Buggiest games ever thread! List them.....

I'd have to go with Enter the Matrix or Age of Empires 3.
Serious Sam 2 (note - not Second Edition)

My rig can handle everything I throw at it (FEAR, BF2, Doom 3, etc.) except this POS. Everytime a cut scene happens, it'll hard-lock pretty quickly. I've tried latest patches, DX9 updates, uninstall/reinstall, etc. to no avail. I can make it through the cut scenes on my laptop, but it's not as beefy in specs, so I'd much rather play it on my tower.
rainbow 6: ravenshield... too many bugs to count.. the dev team couldnt even fix them so they gave you an option on which one you'd like... lol and the ladder bug was in every version after every patch..
Json23 said:
Wow! My memory sucks pretty bad. I seriously don't remember having to do that in HL2....
I remember that, after you pick up the soda can and put it in the trash, he laughs at you. But then again, I just got down playing it recently so its probably a little more fresh in my mind.
Eventhough one of the better games I've played and spent the most amount of hours on it's gotta be Battlefield 2, too many bugs to count
Next in line is Vampire: Bloodlines, I remember playing it and all of a sudden the game crushed every time at the same exact spot, I learned later that it was a game issue - awesome game with great ideas btw.
Tribes 2

No question, the patcher had bugs so you couldn't patch it. Sometimes it wouln't install properly. It was garbage.
Tribes 2

..what a sad sad end to such a great original (I used to be a competitive Triber)

C&C Tiberian Sun: Didn't work out of the box, after one patch it worked, then after another patch it completely killed it.

C&C Renegade: Jesus Christ............

Tribes 2: Just crap

X3 Reunion: Goddamn, what a piece of garbage. Even after the patch the game is still half broken.

As for the person that had problems with Metroid Prime, I've never heard of anyone that had problems with that game. I really think you had a bad disk or something because MP was one of the most polished games I've ever played.
Black and white (As well as Black and White 2) were both VERY buggy on release, and still somewhat buggy after patches.

Enter the Matrix definately looked like it wasn't even finished.
Halo 2.

The sheer volume of players that play that game have found a wide array of problems with it.

You'd be amazed what you can do with a sword, and rocket launcer....


omg. not only was it extremely buggy, it was missing huge features, such as some skills listed in the manual, auto map, etc
My vote will have to go both to HL2 and CS:S. I will also defend these 2 games to the death, it just when Source came out finally, it just had so many random bugs. Even to this day, I still get some random crashes and weird problems. That stutter bug drove me insane!!!!!
BF2 1.0. How the hell could you let a game that doesn't even know who's an enemy and who's a friendly pass QC?
i nominate:
AO - yay, introduced the first 2 hour patch :(
Black & White - holeeee crap, this game just randomly didn't want to work, oh you are loading to the next map? hows the desktop sound? i hope you like it...
Diablo1 - i like getting the demons to go back and forth in one spot with out anything in its way and just totally obliterate it with spells and have it not even hit me once, diablo himself was way easy

buggiest game ever: Battle Field: Vietnam
god i loved that game, but dear god, let me install it !!

I remember guys who could not install BF Vietnam.

Oh and tribes 2, I was at a lan and could not get patched to the freakin same level as the server (nor could half of the lan gamers. So we reinstalled, and nope... so someone reformatted, and during that fun time, we found a fix. Still to this day that was the most techs I have ever seen working on one issue at the same time.
I read this whole thread and no one mentioned Daikatana. :)
i only listed games that i enjoyed playing through the buggy content, for instance, trying to get vietnam to work required an act of god, but i still got it to work and enjoyed it alot

daikatana was like a no-man's land, i tried to play the demo wasn't impressed so i never got to experience the buggy ness
Battlefield 2. BF:Vietnam didn't work very well for me, so I aquired a copy of BF:2 from a shady source, updated it to whatever was current at the time, and checked it out. Not very much later I uninstalled it, deleted the ISOs, and decided to wait a few years before trying again. (By 2007 it should be reasonably solid. Cheaper, too, but that's just a happy side effect.)

The netcode in C&C Generals. It makes the rest of the game seem solid. *Sigh*

The buggiest game for me would have to be Far Cry, followed by Arcanum and then Morrowind.

Not neccesarily bad games by any means, just buggy.

Far Cry has been the only game I have ever played that I had to wait for a patch to play.
Kotor 2 is a bad one, the worst recent game IMO. I gave up playing because of... BAD.

Black Hawk Down made me cry alot as well.

I remember Outpost.. not sure if I couldnt progress far because I sucked or because the game was buggy/arbitrary. Probably both.

I give 100 pts to whomever said eXtreme Paintbrawl. I recommend people look it up, just for the whole WTF factor.
MechCommander2. You literally had to have a Cray to have it run properly. Very, very badly coded.
Big Rigs = the bar none buggiest game ever. The game was literally released when it was less than 1/2 finished. Everything is permanently in no-clip mode as the objects have no mass...you just drive straight to the finish line. It's widely considered to be the "worst game ever" because it was released in such a horrible state.

In terms of a game that was truly finished but buggy...Daggerfall likely takes the cake. Soooo many wonderful no-clip moments, lock-ups, and problems with that game. Sadly, I still played the crap out of it and just saved a lot.
I never had problems with Black and White, ever. I didn't read more than the first four posts, so I don't know if it was resolved. Bugs in the game must be isolated by select hardware, because i traded it between me and my friends. Maybe it is because I always patch a game before I play it, as everyone should.
DermicSavage said:
Honorable metnions: Myth 2 and Tribes 2

Myth 2 had a bug not in the game but the uninstaller, where it would attempt to uninstall everything on the partition.

Tribes 2 had a bug in one of the patches released that effectively broke the windows installations(I dont know what had caused this)

Tribes 2 was a bloody mess, but a pretty damn good game when it worked probably. You could probably say it was one of the fore-runners of vehicular combat in FPS's that went mainstream with BF1942.

Or you could say I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. Either one works. :)

Stormrider said:
Kotor 2 is a bad one, the worst recent game IMO. I gave up playing because of... BAD.

It's nice to know I'm not alone in this. I love the first game, but I didn't even get my lightsaber in the second one because it sucked so much. That, and it was an annoyingly buggy mess. I have a pipe dream that the third one will be developed exclusively with the PC in mind, then later ported to whatever console they wish to port it to.

EDIT: If I remember correctly, a PC port of that game Dead to Rights was released with a bug that prevented you from advancing past the first level. I'm not 100% on this as I've never even played the game, but I could swear I read it somewhere.
wfalcon said:
Oh yeah - I also nominate Arcanum...another waste of cash.
One of the best games ever without the bugs. Up there with Fallout and Planescape: Torment.

Multiplayer was atrocious, but single player was one of the best.
HHunt said:
The netcode in C&C Generals. It makes the rest of the game seem solid. *Sigh

True that, I was getting into the game at a friends LAN, so the first game I picked up when I got back to the US was Generals. It was great playing a 2v2 game online and ending up playing with a bot for a partner, since the game doesn't tell you when anyone leaves. What a waste of money.

Currently I'll have to say BF2. What other game can get away with having such a barely functional server browser nearly a year after release?

merlin704 said:
I read this whole thread and no one mentioned Daikatana. :)

Damnit, you beat me by a page...oh well, you've restored my faith in humanity.
Naldo said:
Metroid Prime for Gamecube, locked up on me quite a few times, which is unacceptable for a console game, I remember having to do one section a good 20+ times because the game would consitantly lock up on the same elevator. Was still a great game though.

Something is either wrong with your Gamecube or the Metroid Prime disk. I bought both my Gamecube and MP as soon as they were released and I've played through the game nearly five times without incident.

Enter the Matrix is...well, that is legitimately screwed up. I've read that you can't even complete the game because of a fatal glitch midway.

Pirates of the Caribbean for the Xbox deserves a mention here. I've played multiple copies on multiple revisions of the Xbox and they all ended the same; the game slows to a crawl and crashes. It actually turned my Xbox LED red. That's just scary...I thought it was going to explode.
If you have never played Sacred, I recomend that for buggyness. They had to issue a 100 meg patch to fix that mess. It turned out to be one of the best diablo clones out there, but pre patch, there were bugs where you could not pass quests, so you had to restart the entire campaign and hope the bug would not crop up again.

Devine divinty was pretty bad also.

B&W was awefully buggy too. Of course the game was just not fun and one of the most overhyped games ever, so so that might leave another bad feeling in people's mouths, so they might think it was more buggy then it actually was.

Red Alert 2 had some aweful bugs. It was unblanced also. Still is after patches with Yuri's.

I remember reading a few years ago about a game that if you used the uninstall function it would format your hard drive. I would say that is about as bad as it gets. Props to anyone who can find an article on it.
Diablo II


There are STILL bugs that affect the gameplay despite having a massive playerbase and still going on after all these years.

They did just release a 1.11 patch this past summer, fixed a few useful glitches, didn't fix any of the really annoying, detrimental bugs, and added a few new glitches that everyone and their mom is taking advantage of. Yeah, yeah, I know, it's an old game, who cares... But... Really... I'm amazed that they've NEVER fixed some of this stuff, like, if you die and come back, you take more damage from magic because it doesnt add some bonuses, sometimes one character's rapid movement gets 'locked' and you can't use it without exiting and going back in, blah blah, I mean, there are just a ton. Not including their complete inability to combat item duplication and even importation. 98% of the 'good' stuff out there is duplicated in the game - Seriously.

They haven't even updated the character screen that displays your actual damage, life, etc, in years, and with all the new stuff they've thrown in, hardly any of the values on there are calculated correctly. It's known in the community as the LCS - Lying Character Screen.

I guess there have been more bugs in some games at launch, but... Most of those bugs got fixed over time. :rolleyes:
Surprised noones mentioned Boiling Point (or Xenus in europe I believe?) I've tried getting through it, but between cars disappearing (yay, 15km trek back to town...), disappearing key items and unusable items I just gave up. Too bad, has alot of potential.

kcthebrewer said:
One of the best games ever without the bugs. Up there with Fallout and Planescape: Torment.

Multiplayer was atrocious, but single player was one of the best.

Exactly. Multiplayer is a big attractant for me. I don't think I'd have cared for the Diablo series or Dungeon Siege series if the multi had been borked with little to no promise of ever being fixed.