building sff - in over my head?


Jan 10, 2007
I've built many desktop systems through the years. I recently bought an HDTV & Home Theater system and would like to add a PC to the mix. I thought I would just take the easy route and buy a Shuttle XPC 100 System that I saw in a magazine. I want something that will handle Vista with ease and does NOT use integrated graphics. When I went to configure such a system at Shuttle's site, the price tag quickly jumped to almost $1900! I was thinking about spending $1000-$1200.

So I guess I will try to build another system myself. I guess it doesn't have to be a small form factor - I don't mind putting a case next to my media credenza - but I want it to have some style and run pretty quiet.

Could someone be kind enough to help me get started? Should I buy all of the components or can I get a pre-fab system in this price range? What about a bare-bones Shuttle? I'm kind of in uncharted waters here - all I've ever used is AMD chips, ASUS Mobos, ATI video cards and ATX form factor cases.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Since you have built PC's before I say stick with it. Especially for HTPCs, they get very expensive if you go with a pre-built. However you can always get a dell, and throw some extra's in it if that is good enough for your cause. I like pretty cases in my theater room so that was part of my reasoning for building.

Things you will want: The Quietest PSU you can get, near fanless/ ultra low noise CPU and video card choices, and enough storage to get the job done. For me a MATX box was not good enough for my Theater room, and I went with a real HTPC case.

Start there and you should be good.
You should just get a shuttle barebones.

If you have experience building PC in the past, then a sff should be no problem. Actually a barebones is er since the motherboard is already hooked up. Also once you built one pc, you build them all. Building an AMD is the same as building an Intel and same with ati and nvidia. Just make sure your processor and ram are compatible with the motherboard and you should be straight.