Budget Bookshelf Speaker and Amp Help (n00b questions)

Dec 29, 2004
I have been looking to get a fairly inexspensive set of bookshelf speakers (poor college student) such as:

Pioneer S-HF31-LR @ way Bookshelf Speaker

or if there were any suggestions in that same ballpark price range that would be appreciated.

Also was wondering what kind of amp, or receiver would be best to run. I don't need video inputs because this will be mainly used with my computer. Would the Sonic Impact T-amp be enough power, or would you suggest larger amp? This system will be used mainly in my dorm room or bedroom at home. Thanks for the help!

Sonic Impact T- amp
Those pioneers sound terrible compared to some of the alternatives.

Check out the Insignia NS-B2111 available at BestBuy: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage...t&productCategoryId=cat03043&id=1138085354138


Give these Advent H200's a whirl: http://www.mcminone.com/product.asp?catalog_name=MCMProducts&product_id=58-10865

I own both of these and can positively say they sound much better than their modest price implies. The H200's were recently priced at $120 a pair till they were discontinued btw. Get the Insignia's if you prefer a slightly brighter sounding and slightly more detailed speaker. Get the H200's if you prefer a warmer speaker with lower and better bass. The Insignia's also have a more narrow and clearly defined "sweetspot", while the Advent H200's sound more dispersed; there are advantages and drawbacks to either characteristic depending on a person's needs imho. Personally i prefer the H200's all around for HT and music but i can see how some may prefer the Insignia's (as mentioned above).

T-amps are great for clean sounding, low volume fun but if you want to crank it up you'll have to look elsewhere. With the T-amp you also have to factor in the cost of a power adapter. I'd probably recommend a budget 5.1 or 7.1 receiver since you would have the option of adding more speakers later on, but the cheapest option would probably be a used or refurbished two-channel stereo receiver. Otherwise you can find some great deals on ebay or your local craigslist.

Good luck and have fun either way
Thanks for the recommendations, I will definitely look at those insignias at Best Buy.

Thanks Again