Building a HTPC in the DH-101


Limp Gawd
Jun 23, 2009
I recently went to Microcenter to try and cash in on their quad socket 775 deals. (I missed out /cry). While I was there they had a Thermaltake DH101 HTPC case. It was love. Pretty Solid build, beautiful almost perfect. I was there to get a antec p182 for my roomate, so I asked to get the p182 and the dh101. the saleman comes back, they were out of stock on the dh101. Went home with the P182, which by the way is a pretty hot case too.

Anyways if any of you have a DH-101 in near mint condition, with the remote and vfd, ill buy it. (Had to get my plug here since i cannot post in the forsale forums)

Im looking at these components for the system.
q9550 mild oc
Gigabyte EP45-UD3P
Nt06-Lite Cooler
2x WD 500G Raid0
1x WD 640gaaks
Hauppauge 1250 tv card
HIS Radeon 4890
Westinghouse 26" LCD @ 1900x1200

Im thinking this will be a pretty strong HTPC so ill probably ditch my other comp and just use this as a gaming rig also.

Is the onboard sound on the UD3P good enough for 5.1 Surround? If not whats a reasonably priced soundcard if i need to purchase one?

I have a 46" Projection HDTV but it only has rca connectors, anyway to get the video and sound out to it via the 4890?

I will be running Windows 7 MC.
Re-think your entire build. The DH is a pretty crappy HTPC case, old outdated design (internally) with shitty airflow. Unless you really want too don't set it up to game. Especially in that crappy DH. Go cheaper with a better step up; AMD, 8200/8300 series mobo and a better case. Drop the video card.
Well since i live in a small apartment i was really thinking of trying to build a multi-use pc. Right now my roommates streaming a dv while i play wow and write this.

Can you find me a good atx case with a vfd front? I have a remote from my Hauppage 1250 card so thats no biggy. What do you use yourself?
Well I'd give a vote for an Antec Fusion, however, it is an mATX case and not ATX.

It has a VFD and an IR sensor in it too - it's what I'm using and I love it.