Burn in


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 9, 2000
I've just got myself my next Shuttle.
It's a SN95G5.
It's Super Sexy.
Got Myself a 3000+ to boot with.
Friend of My has 8 Mb Internet connection so to save some time I went to Him to install/ update My new Shuttle.
Everything was gooing just great. Shuttle was pretty fast.
I was very tired cause I've been working whole week and whole weekend too.
At one moment affter like working few hours on it I've touched side to check how hot it gets. I was expecting it will be bit warm cause grafic card cooler is just few mili away from case cover. I've almost burned My skin of :eek:
Touched it everywhere and all Shuttle was extremly hot. Unpleasent to touch.
I woke up imidietly and took cover off to see system fan. It was not connected!!???
Then I've hotwired one 120 mili and 80 mili Delta screamer (120x25 mili and 80 x 38 mili) and placed 120 to blow on grafic card and 80 mili to blow abow ICE and over a mobo.
On right side came heat wave. Room is very very small and it realy warmed up from hot air out of My shuttle.
I was thinking thats itgoing to die. Though it just finished Service pack and when restarting I've turned it of and connected proper 92 mili fan to mobo. When I've started I've expected Shuttle mobo to run it longer on Full blast to cool of but it didn't. Whole system just went to normal temps in mether of minute.
Well most common mod for cooling in Shuttle that I allways doo is to remove grill. Thopugh if I have done it I'm pretty shure that I would have one dead Shuttle. 92 mili fan was out but heat went in ICE to radiator and then to a chassis and covver. Cover is black and it was cooling too.
So that's how I got my burn in :)
I've tested everything and it works great. I might change cooling paste in few days cause I'm can imagine that when it get's so hot it looses it's thermal caracteristics. Though temperatures look good for now.

Tommorow I expect to gett 6800 GT (I have temporary 5900 in) and then I'm done.

In April We have next big LAN Party and I can't wait :)

Um... yeah. At least you learned a good lesson: monitor your temps for a couple minutes when you first build a computer.

I guess another good lesson is to not run your computer without CPU cooling?


Also if I understand you correctly (a statement that's on shaky ground), you put a fan over the ICE heatpipes which blew over the mobo? If so, that was definitely a bad idea. That would actually heat up the motherboard and wouldn't get any heat out of your system.
I might change cooling paste in few days cause I'm can imagine that when it get's so hot it looses it's thermal caracteristics.
Dude, it's thermal paste! Why would you waste that perfect burn in? Sheesh, that's what "burn-in" is all about!
A suggestion. As an owner of the SN95G5 I'd look into (if you already have not) purchasing the mesh side panels for the case. Yes they are $50.00 but it's totally worth it and it will cool your case MUCH better then what it is now. The SN95G5's PSU doesn't blow the hot air out the back of the case very well. Heck I'm not even sure there is a fan inside of the PSU to even blow the hot air out. Anyway the mesh side panels are super sexy and they cool the case so much better. I was skeptical before buying the new side panels but they really do a nice job.

I'd consider it if I were you. Heat kills electronics. The side panels will help the parts life span.

Mesh Side Panel
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Yeah mash cover would doo much better work.

Well I was thinking to go for other cover.
I was even thinking about taking My cover to Laser cutter to cut out Shuttle sign and gett extra ventilation. though it might be bit exprencive :) I gues some blu light coming out of laser cut Shuttle letters woud be sweet.

I've builded SB75G2 V2 for friend of mine and He has mash cover. He has pasive heatsink on His grafic card and I belive mash cover works bad for Him. It just doesn't direct airflow over His card's cooler. Air goes with lower velocity over all surface. On other hand cover with holes directs air bit better. Air comes lower in and goes over a card and back out of case thru ICE. On other hand I have 6800GT and it would appriciate more air then it gets now and mash cover would funktion better for My setup. I might suggest Him that We swap covers. :)

Normaly I use other fan on ICE with regulation Poti to dail in noise and decide how much airflow I want. I place Potentiometer in hole wich is ment for wireless antenna. Normaly I use with very good results PCI slot blowers in Shuttle. Also good result and reduced noise comes from cuting out grill on back. I doo also normaly make 100x 5 mili holes on bottom to cool mainboard and reroute airflow and provide bit more places for intake. That reduces noise made by air going thru a holes in cover.
Though My SN95G5 is so new :)
I also have 250 watt Silent PSU with PFC that I've just got for My old Shuttle. Though now I've sold old one with new 200 watt PSU I have had and I've kept new 250 watt PSU for reserve.
First I've builded Shuttle just as it is stock to see how does it preforms and does it work at all. I haven't had enough time to spend time tweaking it jet.
I've just measured some temps and gave mild try to OC it.
Affter some work I've noticed insde gett's pretty hot. Specialy now with 6800GT.
I'm wondering does Smart Fan ever accelerate fan. I think it waits to long and inside of case getts to hot resulting in hig CPU temp.
So for now I've just played a bit with it.
I'm woried for My 6800GT couse they run hot anyways so I've installed PCI slot cooler pulling air from it's back. Normal it's more efficient facing inside of a case. Then it has more CFM and case temps are lower. Though sucking air from Grafic cards back it helps cooling grafic card (3 deg. C lower GPU temps) and it lowers a bit inside temps.
Power supply is getting hot so I'm going to take care of it. Or I'm going to use 250 watt PSU with two 40 mili fan's or I'll mod existing PSU.

I haven't had time to give it a good try on overclocking. Kyle tryed it in His first review of SN95G5 (most probobly V1 cause He couldn't run 6800 Ultra and now PPL use it with V2) and He couldn't realy OC it. Maybe V2 is capable of OC-ing but I couldn't get any good result. Like I've tryed it with soft OC tool for Nforce 3 chipsets and with stock 1,4 V. It just want OC. On other hand I've see often People Hit 2400 MHz air cooled AMD 64 3000+ Winchester.

I'm still going to wait before I cut out grill. Grill on G5 chasis with 92 mili fan has bigger holes then 80 mili fan grill on other G chassis (non G5 chassis) hence it makes less obstruction and it still takes heat and conducts it into a case and cover.
