out (which he found), so he sent it back stateside in an envelope - when it got here the envelope was empty. No insurance, either. Can you say... shit?
An update, so far the guy says he's going to call usps and see what options there are if any.
He hopes to make good... we'll see how it goes. I'll update further, hopefully someone will gain from this too.

BTW NEVER SEND a CPU in an envelope padded or not... and if you do, at least use more tape, and don't depend on the adhesive.

Ugh more delays on my i7 build.

@Sherk: Oh man that's TERRIBLE!!
He could be scamming you don't count that out. If he is you will most likely get the shaft because paypal will see he shipped something so it will side with him, I doubt insurance will do anything because I know ups and fedex deny insurance claims if packaging was insufficient, if it fell out then it was insufficient, usps denys any responsibility once the package leaves their hands (if it was damaged by them that is different, but missing isn't damage) so they will deny it also. So basically it is all on the seller at the moment hope for the best. I would still try a paypal claim but don't get your hopes up because as far as paypal knows he shipped it and you are trying to scam him.
BTW NEVER SEND a CPU in an envelope padded or not... and if you do, at least use more tape, and don't depend on the adhesive.

If all he used was the adhesive then it's his fault. I tape over the envelope almost entirely with tape and make sure the opening tab is taped over twice.
so he sent you a $200+ cpu in a sh*tty envelope that wasn't secured? smells like a scam to me. file a paypal claim or call your credit card company to do a charge back.
Did he write the address or did he use a prepaid shipping label? If he used a shipping label, he could have entered whatever weight he wanted to and USPS wouldn't care, unless, of course, it was underweight. If it was hand-written, then the weight of 1 pound should be accurate considering it was weighed by USPS.
I didn't it buy it from these forums, but I have been lurking on the [H] Since inception... and I feel more comfortable asking here for advice.

You know the thread at the top of this forum called "Read this before posting" should actually be read before posting. :rolleyes:
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