Boxee Box for $89.99 @ CompUSA (instore only)

I LOVE my boxee box. This is a freaking steal if you can snag one.
does boxee update their program still? The none boxee box version where i can use in my htpc?
I vowed to never use boxee again after they gave the shaft to all the PC/mac users ans stopped supporting non boxee box software. Box would be nothing if it werent for those users. Ill stick with XBMC.
I vowed to never use boxee again after they gave the shaft to all the PC/mac users ans stopped supporting non boxee box software. Box would be nothing if it werent for those users. Ill stick with XBMC.

This. The guys at Boxee are toolbags who don't have much respect for their user/developer community unless you pay them for hardware. The Boxee Box wouldn't even exist without the work the community did to help build the software. You can't just stop supporting the community version of your product when you release an embedded device that uses it.

I've moved over to Plex, which seems to have a much more sustainable community model, at least for the time being.
Damn that's a smokin deal, but I'm now intrigued by this plex thing. I shall look into that.
This. The guys at Boxee are toolbags who don't have much respect for their user/developer community unless you pay them for hardware. The Boxee Box wouldn't even exist without the work the community did to help build the software. You can't just stop supporting the community version of your product when you release an embedded device that uses it.

If that is the case, then it is an even better deal because it is the hardware, so they support it......:eek:
If that is the case, then it is an even better deal because it is the hardware, so they support it......:eek:

At least for now. With their track record, I wouldn't be surprised if the Boxee Box 2.0 arrives at some point and the developers leave this one in the dust.

Also, from a long-term standpoint, they have lost a lot of community developers as a result of poor community management. This also hurts the long-term health of the platform if there's less people making new plugins and apps for it. (see: WebOS)
I would rather pay $89.99 to stream 720/1080p content to my non-networked TV and get extra web features instead of having to pay quite a bit more to dedicate a PC, built a HTPC, run long HDMI cables, or purchase a wireless HDMI device.

I'll take the $89.99 no hassle approach any day.