Building and integrating a Car PC


[H]F Junkie
Oct 19, 2004
I remember seeing threads like this long ago but can't remember which subforum they were in. This one seems appropriate but move it if needed.

I have a 2007 Ford Fusion. It's a pretty baseline model, nothing fancy. I'm wanting to build and integrate a PC (I think they call those carputers?). Thing is, just looking around, I see sites that have all sorts of elaborate solutions. I don't want anything complicated. Basically, I want it to just run Windows 7 Media Center, and play music/movies. I want it to always be in the slick MCE interface, and I want to control it with a capacitive touch screen. Something like this. (Don't laugh at the corny video, it was the first YouTube result. :p) I don't want or care about GPS, internet browsing, video games, nothing like that. Basically the motto here is keep it simple - I want it to look properly integrated and have a nice UI that's easy and safe to use.

For the PC itself I was looking at an ION-powered ITX system. Something that is speedy enough for videos, but light on the power and size.

Anyone done this? Got some pictures of the system? What all do I need to do it, and what am I looking to spend?
Check out

They have a good store, and a great forum. Chances are, if someones put one in a 2007 Fusion, they'll be a forum post. If not, there's lots of knowledgeable people to help you out. I had plans to do one, and that's where I got most of my info. I never did quite follow through though, heh
I built a carpc a while back. It's not feasible to run just a simple windows MCE interface, mostly due to the fact that it will be a pain navigating the interface with just a touchscreen. Take a look into some popular front-ends such as centrafuse or ride runner.
I'll second that MCE is not meant to be controlled with a touch screen. It's best done at 10 feet with a remote control. You need to do things like map gestures to keystrokes. It's not slick or easy at all.

The simplest and best carPC as a media player I've seen was to use a player hard coded buttons ala ipod shuffle. Play/Pause - FF - REW - volume up/down and shuffle. The hard coded buttons related to the keyboard shortcuts in Winamp (or was it foobar, don't recall) but there was no touchscreen or any screen at all. It was slick, it worked and if you didn't like the song you just hit next. I suppose a simple screen would have worked for navigation but by then you may as well just put in an ipod or iPod touch.
I disagree, there is no problem with the W7 MC interface for touchscreen, and it'll boot right into it. That is actually the biggest update to it for W7 is touch optimizations.

You can suppliment that with one of these:

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As suggested before, go to The store has 10% off through 12/13 for orders over $200...

Other than the standard PC gear, you will also need either an automotive power supply or a converter. Converters can buzz and I believe have to be shut off manually each time you use them. For automotive PSUs, I recommend Opus - no one else. Do not bother with anything from Mini-Box - I have gone through 3 of their PSUs - YGWYPF. They all work for a bit and then fail. Have also used the DS-ATX and had problems.

You will probably want a touch screen LCD. Forget the Lilliput - again YGWYPF! Xenarc all the way. You will end up spending more than that when the first Lilliput fails and still be stuck with a Lilliput. My Xenarc has been working perfectly for about 4 1/2 years and the features are better. mp3car recently had a 15% off Xenarc displays, that may be why some are sold out.

Also recommend a mini keyboard. That one above looks pretty nifty. I haven't found any wireless ones that work well.

$170 for ION board/CPU
$100 Windows 7 Home w/MCE
$50-60 for drive
$20 RAM (less is better if you are hibernating)
$150 for PSU
$300 - $500 for monitor.
$50 Sound card (recommended if you are going to all this trouble. Otherwise, just get an iPod)
$10 Bondo

It's about a $1000 project minimum.

Would recommend an SSD for storage. Hard bumps in the road can crash your system, which can either result in a minor reboot or crashing your drive and losing all your data/installation. Other advantages is they boot much faster, which is important when you are waiting for the system to boot before you can listen to music.

Look into how you are going to wire it. If your system has an amp, it will make life easier or you will need to wire it directly into your headunit.
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How well does the OPUS fit in most mini-itx CarPC cases? Most cases seem to accommodate the mini-box M1 or M2 psus perfectly. I also agree that you should avoid minibox products if possible and go for an Opus. Not only is mini-box support terrible, but their products have been known to take out your entire motherboard if you overload it.

What's wrong with Lilliput? Im happy with my Lilliput monitor and havent had any problems with it. For the same price, I would say Lilliput is the best bang for your buck. Only problem I see with Lilliput vs Xenarc is that Lilliput requires you to power it from a regulated +12v source, whereas Xenarcs have their own regulator built in.