Brand New Opty 165 Stepping CCBBE 0610DPMW New "BB" Memory Controller

tsuehpsyde said:
1.78v on the chipset? Yeesh, a bit much don't ya think?

i agree the extra voltage off the chipset was making my temps to high. after bios configuration i've been able to reach 2924mhz stable at 1.4v 28C idle 40C load.
sumofatguy said:
I had that motherboard before my dfi... the max fsb will probably be about 290-300, so I think the highest oc you could get would be 300*9=2700.. thats the absolute max. as well, you will need to run the ram on the 2/3 divider probably

I've seen a number of ASRock Dual-SATA2's well above 300, heck here's a screenshot of my rig running an Opty 144 CAB2E stock voltage ...


Aircooled on an XP-90.
How long are you guys running Prime95 before your declaring your clocks stable? I've been testing at 2872MHz today and one of the cores crapped out after 9 hours and 44 minutes but the other one was still going over 12 hours later when i got home. If it can pass Prime95 for 6-8 hours then its usually pretty stable but not 100%.
but the fsb is only 300... im just saying mine wouldnt go above 300 at all... and the heatsink on the chipset was smoking hot at that speed
burningrave101 said:
How long are you guys running Prime95 before your declaring your clocks stable? I've been testing at 2872MHz today and one of the cores crapped out after 9 hours and 44 minutes but the other one was still going over 12 hours later when i got home. If it can pass Prime95 for 6-8 hours then its usually pretty stable but not 100%.

For testing in between stages normally 1-2 hours. For Final Stability testing 24-48 hours
Spazilton said:
For testing in between stages normally 1-2 hours. For Final Stability testing 24-48 hours

Well i was just wondering cause i was thinking probably a lot of these clocks people are reporting to be Prime stable are only for a few hours. I know mine can go at some pretty high speeds with low voltage for several hours before it errors. But its not 100% stable if it can't last at least 18-24 hours and you should be stopping it at that period yourself instead of getting an error.
2-4hrs of prime IMO is enough. If it will last that long, chances are you will never have any problems with it.. but whatever, I was out last night so I ran this-

And now trying to get this stable-

Now core 1 is the bum instead of core0
repoman0 said:
2-4hrs of prime IMO is enough. If it will last that long, chances are you will never have any problems with it.. but whatever, I was out last night so I ran this-

2-4 hours is enough for preliminary testing but the system really isn't stable at all if it errors out in a 2-4 hour period. You may or may not have problems depending on how stressful the software is you run but with gaming i would say you'd likely run into crashes and things, and especially with scientific applications that require perfect calculations. Prime95If it can pass 17 hours though like yours did then your pretty much good to go usually. But it can day a day or two or more to discover an error that could be the culprit of a crash or software issue your experienceing so its best to let it run as close to 24 hours as you can get.

If you have overclocked your machine, I recommend running the torture
test for a couple of days. The longer you run the torture test
the greater the chance that you will uncover an error caused by
overheating or overstressed memory.

Thats from the Prime95 README file.
I think gaming is much less stressful than prime, once I ran CS:S on a 1min stable core by accident (meant to burn in bad core and play on the stable one). It didn't crash for a half hour
jcll2002 said:
i go 8 hrs... :(

I have had P95 error out at ~9 hours :(

Heres what I do:
Initially, i do 5 min to determine the max OC.
Then, when I have a rough idea, i do 30 min.
After, I have found the approximate settings, i let it run for ~24 hours.

I note down all the settings, restore everything to default speeds, reformat windows, install all drivers, apps, etc.
Then I go directly to the settings that I had noted down, and then I let it run for 48hrs.
Guys if it errors over 8hrs I can gaurantee you'll NEVER see any problems. What are you gonna do for 9 hours straight besides gaming (who games for 9hrs anyway). Even then cpu usage is up and down so you'll see lower temps which will probably 100% stabilize it anyway

edit: on a side note I've seen an error after 32hrs on my 0534, but I can't find the damn screenie :(
^^ agreed

if it doesnt error for me within 4 hours, I consider it stable. but stableness is in the eye of the beholder ;)
I am having major problems with my CCBBE Opteron 165 system. It just randomly restarts even idling in windows at stock clocks, or trying to run prime it will either lockup, or restart after a while. My memory checks out fine in memtest86, PSU is an OCZ 520w, motherboard is an Epox 9npaj running the latest bios, and I never had a problem with my 3000+ venice in this system. Think I got a bunk chip, or does the mobo not like this processor? It is supposed to support up to FX60 chips with the new bioses.
I was running prime small fft's and just locked up and blue screened at stock clocks with a STOP: 0x0000009C machine exception error

bunk chip?
Post an A64tweaker shot, your drive/data strengths, and tref.

You might have to tweak some settings a little, each chip is different. Your ram is -5B D right? Maybe it died :confused:

Try a 100 divider for starters at stock speeds. If you have any other RAM now would be the time to switch it in. If RAM isn't the problem, then yes, bunk chip. I don't think an unstable cpu would freeze under idle though

the memory passes memtest86, so how could it be the memory?

the system just randomly restarted again, just idling in windows, on a side note, I didn't reinstall windows when I installed this CPU, I just installed the dual core driver from AMD, and the hotfix from microsoft, would that make a difference?
and that a64 tweaker reports different information everytime I restart, it even reports different timings
memtest doesn't really mean anything

Try keeping all your current settings except-

Trrd- 3
2T/CPC- disable, see if it makes a difference
max async lat- 9
read preamble- 7
ICL- 256

Also try a 100 divider and 2.8v.
A64Tweaker wouldn't let me change the clocks, it just kept reverting back to what it was previously but bumping the DIMM voltage to 2.8v looks like it may have fixed the problem. It has priming right now for a while and still hasn't crashed or restarted. Wierd because the RAM is rating at 2.6v and I never had a problem with my Venice.
repoman0 said:
Guys if it errors over 8hrs I can gaurantee you'll NEVER see any problems. What are you gonna do for 9 hours straight besides gaming (who games for 9hrs anyway). Even then cpu usage is up and down so you'll see lower temps which will probably 100% stabilize it anyway

edit: on a side note I've seen an error after 32hrs on my 0534, but I can't find the damn screenie :(

I dont think you understand how Prime95 works. Prime95 doesn't constantly run the exact same set of numbers so that you have to push it for 9 hours under 100% load before it breaks. It takes hours to completely run through all the different combinations that could possibly result in an error. Normally a good 6-8 hour run will tell you if your going to have any kind of real problems but a longer run in the area of at least 24 hours is needed to declare it 100% stable. If it can pass for 8-10 hours then i personally am not going to probably worry about it because a single crash that might turn up down the road isn't going to cause me a real problem. That doesn't mean the system is completely stable though. It just means i'm not running anything thats pushing the right buttons on the system to exploit the problem.

A torture test runs a certain number of L-L iterations on each of many different exponents (actually, Mersenne numbers with different exponents, of course). The table of test exponents (and the corresponding correct answer for each one) is fairly long - many dozens of different exponents, covering a wide range. I think it may take more than 24 hours to cycle through the complete set of test exponents on at least some systems, so letting the torture test run for long periods is the best way to push as many different bit patterns through as possible, so as to maximize the probability of hitting upon a pattern that is defectively processed.

If all your doing is gaming then probably a random crash that hardly ever happens isn't much of a problem but if you plan on running software where calculations have to be exact you better make sure your CPU is up to snuff or your just wasteing your time.

Also, if your testing the CPU speed you need to make sure your running small FFTs and not Large FFTs or a blend test. Small FFTs are what load into the cache and stress the FPU and the rest of the CPU the most. Large FFTs are more for stressing the system memory somewhat and the system bus. A blend test is for primarily stressing the system memory.
Eh, I don't need to have every combination of numbers possible ran through my chip for me to declare it stable
Woot, I just got my OEM 165 from monarch today. CCBBE 0610DPMW . What can I expect out of this monster?
repoman0 said:
Eh, I don't need to have every combination of numbers possible ran through my chip for me to declare it stable

LOL..well, it ISN'T stable if it errors out; call it whatever you want to yourself but nobody else is going to want to hear your O/C numbers unless you actually prime'd it stable. WTF is the point of O/Cing chip until it crashes? LOL. "hay guys my ferrari is fast as hell but the brakes randomly stop working resulting in smashing into shit. w00t!"
mightygerm said:
Woot, I just got my OEM 165 from monarch today. CCBBE 0610DPMW . What can I expect out of this monster?

hopefully a stable one at stock speeds, and not garbage stability like mine

I will be requesting an RMA today from monarch on my Opteron 165 CCBBE that fails prime even at stock clocks, locks up, randomly restarts, but yet my 3000+ venice runs perfect when swapped out
burningrave101 said:
I dont think you understand how Prime95 works. Prime95 doesn't constantly run the exact same set of numbers so that you have to push it for 9 hours under 100% load before it breaks. It takes hours to completely run through all the different combinations that could possibly result in an error. Normally a good 6-8 hour run will tell you if your going to have any kind of real problems but a longer run in the area of at least 24 hours is needed to declare it 100% stable. If it can pass for 8-10 hours then i personally am not going to probably worry about it because a single crash that might turn up down the road isn't going to cause me a real problem. That doesn't mean the system is completely stable though. It just means i'm not running anything thats pushing the right buttons on the system to exploit the problem.

If all your doing is gaming then probably a random crash that hardly ever happens isn't much of a problem but if you plan on running software where calculations have to be exact you better make sure your CPU is up to snuff or your just wasteing your time.

Also, if your testing the CPU speed you need to make sure your running small FFTs and not Large FFTs or a blend test. Small FFTs are what load into the cache and stress the FPU and the rest of the CPU the most. Large FFTs are more for stressing the system memory somewhat and the system bus. A blend test is for primarily stressing the system memory.

Nice explanations and I agree, you always use small FFTs when stress testing your CPUs! You should also try utilizing SP2004, since it is more user friendly and will help you set your affinities properly each time.
just got mine. am setting up W/C right now so im leak testing. wish me luck with in the week. got finals so the chip is jsut sitting on my desk.
man those optys sure do run as fast as my X2 3800+ with a lot lower vcore. Some even faster, someone on this thread had one @ 3ghz with 1.47 vcore if I remember. :eek:

Lately I've been having trouble mounting my waterblock on my naked core, I actually chipped 3 of the 4 corners :p but the chip is still going strong. So I don't have a perfect mount right now as my load temps are about 49C with 1.6vcore @ 2.94 and I'm using some genaric thermal grease... AS5 is coming in today so I will remount once again. Maybe if temps lower enough I'll be able to reach 3ghz. :)
Okay, im going through my final stages of OC-ing.
I'm running the 0610 on an ASRock 939Dual-SATA2
with a Zalman CNPS9500, and Corsair Value Select
2x512mb DDR400.
First I tried using the OCWorkbench beta bios, but
that totally didn't work. So, i thought maybe i'd try
the newest BIOS and bam, its working out.

I primed overnight at 293HTT, 6/5 divider, vcore at 1.400.
Core 0 failed after 7 hours, but Core 1 was fine. My load temp
was 53 with the Zalman on silent mode.

At the moment, im priming at 291HTT, same divider and vcore.
So far, 6 hours and its fine.

After this works out, i'm gonna start priming at lower
and lower vcores, to see my minimum.

This has been a very exciting experience!
so which are better the 0610? or the 0608? the 0608 go for like 450 + on ebay as the 0610 go for like 400. any conenctions?
tvdang7 said:
so which are better the 0610? or the 0608? the 0608 go for like 450 + on ebay as the 0610 go for like 400. any conenctions?
both the 0610's I've had have been pretty close to my 0608 but my 0608 has been better as it is 6 hours prime stable at 3.1 ihs removed. I don't know how good the 0610 is compared as I havn't removed an ihs but with them both on they were pretty close.
I havent had either (yet) but from what i've read they are both pretty darn close. The 0610's are newer so there is less written about them and people haven't foobar'd around with them too much yet.. I think theyre pretty close

maybe I'm just saying this cause i have a 0610 in the mail :rolleyes: