British Computer Hacker Loses Appeal

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Everyone’s favorite UFO seeking hacker has lost his battle to fight extradition to the United States. Makes you wonder if they are going to use the 50+ interviews (print and TV) bragging about his shenanigans against him. Now that would be entertainment.

Gary McKinnon, 42, tried to prevent his transfer to the United States to be tried over what has been described as the "biggest military hack of all time" by taking his case to Britain's highest court, the House of Lords.

I don't see why they wouldn't use them against him. Seems like that is a confession of guilt right there. I see little reason why they would't allow that to be included as it wasn't forced from him. He willing went out and bragged about what he did.
I have read all over the net that people are afraid this idiot is going to disappear to Gitmo and/or get the full 60-years he faces. Be realistic folks...
I don't know anything about the EU but why is he appealing to the EU judges or whatever they are in France? That's tied to the UK?
Any of you guys ever watch his interviews and hear what he was trying to do? He searched Nasa and DOD systems with a simple program that just looked for computers with default network passwords for the keyword "UFO". He said he got thousands of hits, so I would think that would kind of point twords something serious going on behind the scenes with our goverment. It also suggests that at least at the time of his "hacking" there were serious issues with network security at NASA and the US Navy. I am really curious about the "non terrestrial officers" mentioned in some of the info he pulled. I'm sure they aren't refering to aliens holding rank in the Navy, but it could be a secret space program, and thats pretty cool. Perhaps his shenanigans will help to speed the goverment releasing what it knows about the UFO phenomenom.

My stepfather is an officer in the Army and we talk about UFO's from time to time. He told me that yes the goverment knows about UFO's, but they haven't shot any down or recovered any alien technology. He says all they really know is that craft from outside earth routinely enter our airspace and travel with impunity, as they can easily outmanuver our aircraft. I think that the goverment secretly encourages rumor that they have recovered crashed UFO's and talk that we have secret diplomatic relations with said alien species, because it sounds better than "Yeah they show up, fly around our top secret heavily gaurded nuclear weapons facilities and then take off." My stepdad thinks they come here for water, kind of like an oasis in the empty desert of space on there way to more important locations. I suppose as we are still quite primitive , they probably don't have much interest in us.
Any of you guys ever watch his interviews and hear what he was trying to do? He searched Nasa and DOD systems with a simple program that just looked for computers with default network passwords for the keyword "UFO". He said he got thousands of hits, so I would think that would kind of point twords something serious going on behind the scenes with our goverment. It also suggests that at least at the time of his "hacking" there were serious issues with network security at NASA and the US Navy. I am really curious about the "non terrestrial officers" mentioned in some of the info he pulled. I'm sure they aren't refering to aliens holding rank in the Navy, but it could be a secret space program, and thats pretty cool. Perhaps his shenanigans will help to speed the goverment releasing what it knows about the UFO phenomenom.

My stepfather is an officer in the Army and we talk about UFO's from time to time. He told me that yes the goverment knows about UFO's, but they haven't shot any down or recovered any alien technology. He says all they really know is that craft from outside earth routinely enter our airspace and travel with impunity, as they can easily outmanuver our aircraft. I think that the goverment secretly encourages rumor that they have recovered crashed UFO's and talk that we have secret diplomatic relations with said alien species, because it sounds better than "Yeah they show up, fly around our top secret heavily gaurded nuclear weapons facilities and then take off." My stepdad thinks they come here for water, kind of like an oasis in the empty desert of space on there way to more important locations. I suppose as we are still quite primitive , they probably don't have much interest in us.

While the above MAY be true, be reading that 7718's post I felt like I learn'd something.
I have read all over the net that people are afraid this idiot is going to disappear to Gitmo and/or get the full 60-years he faces. Be realistic folks...

Even within the USA folks are a bit nervous about Big Brother since the Patriot Act passed - abroad, the unflattering general opinion is that since W took office we are well on our way to becoming an [ineffectual] police state. In other words, we can't actually secure a post office let alone our nation, so when we're lucky enough to fumble into catching somebody we resort to intimidation and "making examples".

I'm sure there are a bunch of ultra-patriotic zealots who are salivating to "teach the UFO loving hippy communist terrorist queer" a lesson. I can understand why the guy is suddenly worried, especially since he publicly shot his mouth off about what he had been up to - 15 minutes of fame aside, he is certainly in an unenviable position.

As a disillusioned taxpayer, I can only hope the agencies that got hax0rd have at least come up to a 1990s level of IT security and best practices since this guy pwned them - if the government-mandates Y2K tech refresh didn't up the standards, I doubt the silly DST mandate did either.