Bought xbox360 last night. G/F takes it over wtf


Jan 27, 2003
So yeah, finally decided to buy a 360 and say the hell with PS3 for now as I really wanted MGS4. Thats okay b/c these upcomming 360 games are to die for. Thats all besides the point though. So I bring my xbox360 home last night hook it up play some madden 07 for about 15min then I got some dinner, my g/f walks in the door, sees it, and starts complaning "you didn't tell me you were getting that" yadda yadda blah blah. Next thing you know she puts in Dead rising shes plays that for about 50min. So Im just sitting there like ughhh. So then I go hop in the shower figuring when I get out she will be done. So when I get out shes going threw tactical training in Ghost Recon Advanced War Fighter! So then I was just like you been playing for over a hour let me play shes was like "this game is two player pick up the other controller " So we play and she proceeds to kick my azz as I have never played before. Bahahhaha I just never thought my g/f would get into this system like that. But I guess its cool in a way b/c I don't have to hear her complain about me playing it all the time cause she can play too.

I can't wait to get off of work today to play some more seeing how I didn't get to even play that much last night damnit! But so far so good!
My girlfriend and I both have 360's to play against eachother when we're not together. She likes all the games I like (Mostly action/adventure/racing), but she doesn't enjoy online gaming as much (It's kind of embarrasing in regards to how serious a lot of the online community is about gaming).

The only thing that frustrates her is that she can't keep my high scores down. She'll spend a lot of time trying to knock one down. I'll see it and top it in one or two tries. She gets pissed :p (I think I'll let her keep her Pac-Man score)
Yeah, it's cool if you can get your better half into gaming. The latest challenge between me and the missus is Big Brain Game on the DS (I'm at 1720, she's really close with something like 1685). In the past it's been things like DOA where she's kicked my ass. :)

Oh, and when we can get them, we like to play adventure games together.
my wife tears up the arcade....

pretty impressive if you think about it - they are capturing there attention like the mario days.
omfg, thats so funny. my GF is all into gaming now since i got the 360.. i feel ur pain, sharing is painful but FUN!.. :D :D :D :D
That's pretty funny. My wife is into games as well, though not as much as me. Before we were married, and still dating, I had bought a Dreamcast. She LOVED games like Virtua Tennis, Seaman, San Francisco Rush 2049 and a few others, so much that she went and got her own Dreamcast.

I don't have an Xbox 360 yet, but I'm planning on getting one hopefully be November. She's already said that she wants Dead Rising, so I might be fighting for gaming time with her :)
My Fiancee' put in a ton of hours with Oblivion. With my character (a Rogue), I tended to do more of the hack and slash style missions. She decided to create a diplomat character and do all of the conversational and political missions. I think we put in 200+ hours each.
She was also a wiz at Hexic (top 500 for the first few months), but she got sick of it.
That's a good thing. So many people don't have the luxury of a GF/Wife who games.
Hah, hey pay for Geometry Wars and show your gf that. She will never stop playing LOL
I got a 360 yesterday too. Didn't get any games yet, just trying some demos and probably gonna rent some games first.

And you're lucky your girlfriend reacted liked that, probably when my girlfriend is gonna see it she's gonna be like: "You bought iiiitttt ?!?!?! OMG you spend too much on games [...]" :rolleyes:

Especially because the 360 is from an American company.

But if I would get a Wii now it would be a different story ... :rolleyes:

Hint: My girlfriend is Japanese. lmao
Lamont said:
That's a good thing. So many people don't have the luxury of a GF/Wife who games.

Haha yeah Im glad, Oh man Im afraid to show her the arcade, she would never get off! Hey atleast I get off work 4hrs earlier than she does w00t!
my gf is owning me in her saints row progression. damn 12hr work days...whatever.
My wife really enjoys Fable, on the original Xbox. She's finished the game being both good and then evil. I still have to go back and play it as evil (I played it good the first time through). I'm sure she'll play a LOT of Fable 2 when that comes out.
Just as a comparison for you guys, a friend of mine came over the house recently with his wife and we all sat down to have a blast on some four player games. She spent the entire time tutting and saying gaming is infantile and she didn't believe adults should play games. Needless to say we turned it off in the end and... watched tv. Ooh, fun.

My bro's wife is the same, she makes her dissaproval well known if he wants to play a game, even if she's off doing something else at the time and it doesn't affect her.

Conclusion, if you like playing games, and you have a gamer woman... HOLD ON TO HER! :D
This is gonna sound pretty dorky, but my fiance and I get together quite often with our friends and play DS via wifi against each other. Tetris is a blast with the weapons you can get. Talk about some pissed off ladies. If my lady wasn't so forgiving I think I would be sleeping on the couch for constantly using the lightning strikes muhahaha.

She is mostly a fan of fighting games, but I have recently somewhat drug her into WoW. We play it VERY casually... like 2-4 hours a week because we both work 60ish hours a week, but it can be fun since we play with RL friends too. She likes the questing and cute graphics (the things I can't stand LOL).

I think the nicest thing is most of all she enjoys watching me play... whether it be Saints Row, Zelda, computer games or whatever I feel like playing. I try to include her 99% of the time but sometimes she just wants to watch. I think that as a couple that doesn't enjoy the bar scene videogames is a cheap alternative and fun way to hang out together.
My wife loves the 360, she loves the arcade, and will do Bejeweled till her hands cramp. She has been a gamer since I knew her back 17 years ago when she ran a Software Etc. She is looking forward to the Wii coming out. I can't wait.... Gamer wife is the BEST! Especially when pricing out new hardware. I just show her link and she goes "how much?"
Jerome36 said:
That's pretty funny. My wife is into games as well, though not as much as me. Before we were married, and still dating, I had bought a Dreamcast. She LOVED games like Virtua Tennis, Seaman, San Francisco Rush 2049 and a few others, so much that she went and got her own Dreamcast.

I don't have an Xbox 360 yet, but I'm planning on getting one hopefully be November. She's already said that she wants Dead Rising, so I might be fighting for gaming time with her :)

lol sorry i know its wrong but i couldnt resist
Jerome36 said:
That's pretty funny. My wife is into games as well, though not as much as me. Before we were married, and still dating, I had bought a Dreamcast. She LOVED games like Virtua Tennis, Seaman, San Francisco Rush 2049 and a few others, so much that she went and got her own Dreamcast.

I don't have an Xbox 360 yet, but I'm planning on getting one hopefully be November. She's already said that she wants Dead Rising, so I might be fighting for gaming time with her :)

lol sorry i know its wrong but i couldnt resist
sonofwang said:
These stories of wives and girlfriends who game are depressing.

How so? Having a beautiful significant other who enjoys all your hobbies is awesome. Mine is even allowing me to teach her how to ride motorcycles ^_^
K600 said:
How so? Having a beautiful significant other who enjoys all your hobbies is awesome. Mine is even allowing me to teach her how to ride motorcycles ^_^

sonofwang, you beat me to it.

Why is it depressing? Because we don't have a beautiful SO.

Or a SO, for that matter. :p
When I picked up Oblivion I was playing through till I got a flower collecting quest. Then my g/f wanted to run around and pick flowers for poops and giggles. After she did that for a while, she wanted to quest. All this instead of writing her thesis.

All in all, she put in well over 200 hours of game time and completed just about every quest in the game. And she still plays it.
i dont even know how to respond to the person that said its depressing.

i guess get a grip and get a life.
It's ok, I've got both a grip and a life and to say that this thread is depressing may have been a slight exaggeration. :rolleyes:

Besides, my wife has shown a slight interest in playing the new Lego Star Wars with me. :)