BSOD windows 7 gtx 260


Limp Gawd
Sep 13, 2008
Ok for a while now i've been having this problem. I'll boot up my pc and it WILL boot into windows but when i try to run anything, games, movies or even look at pictures and in rare cases watch youtube videos. After i run the said file my computer will just give me a black (or sometimes other color screen) and the only thing i can do from there is restart my computer, try it again until it works. sometimes it never does and i just give up.

I've been wondering if this is my graphics card (gtx 260 55nm) so i did all the normal things (updated all my drivers) cause sometimes when i try to run movies the movie will keep playing after the black screen. I just got a new gtx 260 from evga because my old one stopped putting out video. So i wonder if this one is doing something similar. I went as far as to reinstall my os (windows 7 ultimate 64-bit) and this made the problem better but now its back to hardly even working. I was just wondering if anyone else was having this problem.
No i haven't tried that and will do so as soon as i get home! Thanks for the suggestion! I'll update again even if that fixes the problem.
Make sure you have the latest motherboard chipset drivers installed.

BTW, Did you check your event viewer in windows to see if it gives a clue to the problem? Check under control panel/administrative tools/event viewer/system. Scroll down and look for any yellow or red flags. A quick google search on any errors can point you in the right direction.
ok, i tried the different pci-e slot and when i booted it told me that unless i was going to run sli it needed to be in the 1st pci-e slot. I updated my mother boards and video cards drivers before i even made this thread, that didn't seem to help. I also did google before making this thread but it seems that there is a similar problem with the windows 7 "BSOD" but none that are as specific, meaning they only get the BSOD when the try to boot into windows. mine boots into windows fine and will run fine until i have to run a file (game exe, mkv, avi, or even open a jepg)

so i'll check event viewer and post back, thanks.
reinstall direct X maybe?
I was just about to say the same.
I installed an older game a couple month ago and used to get black screen when playing video. I updated direct X from Microsoft's site and that resolved the issue.
hmmm, ok tried the other suggestions and nothing worked. The direct x thing might work. Also the driver sweeper thing might work as well. I'm still not sure if i should send in my video card for a replacement. i'll try the direct x thing first then the driver sweeper and if it still doesn't work i'll post back. Thanks again for the help guys.
So I went through the first page or two of Google and I saw a lot of people with the same "black screen of death" problem, with no solutions posted. Either write to the manufacturer asking for a solution and / or ( what I would personally do is get a refund and get a non- EVGA card ).

Here's a link to the forums if you want to do more research:

P.S. You need to research your purchases before you buy them - try and find out if there are problems via Google. I spent 2 weeks ( at least 10 hours a day ) just doing research on a custom rig that I finished building a few months ago. 2 weeks is nothing compared to troubleshooting faulty electronics or incompatibilities.
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Thank you for your help MrAgmoore, but maybe you didn't read the the previous post well. I did do research before posting here. I did google just about every "BSOD gtx 260 or windows 7" details. I read the forums and nothing was the same as my problem. Maybe you didn't understand this. All the other BSOD problems either won't let them boot into windows or they get their BSOD after like 5 to 10 mins into gaming.

My computer boots into windows just fine, but the difference is when i run anything it locks up and gives me a black screen or sometimes its another color. I've had this graphic card for a couple of months now, my old 55nm 260 just stopped putting out video all together so i sent it in and they sent me a new one. Now this one is having a some what similar problem, but seems to only happen when i try to do something video based. Also last but not least i did research everything in my build. I bought the 260 in its 65nm form then used the step-up to get a 55nm and i researched everything about it and never heard of anyone having BSOD issues. But again thanks for your help.