Burn speeds slow


Limp Gawd
Sep 9, 2006
I have a plextor 716A that I've transferred from my old computer. I thought that my slower burn speeds were due to a slow system but now I know that's not the case. I get only 8x max burn speeds when I should be getting higher. I am using verbatim media with azo and also sony media. I have even defragged the disc, and nothing else is running on the same ide. When i try to burn at 16x, the drive speeds up to about 8.8x, then it always drops down to about 7.9x and stays there until the burn is complete. What gives?
My suggestions/comments:

1.) Are the media you are using rated for 16x speeds?
2.) Is the drive operating in DMA or PIO mode? You will want it to be in DMA mode.
sorry I forgot to mention those. Yes the media is rated at 16x and the drive is in DMA not PIO.
PS: The firmware is upgraded and I'm using the newest versions of nero and other burning programs.
Perhaps your hard drive can't keep up with it? Nero has a hard drive STR test in it somewhere.

Also, what's Task Manager show while burning?
I can't find the Nero hard drive STR test. I have a Seagate 320gb sata 3.0gb/s drive w/ perpendicular recording. When I run HDtach I get a burst speed of 260 MB/s and an average read speed of 66.5 MB/s (with the max at ~85 MB/s).
yea ill try the diagnostic tool and see what it tells me. Worst thing is it's almost always been like this, I just assumed it was my old computer that was crappy...not the drive.
By chance, do you have any games installed that use Starforce protection? I've never experienced a problem like you are describing, but there is quite a bit of debate and more than a few people out there that have had issues similar to yours that were fixed by removing starforce from their systems.

I may be way off base, but I thought I'd bring it up.