Browsing the [H], and guess what Nod32 found-

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Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 2, 2004
Every time I go into this thread about the cease-fire in the middle east, I get slapped with one of these:


I dont know what it is, or why, but It comes up every time I load that particular thread.

Just a heads up.
I got the exact same virus popup as well, was about to report it myself. Same thread, and only that particular thread.
n64man120 said:
I got the exact same virus popup as well, was about to report it myself. Same thread, and only that particular thread.
i figgure its a link on the page or something?
I don't get any warning... but then again, maybe AVG is trying to get me to get a virus :D
Internet Explorer 6

For some reason I get two alert messages when I load the page using IE...
I found some odd links on that page, not sure why they were done that way.

Do you get the error on this page now?

Test URL
link doesn't work

this is what it links to:


edit: I guess you meant to do that and were asking if we got the message in THIS thread :eek:
no alert in this thread. I have seen links like this before in other threads, not sure why they are there.
Yes, I know the link does not work, but I found 4 of them on the page that was giving the NOD32 error. Do you get the same here?
I am going to hide that thread till we find out what is going on. Let me know if you see any others.

I think Rich uses NOD32, so he can be your guinea pig if you want to test for the alert message :p (assuming you've moved it to a mod section)
Just wanted to add that I've noticed links similar to http://# when I copied and pasted text from another post that included intellitext. The intellitext link will hyperlink the word (Like "AMD") and the url will point to jibberish.
jebo_4jc said:
Just wanted to add that I've noticed links similar to http://# when I copied and pasted text from another post that included intellitext. The intellitext link will hyperlink the word (Like "AMD") and the url will point to jibberish.

Yeah, that is what I was figuring the deal was. Still does not seem to be the issue ehre though. :\
I don't know if this is related or not but while browsing today I noticed having a window open logged into the forums anywhere my CPU is using anywhere from 40-60% of it's resources.

If I open 2 windows in the forum the entire thing is being used.

It's on the lappy in my sig running firefox. I'll try IE and see if I get the same thing.

'*edit* weird I'm not getting it in IE.
Snotrocket said:
I don't know if this is related or not but while browsing today I noticed having a window open logged into the forums anywhere my CPU is using anywhere from 40-60% of it's resources.

If I open 2 windows in the forum the entire thing is being used.

It's on the lappy in my sig running firefox. I'll try IE and see if I get the same thing.

'*edit* weird I'm not getting it in IE.
becuase firefox sucks at rendering flash ads.
It's one of the many "features" of firefox. But dont let the firefox devs hear you call it a bug.. they blame the internet and say it's the internet's fault.
Snotrocket said:
I don't know if this is related or not but while browsing today I noticed having a window open logged into the forums anywhere my CPU is using anywhere from 40-60% of it's resources.

If I open 2 windows in the forum the entire thing is being used.

It's on the lappy in my sig running firefox. I'll try IE and see if I get the same thing.

'*edit* weird I'm not getting it in IE.
yea, its those ads. totally unrelated
I'm on here all the time and never had the problem till today. Kinda blows.
InorganicMatter said:
Mr. Monarch got hit with this URL thing twice:

"Enermax" and "pcs" were both URL'd, and if you ask me those look like the kind of words that IntelliTXT would go for.

Ninja Edit: Yep, IntelliTXT just highlighted Enermax in this post.
The bum links are happening when Intellitext tries to link to words that are already quote. It's happening in this post actually. "pcs" is giving me an ad right now, but I'm sure once I submit the post, the link will point to http://#
jebo_4jc said:
The bum links are happening when Intellitext tries to link to words that are already quote. It's happening in this post actually. "pcs" is giving me an ad right now, but I'm sure once I submit the post, the link will point to http://#

Yeah, that I am not really worried about currently. I will have this looked into when we upgrade to v3.6 which is being tested now.
So kyle, ever find out what it was? Was it infact related to intellitext or what that just a different problem at the same time?
this is why i use ad blocking programs and extentions, so i dont have to deal with all the crap that we all regret is on the internet.
Well it's not the ads that were causing the virus threat. The ads are on every page, but the threat was only on one page.

Instead of blocking the ads, you could just use quality virus protection?
Warrior said:
this is why i use ad blocking programs and extentions, so i dont have to deal with all the crap that we all regret is on the internet.

Uh oh...I dont like where that could lead to.....
DangerIsGo said:
Uh oh...I dont like where that could lead to.....
I was thinking same thing, got me a nice vacation, just a pity i never got a suntan at the same time :)
I was thinking same thing, got me a nice vacation, just a pity i never got a suntan at the same time :)
maybe cause you were blocking out the sun too ;)
Warrior said:
this is why i use ad blocking programs and extentions, so i dont have to deal with all the crap that we all regret is on the internet.
nice knowin ya.

(i'd erase that)
cyr0n_k0r said:
becuase firefox sucks at rendering flash ads.. they blame the internet and say it's the internet's fault.
I'm curious - where did they do this?
Forefox has, for me, always had poor PDF and flash support, open PDF documents often freezes up firefox until it loads, and flash pages use alot of CPU usage.
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