Braininess Boosts Likelihood of Sex

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I’m sure this is going to come as a surprise to many of you (myself included) but a new scientific study says women are more likely to sleep with smart dudes. Wait. What? This is one of those joke studies, right?

Women proved to be decent judges of intelligence, with their scores generally matching each man's intelligence test results. As for picking a bed-mate, the men's actual smartness proved a reliable indicator of their appeal for both brief hook-ups and serious relationships – which came as something of a surprise.
Where are these women again?

Yea, I wouldn't get too excited.
From the article:
"But some things never change. Looks were still a much more powerful predictor of sex appeal than brains. "Women are still going for the hunk," Prokosch says. "If you had an option to pick from five different people, you would pick the most attractive one."

So in a perfect world, women want a Nobel prize winner with movie-star looks."

This is why I just can't stand women. I'm not gay, I'm just not interested. :p
Lol bs study. Unless they are suggesting that frat houses are draw the most intelligent people on campus... puahahah!
Looks matter? Bullshit. Anyone who goes out a lot will tell you looks don't mean shit. Brains don't matter that much either.
Maybe it depends where you live and/or who you know.
I've been in many different groups of friends and the personal and group mentalities vary a lot.
Also generally, the younger they are, the more looks matter.
I spose it takes time to get past the bling to see whats under the hood.
A lot depends on your general personality. A lot of smart people have very good personalities, just depends on whether you display it or not. If you're shy have a couple drinks to loosen up and be able to talk to ladies at a bar or club or wherever. Or go to Starbucks. I have no idea. You can meet women anywhere.
This isn't news...

*Hangs TRUE around neck, shines it up, and gets ready for a night on the town* :cool:

Ladies love my mad heatpipes.
It's true, but I think the term "wittier" fits better. Witty people are often funny and interesting. Wit requires intelligence, quickness, and creativity. Women want to see just how witty a man is by invading his personal (yet quick-to-share) body areas. My 2cents.
Wow, what a bunch of cynical bastards y'all are. I'm sensing more than a touch of misogyny.

Looks matter? Bullshit. Anyone who goes out a lot will tell you looks don't mean shit. Brains don't matter that much either.

I almost agree. Looks do matter, but way, way, less than people think.

Most important - self confidence and hygiene. Take a shower, brush your teeth and hold up your end of the conversation.
HAHAHAHA...Poor guys...There are two things in this world. What women think they want and what they actually respond to. In the second case it doesn't matter what they think but how they react. if you're smart wnough to find out how women respond to social value and higher status, then you'll leave these "naturals" in the dust.
The best thing is that actually you can get with both of them. Being your best self.
So no women aren't lying they are actually telling what they think. It just happen to differ from what attracts them. If you're an smart wuss then youre pretty much.. Fuked up but if you're a dumb alpha male then you're getting da puss...yyy...
Except what's on a woman's mind and what actually happens are two completely different and unrelated things.

This study only proves the men women say they want. Not the ones they actually do.
Thought it was common knowledge that women answered like this on surveys then really screwed then screwed whoever treated them the worst and looked the best.
The funny part is all the men in this thread thinking that the smart men are actually themselves.

Hahaha, a study asking women for answers.

Anybody who knows anything knows that it doesn't matter what a woman thinks, it matters what she feels.

Thus the studey is... POINTLESS
Anybody who knows anything knows that it doesn't matter what a woman thinks, it matters what she feels.

Completely agreed. I do have to say, all the woman felt pretty good after I've been with them. :p
The funny part is all the men in this thread thinking that the smart men are actually themselves.


So true. There is no surprise in this study. It takes the ability to think on your feet to pick up chicks, attract a mate, etc. The question you should be asking yourself, assuming your assumption is right, what are you doing that wrong that negates the appeal of your intelligence?
I was at a bar once and a female whom I didn't know said I could give her oral if I fixed her computer for her.

I told her that was two favors for her and asked what was in it for me. Nothin exciting ended up happening that night :\
So true. There is no surprise in this study. It takes the ability to think on your feet to pick up chicks, attract a mate, etc. The question you should be asking yourself, assuming your assumption is right, what are you doing that wrong that negates the appeal of your intelligence?

How much booty was Einstein getting? How bout Tesla? how bout any of the great geniuses? Those with the most intelligence often lack social skills. It is possible to have both social skills and intelligence but even then, the most intelligent often don't want to or don't feel the need to manipulate people for sex since they often have morals.
And the nerds all chime in, bemoaning the fact that they can't get laid, while forgetting that intelligence extends beyond the computer screen...

Social intelligence counts too here, boys...not just your ability to memorize facts and sift through code like robots...
And the nerds all chime in, bemoaning the fact that they can't get laid, while forgetting that intelligence extends beyond the computer screen...

Social intelligence counts too here, boys...not just your ability to memorize facts and sift through code like robots...

what's wrong with robots?
I think this study needs a bit of an amendment, along the lines of, guys *smarter then the girls are more likely to get laid then guys slower then the girls.
Rather then men with brains get laid more often. My retard friends get the chicks way more then I do.
How much booty was Einstein getting? How bout Tesla? how bout any of the great geniuses? Those with the most intelligence often lack social skills. It is possible to have both social skills and intelligence but even then, the most intelligent often don't want to or don't feel the need to manipulate people for sex since they often have morals.

Tesla - I dunno, but we KNOW that Einstein was doing just fine for himself.

You also have to remember that we live in a different society. What would have been considered SERIOUS indiscretions which would destroy careers and lives are now pretty much a part of normal dating.
Tesla - I dunno, but we KNOW that Einstein was doing just fine for himself.

You also have to remember that we live in a different society. What would have been considered SERIOUS indiscretions which would destroy careers and lives are now pretty much a part of normal dating.

Two-Girls,One-Cup back in those days might even get you imprisoned for life :p