building a server


Limp Gawd
Jun 11, 2007
Well.. for some reason today I decided i wanted to build a server and I need some help with what I should do with it and what type of hardware I should be looking at.. I'm definiteley going to go with a small formfact micro atx case so I can take it places with me ( college and stuff ).. I have a HD and VGA to use.. but im trying to deicde if I should grab 2gb or 4gb of RAM and im also trying to think about what processor.. Im thinking I might stick a AMD x2 5200 in it and upgrade my rig to a x2 6000..

but on to my next problem is I dont know what exactly I'd use the server for yet.. I have a domain so I could host that, among with maybe a ventrillo server but im not sure of what other possiblities there are.. I also have never used linux before so Im guessing id have to learn my way around that...

Suggestions? :confused: :)
1. Your sig is too long.
2. What are you trying to serve?
3. What network are you using to support the sever?
if you are building something for the sake of building, any old computer can do what you want. I had dual p3's that were doing file hosting, torrentflux, webhosting, yadi yadi for my internal home usuage with no issues. Honestly I wasn't even putting a dent on the server so I just ran dual folding@home clients on it (freebsd).

If you want to play with linux or do what your suggesting, just run vmware on your dual core machine.
Hmm... well I have a old dell rig here with a P4 2.4 and 512MB RDRAM so I guess that could probably do the job..
Hmm... well I have a old dell rig here with a P4 2.4 and 512MB RDRAM so I guess that could probably do the job..

Yes that would do the job very well.

and for the second time your sig is too long.
Heh.. so.. I guess im going to play around with this rig I have.. Going to dual boot and install Ubuntu and Win XP and tweak it down to the minimum