Burn files straight to server?


Limp Gawd
Apr 2, 2004
I have just set up my WHS box with an old computer that i had, and i was wondering if I could rip my blu-rays from the blu-ray drive on my HTPC straight to the server? I know that i could just copy the blu-ray to the drive on the HTPC then transfer it, but in hopes of saving time, is there a way to copy straight from the disk to the server?

yep. just map the folder you are gonna store movies to (ie: Movies). i do this anyway for 2 reasons. first is when you start your htpc it will spin the drives up on the server and be ready for use, second you can easily rip or copy files to the server without searching for it all the time.i generally rip to local drive then copy over once i know its ok.
I think if you're not using gigabit network, the speed will be limited??