Bulk/mass update utility for windows programs?


Jan 11, 2009
I was wondering if there is something out there that will inventory all my installed apps and allow me to perform a mass update? I remember seeing something like this a while ago but don't recall what it was called. Any ideas? Thanks.
I believe Filehippo has something of the sorts too, but I think with any sort of program like this, it will come with a list of supported apps.
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I personally use FileHippo's portable version: http://www.filehippo.com/updatechecker/ It's under the "Download Here" link.

The problem with FileHippo is that it only catalogs the most popular apps, there are still a few that get missed. For the remaining I used to use Update Notifier (http://cleansofts.org/view/update-notifier.html). However, I'm not sure if it's still good as I forget to reinstall it after my fresh install of Windows 7 last August. Someone said they stopped updating their database, while another said they are fine. I guess I will try it out in a few days.

Also check out this link: http://www.techsupportalert.com/best-free-software-update-monitor.htm