Budget PSU for QPack?


Jan 12, 2006
I've been searching the form for awhile now, and it seems everyone favorites ENERMAX Libert. But it is kinda pricy for me..

So is ther any good PSU that has a fair price?
I know Rosewell has one (RP500?) But I need a 20+4-Pin for my system..

Thermaltake TR2's price is nice, but some folks said it's not good..

So.. what are my options?

Thank you!!
I have the NeoHE and Liberty. They are both good powersupplys, and trust me, modular is the way to go. I would still have the liberty if my MOBO was compatible w/ it.
i think i heard somewhere that modular psu's connections wear out quicker. Know anything about this?
taco1435 said:
i think i heard somewhere that modular psu's connections wear out quicker. Know anything about this?
well, if you're constantly plugging and unplugging them, then they'll probably wear out a little faster. but y would u need to do that?
i dunno, i heard they wear out faster just from regular use, dunno was jw if anyone had heard this too.
taco1435 said:
i dunno, i heard they wear out faster just from regular use, dunno was jw if anyone had heard this too.

like SoyMilk said, if you aren't constantly plugging it and unplugging it, I don't see how a snug connection between two metals can "wear out" from regular use.(unless of course, the metal themselves rust due to oxidization...)
Thanks for the replys!

Well..my ideal budget PSU will be around 40-50ish, because I probably need to get a new DVD burner to fit the new PSU.

OT: so do all the Lite-on dvd burners are shortter? Or only certain models?

My spec:
MSI mobo
P4 2.8E
ATI All-in-wonder 9600xt
NEC dvd burner
36gb Raptor
200gb WD HDD
2x 1gb Rams
2x 523mb Rams

leoflc said:
Thanks for the replys!

Well..my ideal budget PSU will be around 40-50ish, because I probably need to get a new DVD burner to fit the new PSU.

OT: so do all the Lite-on dvd burners are shortter? Or only certain models?

My spec:
MSI mobo
P4 2.8E
ATI All-in-wonder 9600xt
NEC dvd burner
36gb Raptor
200gb WD HDD
2x 1gb Rams
2x 523mb Rams


Well, I landed the OCZ modstream 550w from newegg for 59.99 (after 20 rebate). It should arrive tomorow. I'll let you know how it fits.

The OCZ modstream is 160mm long (150 is standard I see). I'll take some *crappy V3* pictures to show how it sits w/ my Plextor 716A at 170mm (shortest optical drive length, or so I was told).
thespymaster said:
Selling my Enermax Liberty and getting one of these...I like their modular cabling system...

me too , if i ever sell mine lol
xclio 450bl i hear is good for the price. Im getting one someday here when i sell some other stuff.
Well, I landed the OCZ modstream 550w from newegg for 59.99 (after 20 rebate). It should arrive tomorow. I'll let you know how it fits.

Hey I had the modstream before but it would not fit in my qpack even with a short length DVD burner (Plextor 740A). Don't know the dimensions on the 716A but even if it was slightly shorter, I had no room at all with my setup since the modstream was so big. You have to factor in the room for the IDE cable and molex connector in between the PSU and optical drive.

Maybe it will work if you tried this solution?
Grap3S0da said:
Hey I had the modstream before but it would not fit in my qpack even with a short length DVD burner (Plextor 740A). Don't know the dimensions on the 716A but even if it was slightly shorter, I had no room at all with my setup since the modstream was so big. You have to factor in the room for the IDE cable and molex connector in between the PSU and optical drive.

Maybe it will work if you tried this solution?

:D When I get a hold of a camera, I'll prove ye wrong. ;) Typing this message in my neatly packed, with "slight" room to spare, system in my sig.

EDIT: Doh! didn't click the link, but yes, that is the way to go. Fits well.
EDIT2: here they are: http://hardforum.com/showpost.php?p=1029366875&postcount=47
When I get a hold of a camera, I'll prove ye wrong. Typing this message in my neatly packed, with "slight" room to spare, system in my sig.

Haha glad you got it to work. :p I was not too fond of the OCZ modstream modular cables in my qpack because they are not too flexible, so I just put it in my other rig and got a fortron bluestorm for the qpack. I would have bought the Liberty if I had the money because of the modular cables, but atleast the regular cables on the bluestorm can bend easily..just had to tuck the extra cables in the empty 5.25" bay area. Too bad I missed out on that Rosewill modular PSU :(
Thanks for linking that Rosewill, think I might sell my 400w Liberty and get the Rosewill. I like the cabling setup on it better. But, the Liberty is such a sweet little psu I hate to get rid of it.

Gotta love a 400w psu that will run an overclocked x1800xt 512mb and an overclocked 3700+ in an X-qpack.
Zap [PCGO] said:
:D When I get a hold of a camera, I'll prove ye wrong. ;) Typing this message in my neatly packed, with "slight" room to spare, system in my sig.

EDIT: Doh! didn't click the link, but yes, that is the way to go. Fits well.
EDIT2: here they are: http://hardforum.com/showpost.php?p=1029366875&postcount=47

How did you make the dongle?
I'm having problem finding that right-angle thingy..

Did you get it online or in a local store?
leoflc said:
How did you make the dongle?
I'm having problem finding that right-angle thingy..

Did you get it online or in a local store?

I really don't know where to get it. I have a few sitting around in my "random wiring" box. :p
mmm... First: Rosewell is a mixed bag. You don't know what you're going to get. Anything from ATNG to fsp to even a few deer's. Avoid.
Second: Why the fuck would you sell a liberty, one of the better supplys out there, for a mediocre rosewell?
Third: I would just get the smaller optical drives and a normal psu.
Thanks Leo, I use the 450 watt PSU in my Qpack and it fits along with the full size NEC, no modifications neccessary!
Nearsite said:
Thanks Leo, I use the 450 watt PSU in my Qpack and it fits along with the full size NEC, no modifications neccessary!

Thanks! That's good to know!
Although the wires seem... kinda hard to organize..