Bought refurb 6800 was sent pci-e ultra

jgiants said:
Not sure how lucky I am when I spent over 300 bucks on motherboard and cpu to be able to use the 255 buck videocard. Although not top of the line anymore my old p4 running at 3.2ghz was still fine cpu wise. Just that my 9700 non pro was getting dated and starting to chug in alot of things.
You mean how you got to upgrade to an almost top-of-the-line rig for $550, which is ordinarily the cost of JUST a 6800U, IF YOU ARE LUCKY?? The only thing I'D be complaining about is how there's a CHANCE the card is refurb, and even that's not a big issue!
Seriously, congratulations! (Benchmarks... BENCHMARKS!!)
jgiants said:
Not sure how lucky I am when I spent over 300 bucks on motherboard and cpu to be able to use the 255 buck videocard. Although not top of the line anymore my old p4 running at 3.2ghz was still fine cpu wise. Just that my 9700 non pro was getting dated and starting to chug in alot of things.

Kind of was in a bind I was stuck with a videocard I was not sure even would work so I could just not sell it. Now that I know it works I already spent the money on everything else so I will just keep it all and be faster all around.

But its kinda funny in a way I woulda spent less money just buyin a agp GT or somthing hehe

I dont have a digicam so I cant take pictures of anything, but I have no reason to lie about it when I first asked about it a month ago when I was not sure what it was or now that I do.

This is monarch's insidious plan... give out better cards than people order, then rake in the profits when said people have to upgrade the rest of their machine to use it. :p
Getting about 5500 in 3dmark05 and 13500 in 03. My ram is geil pc3200 but only the value stuff at 2.5 8 4 4 on sticker but I have read it overclocks well so I can still try tighter timings on it.

The a64 3200+ I have running at 2.5ghz at moment but it seams to have more in it but that is as high as ntune goes(need to see if that can me changed somewhere) and clockgen crashes my system for some reason.

BIOS overclocking and overclocking in general on the new chaintech vnf4 is not that great, wont post much over 220fsb. Though getting it up to 250fsb with ntune rock stable is not bad so far.