Boycotting the XBOX360


Feb 8, 2005
Before launch, I was so hyped about this system. Then, it went all down hill. My preorder wasn't going to come in untill February and I missed getting one at Bestbuy by 4 spots. Everyday, I make a few calls before school to see if they have any. My interest has dwindled since then, and now I could care less about it. I am through with MS, and am not buying into the hype. I decided that I will not be picking one up.

The way I look at it, the launch titles are horrible anyway. Basically, all the EA games suck and are stripped down. Most of them are just ports with slight graphics upgrade. The only ones I would consider are PGR3, PD0, and COD2. PGR3 is alright, but nothing spectatular. I can be satisfied with PGR2 and Forza for now. I played with PD0 for a little bit, and I hated it. The game is so slow, it takes like 20 shots to kill someone, no jump, the story sucks, and the voice acting is bad. COD2 is nice, but the multiplayer kind of ruins it. You might as well get the pc version which has a fantastic multiplayer.

For Christmas, I figure I will get some PC upgrades. All I really need is more ram, better HD, and a sound card to play most games on high. I might pick up COD2, Chaos, Theory, and Fear. Plus, I think the current gen consoles have some life left in them. I still haven't beaten Prince of Persia or bought God of War yet.

If you look at the future of the XBOX360, there aren't that many great games. You have ES and GR3 which are coming to the PC. Gears of War looks pretty cool, but I wouldn't buy a system for it. DOA4 keeps getting pushed back, and I always prefered Tekken over DOA anyway. Halo3 is just about the only game I am interested in, and it hasn't even been announced yet. Besides, Halo is overhyped anyway.

PS3 should be launching this Spring, and I can't wait. There is no doubt that it will be the superior system as far as hardware goes. I am really excited about all the exclusive games. GOW2, MGS4 (a must have), Killzone 2, GT5, etc. I am also looking forward to the Nintendo Revo. It should be a refreshing change from other games with innovative gameplay and great 1st party titles.

Is anybody else with me?
While I think the XBOX360 is pretty cool looking, I have no interest in being one of the first owners. I am also putting some money into computer parts over Christmas. When the price and the hype comes down on the XBOX, I might look into picking one up. If that's two years from now, well so be it. Until then, let everyone else stand in line and over pay.
I love my 360, preorder it in march, and for ps3, half of what sony says is crap, why on earth would you need 3 gigbit ethernet ports ?, and for the dual 1080p out, thats a half truth, yeah the games will be upscaled and then sent to dual outs (if they keep it like this), but do you really expect any developer to make a game in that resolution, sony isnt requireing any set resolution unlike MS which requires 720p, no hard drive either with sony, and i expect the ps3 to be at least $500, i would never buy a ps3 sony is just a hype machine that always fails to me.
Well for me IMO, I'm waiting for the revolution and PS3 to come out before I make any snap judgements on what I'm going to go with as I don't see myself owning all three of them at the moment. It's just still to early to call favor on any one system, and I like to have a solid broad line-up of titles to look through since that will be definately my deciding factor on which one to buy, I don't really care too much about the hype machine behind these consoles and just want a great variety in games and gametypes to play with.
Well on the flip side of the coin, I have one and love it. Sure there aren't 20 triple A titles to pick from but I couldn't afford more than a few this christmas anywho. Also, I'm embroiled with NFS:MW which is taking me a while, and I can only play one game at a time regardless.

I bet if you had gotten one you'd be singing a different ;)

What happens if you preorder a PS3 and they have shortages with it? Then what will you be poo-pooing? I"m just joshing you, but it's a little soon to be throwing all your support behind PS3 like it's the second coming of video game christ. Also, you have idea what must have titles are what because you haven't played them yet.

I think it's great you are getting all excited about the PS3, me too, but you're just asking for more disapointment.
Never tried to get one. I'd like to play one, but I'm in no real rush. I don't think it is a bad system by any means, I just don't buy into all the hype.
First off, when did launch games become enough to judge an entire system? Have some foresight. Also Its not the 360's fault that you did not obtain one. IMO I feel MS would rather have sold 3,000,000 than have the current situation. The problem with was too many taking too many preorders. Now if you dont like it fine, but a boycot? Dont you think you are jsut letting your anger get to you? If you want to be angry get mad at the store that took your preorder.
If you look at the future of the XBOX360, there aren't that many great games. You have ES and GR3 which are coming to the PC. Gears of War looks pretty cool, but I wouldn't buy a system for it. DOA4 keeps getting pushed back, and I always prefered Tekken over DOA anyway. Halo3 is just about the only game I am interested in, and it hasn't even been announced yet. Besides, Halo is overhyped anyway.
PS3 should be launching this Spring, and I can't wait. There is no doubt that it will be the superior system as far as hardware goes. I am really excited about all the exclusive games. GOW2, MGS4 (a must have), Killzone 2, GT5, etc. I am also looking forward to the Nintendo Revo. It should be a refreshing change from other games with innovative gameplay and great 1st party titles.
Your a !!!!!! arent you? This just cant be real, Killzone a great 1st pary title?
Games are all up to Opinion btw even Killzone that I mentioned up their. How about Oblivion and the other games that are coming out? Do you really think thats all that is going to come out for a long time. Agian look ahead not just in the now.
Of course I would be praising it if I got one, but unfortunately things didn't turn out that way. Lol, if I walk into Target tommorrow and see one sitting there, I will buy it in a heartbeat.

As for the PS3, I already preordered 3 and am 2,3,4 on the list.
Sega. ahh the Saturn, Genisis, and lovely Dream Cast.
Sigh....Wheres my Shenmue 3!~!!!
I think you should have titled this thread "Making myself feel better about not being able to get an XBOX 360 even though I really want one and I don't really believe most of what I just wrote"
tranCendenZ said:
I think you should have titled this thread "Making myself feel better about not being able to get an XBOX 360 even though I really want one and I don't really believe most of what I just wrote"
yup, xbox 360 is awesome if he got one he would love it, who wouldnt love it, its new and awesome everybody loves new stuff, unless your omish, but i assume not.
Blinkme323 said:
Before launch, I was so hyped about this system. Then, it went all down hill. My preorder wasn't going to come in untill February and I missed getting one at Bestbuy by 4 spots. Everyday, I make a few calls before school to see if they have any. My interest has dwindled since then, and now I could care less about it. I am through with MS, and am not buying into the hype. I decided that I will not be picking one up.

Psychological speaking, you still care, or you wouldn't even be writing this let alone calling before school.

The way I look at it, the launch titles are horrible anyway. Basically, all the EA games suck and are stripped down. Most of them are just ports with slight graphics upgrade. The only ones I would consider are PGR3, PD0, and COD2. PGR3 is alright, but nothing spectatular. I can be satisfied with PGR2 and Forza for now. I played with PD0 for a little bit, and I hated it. The game is so slow, it takes like 20 shots to kill someone, no jump, the story sucks, and the voice acting is bad. COD2 is nice, but the multiplayer kind of ruins it. You might as well get the pc version which has a fantastic multiplayer.

Game manufactures aren't going to release all grade A games at once so they can all lose money. PS3 will be the same way, and you can take that to the bank.

For Christmas, I figure I will get some PC upgrades. All I really need is more ram, better HD, and a sound card to play most games on high. I might pick up COD2, Chaos, Theory, and Fear. Plus, I think the current gen consoles have some life left in them. I still haven't beaten Prince of Persia or bought God of War yet.

Good plan.

If you look at the future of the XBOX360, there aren't that many great games. You have ES and GR3 which are coming to the PC. Gears of War looks pretty cool, but I wouldn't buy a system for it. DOA4 keeps getting pushed back, and I always prefered Tekken over DOA anyway. Halo3 is just about the only game I am interested in, and it hasn't even been announced yet. Besides, Halo is overhyped anyway.

Halo is a very good game. I'd buy the console just for it. More games with incredible graphics (gameplay is questionable of course) will come out as dev's get used to the system and have time.

PS3 should be launching this Spring, and I can't wait. There is no doubt that it will be the superior system as far as hardware goes. I am really excited about all the exclusive games. GOW2, MGS4 (a must have), Killzone 2, GT5, etc. I am also looking forward to the Nintendo Revo. It should be a refreshing change from other games with innovative gameplay and great 1st party titles.

This last paragraph is a joke right? Better hardware? Equal maybe. I'm with you on the Nintendo.
im a gamer... its also apart of my job. i have to have all current systems. its just the way i am.
After playing the crap fest that was MGS3, I've sorta cooled my excitement for any more metal gear games.

That's my opinion of it, of course, but I just really didn't like it. Loved Sons of Liberty, and the Twin Snakes remake was awesome on the cube, but this whole geriatric snake deal does not make me tingle.
munkle said:
yup, xbox 360 is awesome if he got one he would love it, who wouldnt love it, its new and awesome everybody loves new stuff, unless your omish, but i assume not.

its not new. in terms of innovation and ideas. WOW im playing COD2 bt wait u can also play dat on pc, o and get this, ITS A SEQUAL1 with NO innovative material what so ever in the game. o lets look at the EA games.. umm basicly they made all genre's of sports title and the only difference between say for example nba live 2k5 and 2k6 is THE names HAHAHAHAH

im not one of u people who get hyped up over recycled crap. to me its old news, i want innovation and the two consoles that can bring innovation are sony and un doubtly nintendo.

360 is A WASTE of money at the moment. come back and reply to my post when you can show me an innovative game comming out on the 360 and NO halo aint one of them, NEVER was good. just a blate rip off of unreal tournament but single player..

please tell me whats soooooo good about halo games? i never quit found the reason behind this?its sure no goldeneye on the n64. Thats what you call a FPS game with original meterial in it. same with half life, original doom, quake 1 your eyes and see that 360 is worth sh!t at the moment
jonneymendoza said:
ican show me an innovative game comming out on the 360 and NO halo aint one of them, NEVER was good. just a blate rip off of unreal tournament but single player..
I was gonna reply to you, but after reading something as retarded as this.. i realized i could'nt care less what you think. OMGWTFBBQ GOLDENEYE RIP OFF OF QUAKE OMFG! Hell, show me an innovative game coming out on the PC.
Blinkme323 said:
PS3 should be launching this Spring, and I can't wait. There is no doubt that it will be the superior system as far as hardware goes. I am really excited about all the exclusive games. GOW2, MGS4 (a must have), Killzone 2, GT5, etc. I am also looking forward to the Nintendo Revo. It should be a refreshing change from other games with innovative gameplay and great 1st party titles.

Is anybody else with me?
Firt of all, are you sure it will have superior hardware? And please, dont put down ANY GAME and especially don't call games like PGR3 "alright" and then list Killzone as a game your excited for.
diehard said:
I was gonna reply to you, but after reading something as retarded as this.. i realized i could'nt care less what you think. OMGWTFBBQ GOLDENEYE RIP OFF OF QUAKE OMFG! Hell, show me an innovative game coming out on the PC.

quake was never done in that way b4, goldeneye had various innovative aspects behind it, like the way the story is layered out and the way they did teh whole multiplayer aspect of the game. has their ever been a fps game prior to goldeneye that had 4-player split screen?

you are a retard who proabably spends half his life playing games heheh...

well recently WOW had almost every single PC gamer hooked onto that.. you wait till next year, their is alwaz at least ONE game that brings something new to the scene unlike 360 whr all titles are sequals. wont be surprised if PGR4 comes out next year
I'm not gonna boycot it, I'll just wait tell the price goes down and stock goes up.

Patience is a virtue.
Jonneyy, your first post is so full of shit, I feel like I need to wipe my monitor with toilet paper after reading it. The second isn't a whole lot better? Bitching about sequels? Come ON

Extraneous purchases, which are basically any video game system or high end video card, are only a waste of money if the user who purchased one or the other isn't using it, or thinks that they wasted their money.

Your opinion does not override the worth I feel inherent in my purchase of my 360, because recycled content or not, I'm stll having fun. Anybody who's played any FPS on the PC, or any RTS in the last 8 years, or blah blah blah deals with recycled content.

Most of the time they just take the original basis for the game, spit shine it, and throw a "2" on it. And we all just gobble it up.

bark about something else, and for fucks sake could you please at least try to spell and punctuate correctly? It would make your babbling bullshit easier to palate
If you look at the future of the XBOX360, there aren't that many great games

I disagree, here is my short list of anticipated games. Some sequals but most look promising.

Ninty Nine Nights
Dead Rising
Halo 3
Ninja Gaiden 2
Gears Of War
Ghost Recon : Advanced Warrior
Doa 4
Saints Row
Splinter Cell 4
Hopefully A jade empire 2
Mass Effect
Too Human
chrome hounds and armored core 4
Full Auto
Resident Evil 5
Lost Odyssey
Blue Dragon

And I just saw this new one anounced by capcom called Lost Planet
To the OP, GOW2 is not a PS3 game, it's slated for the PS2 believe it or not. I don't even know how people can still be excited for Killzone 2 after that emabarassing debacle at I'll believe the hype when I see it, not pre-rendered cinemas.
I finally beat Mortal Kombat II on SNES, so I think i'll stick with SNES for a while =).

Amazing, I have a PS2. But I find myself playing SNES Roms and sega genesis roms more then I do playing my Ps2 sometimes... ... Then again, my PS2 isn't at my house =\
Anyone else find it amusing that people are bashing the X360 for sequels and then following up with lists of PS3 games they're excited for that all have numbers on the end of the titles?

Metal Gear Solid 4, Devil May Cry 4, God of War 2, Killzone 2 (A joke, even if it looks as good as the movies; Killzone played like shit)...all titles that will likely be delayed until late 2006/early 2007, with the exception of maybe DMC4.

By the way, whoever likened Halo to the Unreal series needs to be taken out back and beaten with a hose.

It's always fun to watch the PC elitists scream about console fans wasting money only to turn around and buy a $500+ videocard that serves no purpose but to make their e-Peen seem bigger. ZOMG, I can play rehashes of older games at 120FPS!~!!!1111 IN YUOR FASE FANB0YZ!.
It is very unlikely that the PS3 will be launching this spring, according to a statement the CEO of Sony made about a month ago you can expect a release date of Christmas 2006 at the earliest. It will be launching in Japan much earlier though.
nighthawk said:
It is very unlikely that the PS3 will be launching this spring, according to a statement the CEO of Sony made about a month ago you can expect a release date of Christmas 2006 at the earliest. It will be launching in Japan much earlier though.
According to a statement by Sony, made just a day or two ago, Sony is still on track for Spring 06 launch. :rolleyes:
Bad_Boy said:
According to a statement by the CEO of Sony made just a day or two ago, Sony is still on track for Spring 06 launch. :rolleyes:

Learn to read and use context. Spring 06 launch in Japan means a Fall 06 launch in America, which he covered with "it will launch much earlier in Japan though". Sony doesn't launch simultaneously across the regions like Microsoft did.
I can buy a japan spring launch, but there's no way it'll launch spring in north america.
ZX6Master said:
By the way, whoever likened Halo to the Unreal series needs to be taken out back and beaten with a hose.
Thank you, and he's the one that called me a retard! I use proper english but yet im the one that spends half my life playing games.
I thought PGR series is an alright racer not the best.

Forza is a better racing game. Most xbox games were crap if it wasn't for the multiplayer. Same with xbox 360.

People buy into better graphics way to HARD. :D

I'm going to wait and probably buy all 3 consoles when prices come down a bit. I'm really interested in ps3 and revolution. If my xbox wasn't modded it would be collecting dust or use it as a door stopper.

Most of the games that are good for the xbox is available for the PC far as FPS games go. Only thing xbox has are the racing and games like ninja gaiden. Other than that it's really not worth it. Especially what people are paying right now to own one.
ZX6Master said:
Learn to read and use context. Spring 06 launch in Japan means a Fall 06 launch in America, which he covered with "it will launch much earlier in Japan though". Sony doesn't launch simultaneously across the regions like Microsoft did.
Learn to read, period. Sony has said nothing but Spring 06 so i find no reason to beleive otherwise until they tell us their plans. It might be probable based off pass releases that they will release japan first then US. But like ive said before, strategies can change. If you remember X-Box + 360 launches were two types of launches.

who said "it will launch much earlier in japan though?
i remember reading this on the main page of [H]ard|OCP just the other day, not months ago.
Fri Dec 9, 2005 2:23 AM GMT
Sony Corp. (6758.T: Quote, Profile, Research) on Thursday said it remained on track to roll out its PlayStation 3 game console by spring 2006 despite industry speculation that the scheduled launch could face delays.

in the new PSM mag, they state the same thing. So until Sony clarifies their launch plans and which regions they plan on launching in, I can only go by what they tell us, which is Spring 06.
The original Xbox had halo when it came out.

That was it. I for one hated DOA3, so halo was it.

It didn't look to have much of a future either. Yet it took off and was ultimately a success. Why? Because people developed for it.

Don't judge a system by its launch lineup.

Also, I personally think it's really stupid to boycott a system just because you didn't get it on launch day, or whatever... Don't buy it if it never gets good games, or buy it if it does.
jonneymendoza said:
its not new. in terms of innovation and ideas. WOW im playing COD2 bt wait u can also play dat on pc, o and get this, ITS A SEQUAL1 with NO innovative material what so ever in the game. o lets look at the EA games.. umm basicly they made all genre's of sports title and the only difference between say for example nba live 2k5 and 2k6 is THE names HAHAHAHAH
im not one of u people who get hyped up over recycled crap. to me its old news, i want innovation and the two consoles that can bring innovation are sony and un doubtly nintendo.

360 is A WASTE of money at the moment. come back and reply to my post when you can show me an innovative game comming out on the 360 and NO halo aint one of them, NEVER was good. just a blate rip off of unreal tournament but single player..

please tell me whats soooooo good about halo games? i never quit found the reason behind this?its sure no goldeneye on the n64. Thats what you call a FPS game with original meterial in it. same with half life, original doom, quake 1 your eyes and see that 360 is worth sh!t at the moment

I dare you to find an innovative game at all. Ever. In the past 3 years.

Dare ya. I can think of maybe 2,3 of them total. Period.

Everything is a blatant ripoff of everything else. Welcome to modern gaming. The only difference between the EA games on ANY system is the name, and the rosters! That's not a 360 item, that's an EA problem.

I certainly don't see Sony bringing any kind of innovation. Looks like a normal, down to earth gaming system just like the Xbox 360. How is it any different Yes, I'll be getting one, just like I've got a 360 now. The revolution might be different, but as of yet I've seen NOTHING to get me excited about it, other than a goofy controller. I'll get one too, for the first-party games, but those will be the same kind of thing they always were.

Show me an innovative game coming for PC. For Xbox. For PS2. I'll be waiting. Oh, and every FPS is a rip-off of Wolfenstein, so ditch that argument.

Goldeneye original? In what way? It did the same things that EVERY other FPS did. Yes, it did them WELL, but it didn't do anything new. Neither the others.

Your arguments are baseless and without merit. Try backing them up.
Kahnvex said:
Jonneyy, your first post is so full of shit, I feel like I need to wipe my monitor with toilet paper after reading it. ON this is funny shit!
jonneymendoza said:
quake was never done in that way b4, goldeneye had various innovative aspects behind it, like the way the story is layered out and the way they did teh whole multiplayer aspect of the game. has their ever been a fps game prior to goldeneye that had 4-player split screen?

you are a retard who proabably spends half his life playing games heheh...

well recently WOW had almost every single PC gamer hooked onto that.. you wait till next year, their is alwaz at least ONE game that brings something new to the scene unlike 360 whr all titles are sequals. wont be surprised if PGR4 comes out next year

Multiplayer had been done before, as had the story. Yes, there were several shareware games on PC that used split screen like that. And it was still just multiplayer, not really that innovative. Doom had that on the PC years before.

Yeah, every system has sequels. Welcome to profit making. Find a system that DOESN'T have sequels.