Burned by Evga????


Limp Gawd
Dec 31, 2005
So here is the deal. I bought a 7900GTX online from NCIX on April 11th and registerd it to EVGA on the 17th of April.

On June 29th I entered the Queue for the GX2, and have been waiting in the queue for 2 and a half months. I check up on the step-up and it says "This card is not available for Step-Up, past 90 day window (Ended:7/11/2006)"

Man I am Pissed!!! If I entered the queue on the 29th of June and it ended on the 11of July, I qualify.

I swear I get screwed no matter what I do. Now I got a shitload of arguing and waiting ahead of me. I tell you one thing, I dont let a company hoop me twice. Ask BFG...

I feel the need to tell you about my RMA woes...

#1. BFG 7800GTX Dies. Get an RMA and send it back. They take over 2 months to get me my card back and low and behold, it is a 7800GT. Have to send it back and they cross ship a 7800 GTX back. Whole process was just under 3 months.

#2. Bought a Asus A8R32-MVP and fought as hard as I could to get it stable. Two months I spent before I gave up and RMA it. It has been 3 weeks and havent got it back.

#3. Picked up a CM Stacker and oddly enough it had the MoBo Tray issue. Took 2 weeks to get a reply from CM and it has been 2 weeks shipping and havent got it yet.

#4. Logitech Dinovo shift key went. BUT Logitech rules and is shipping me a whole new set. All I have to see is how long it takes...
I havehad RMA's with
Newegg many items always went smooth

G.Skill They got my old 4400 memory friday August 18th,2006 and I got my new memory today August 22, 2006

Mwave a Epox 5PDA2+ went smooth

Asus USA P5P800se went fast and smooth.

BFG 6600GT Vid card went fast and smooth

Evga vid 5900fx card went fast and smooth

zipzoomfly rma'd many items always went smooth

Nexfan bad lights replaced without a return item just replaced " Great People "

OCZ Bad PC 3700 Platinum very fast RMA and replaced with memory of my choice since the 3700platinum was no longer being made They were Excellent people to deal with

so in other words, you think that a company (BFG) who is offering to fix the situation, and messed up, and did fix the issue has "hooped" you.......okay send me $1000 and I'll send you $5000 back. Promise......
I was in the queue for N563 7900gt for over 2 months..It kinda sucked, but bottom line, nothing is lost in that time. You get to continue to use your card, and get every penny back on your purchase towards the upgrade.

Assuming you're correct, and you did enter the queue in time (I have no reason to doubt you, just saying), then *something* on their end fucked up. From what I understand there was a dearth of GX2's on the market, and suprprise surprise stepup queues aren't necessarily the 1st to get shipments allocated to them (sucks but that's how it goes). So, it's not surprising that the GX2 queue is loooooong.

Solution: start a thread on the eVGA forums, or email Joe Darwin, or Jacob Freeman. I single those two in particular, since when I had issues w/ the stepup, and resulting card "issues" after, they both replied to my emails the same day - in one case Joe even replied with appx 15 mins :).

Hopefully you were smart enough to take a screenshot of the queue progress sometime showing when you entered, and of course have access to your proof of purchase..Just contact them, and they'll make it right - maybe even expedite (faster shipping, extra game bundle, something) the process in order to remedy their cockup.

ps Sorry if I sound like an eVGA f-b, but they DO care about keeping customers happy..And if something happens they generally remedy the situation.
kush said:
I was in the queue for N563 7900gt for over 2 months..It kinda sucked, but bottom line, nothing is lost in that time. You get to continue to use your card, and get every penny back on your purchase towards the upgrade.

Assuming you're correct, and you did enter the queue in time (I have no reason to doubt you, just saying), then *something* on their end fucked up. From what I understand there was a dearth of GX2's on the market, and suprprise surprise stepup queues aren't necessarily the 1st to get shipments allocated to them (sucks but that's how it goes). So, it's not surprising that the GX2 queue is loooooong.

Solution: start a thread on the eVGA forums, or email Joe Darwin, or Jacob Freeman. I single those two in particular, since when I had issues w/ the stepup, and resulting card "issues" after, they both replied to my emails the same day - in one case Joe even replied with appx 15 mins :).

Hopefully you were smart enough to take a screenshot of the queue progress sometime showing when you entered, and of course have access to your proof of purchase..Just contact them, and they'll make it right - maybe even expedite (faster shipping, extra game bundle, something) the process in order to remedy their cockup.

ps Sorry if I sound like an eVGA f-b, but they DO care about keeping customers happy..And if something happens they generally remedy the situation.

QFT, customer for life here and no insult but when i look at your (OP) tale of woes I see a pattern. No body has that much difficutly unless there is a systemic problem with process ability. I am illluding to the possibility that perhaps you do not always pay attention to proper procedure and end up frustrated at the world becuase is does not beat to your drum.

Focuss young padawan
jacuzz1 said:
I am illluding to the possibility that perhaps you do not always pay attention to proper procedure and end up frustrated at the world becuase is does not beat to your drum.

Focuss young padawan

I was waiting for someone to say that, it it usually the easy cop out for someone to chime in at how great they are. I build on average about 3 systems a year for myself. And about 10 for others.

Now if you mean I dont know how hard to stike a shift key, maybe you could be so kind as to show me a white paper on the proper force.

Or perhaps you could find a way to get Asus to magically reproduce the first run of shitty A8R32's and go into a time warp and replace the board in my sleep. Also in that time can you get them to write a BIOS that doesnt blow.

Hmmm, what else... OH ya!! Go put $300 CAD on a case that had issues in the first production run 6 months ago and buy one now, and have it not fit any PCI cards. Oh ya, totally my fault.

As far as BFG they were COMPLETELY asleep at the wheel on my RMA. But I am over it and I just wont buy their shit anymore.

I am really trying to figure how any of this is my fault. I know there are stupid people out there, trust me. I really try to make sure that I plan ahead as to not be one of them. That is why I am frustrated. I do what I have to, well before I had to do it, and I still end up getting pooched.

And when I do bust shit, and I have, I admit it and dont blame it on someone else or another company. I am sure I will get back in queue, but more screwing around for some shit I had nothing to do with. Arggg!

I should also mention I live in Canada and there is no Newegg. I thought they were supposed to start up in Canada, but no luck yet.
turtletrax said:
So here is the deal. I bought a 7900GTX online from NCIX on April 11th and registerd it to EVGA on the 17th of April.
You just broke the world NCIX shipping record...

I ordred an MCP655 from them on the 5th... it hasn't even shipped yet.
I don't doubt the OP's story.

I'm in no way a noob, but have incredibly bad luck with hardware. It took me 3 RMA's to get an Asus A8N-SLI board that booted. Asus RMA's take 3 weeks start to finish, so you can imagine how happy I was to wait a full 12 weeks to finally get my system running :).

#1. BFG 7800GTX Dies. Get an RMA and send it back. They take over 2 months to get me my card back and low and behold, it is a 7800GT. Have to send it back and they cross ship a 7800 GTX back. Whole process was just under 3 months.

That's a major fuckup on BFG's part. I think some of you are being unfair with the OP's history of RMA. It's not like there was any way for him to influence BFG to send him the GT over the GTX. Like, I could understand it if there was an online form of something, but there isn't.

I had called Evga once regarding the very same issue... If I "step up" on the day before my step up period ends, do I still qualify? Sure! Of course you do. It turns out that you pay DUTIES on the card if it crosses the CAN/US border (fuckers) so I didn't do that.

Either way, OP if you have some sort of screenshot or if you kept the email evga sent you... you'll be fine.

No body has that much difficutly unless there is a systemic problem with process ability.

To that I disagree ;).

And ^^ The ncix shipping record comment was pretty funny XD. They shipped my keyboard in ONE day. I had it TWO days later :O.
Just check up on my profile on Evga's website and all is back to normal. Looks like my luck is at least back to where it was.

It was just kinda the straw that broke the Camels back. Needed somewehre to blow some steam that wasnt gonna piss some Tech off.

I am 13th in queue now and really looking forward to it. I built a whole new C2D setup just for it. I guess that is why I got so choked


Borgschulze said:
You just broke the world NCIX shipping record...

I ordred an MCP655 from them on the 5th... it hasn't even shipped yet.

I guess you can add one star to the plus side of my shipping luck :)
That's still really wierd. And it's also the reason that between me, my clients and my suppliers, I will never exchange an email.

I always call the people in person. Makes for a much smoother transaction, and gets answers from someone you can later quote if you... HAVE to make a claim to the BBB (been there, done that).
turtletrax said:
I guess you can add one star to the plus side of my shipping luck :)
My Opteron 146, and x800GTO^2 also took 3 weeks for the video card and a month for the CPU.

My DFI Ultra-D took 4 days.

if you read the evga stepup it says

you may see that it will tell you "you are past the step up period"


If you have already entered a que you are still valid.

I have no idea why its taking so long as mine took 1 week, but thats a whole other issue.

Call EVGA.
Faction said:

if you read the evga stepup it says

you may see that it will tell you "you are past the step up period"

No, the step-up page said "This card is not available for Step-Up, past 90 day window (Ended:7/11/2006)" in bold red letters at the bottom of the page. In the thread I started on Evga forum there were several people that had the smae problem.

They have been changing the format of the step-up page over the past week or so, so I guess they were just having coding/server problems.

This is why I buy my parts from a local computer store. PCclub has a location here and prices usually hum about $10 more than newegg..

Videocard breaks.. take it back and get a new one in minutes :D
Well I'm glad your step up is now back on track. My step up was pretty smooth, as they even cross ship with a credit card (no down time then!).

I can't speak for BFG simply because I haven't purchased any cards from them. They seem a little too expensive compared to XFX and Evga.
solobaricsrock said:
so in other words, you think that a company (BFG) who is offering to fix the situation, and messed up, and did fix the issue has "hooped" you.......okay send me $1000 and I'll send you $5000 back. Promise......

I'll take Nonsensical Jibberish for $1000 Alex...
solobaricsrock said:
What, you couldnt have picked Louie Anderson from Family Feud??? :D

I should have, Louie could probably use the publicity:)

Nonsensical fact of the day: Both are Canadian... I am not sure why I know that or why I would care, but there it is:D
I wish I still had my local computer store here, I prefer everying local as replacements such as these are minutes to replace, and doesn't cost me any shipping money.
how does evga count the days starting from????

The day of purchase?

The day of registration?

The day it shipped to my door?

or the day I was born :) jk there :D
Ockie said:
I wish I still had my local computer store here, I prefer everying local as replacements such as these are minutes to replace, and doesn't cost me any shipping money.

I try as much as possible, but it is pretty hard in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. There is basically only one retailer that has enthusiast hardware that I would ever deal with. The other one is a joke.

So some stuff I just gotta do online.
Pkirk618 said:
how does evga count the days starting from????

The day of purchase?

The day of registration?

The day it shipped to my door?

or the day I was born :) jk there :D

The date on your invoice
turtletrax said:
I was waiting for someone to say that, it it usually the easy cop out for someone to chime in at how great they are. I build on average about 3 systems a year for myself. And about 10 for others.

Now if you mean I dont know how hard to stike a shift key, maybe you could be so kind as to show me a white paper on the proper force.

Or perhaps you could find a way to get Asus to magically reproduce the first run of shitty A8R32's and go into a time warp and replace the board in my sleep. Also in that time can you get them to write a BIOS that doesnt blow.

Hmmm, what else... OH ya!! Go put $300 CAD on a case that had issues in the first production run 6 months ago and buy one now, and have it not fit any PCI cards. Oh ya, totally my fault.

As far as BFG they were COMPLETELY asleep at the wheel on my RMA. But I am over it and I just wont buy their shit anymore.

I am really trying to figure how any of this is my fault. I know there are stupid people out there, trust me. I really try to make sure that I plan ahead as to not be one of them. That is why I am frustrated. I do what I have to, well before I had to do it, and I still end up getting pooched.

And when I do bust shit, and I have, I admit it and dont blame it on someone else or another company. I am sure I will get back in queue, but more screwing around for some shit I had nothing to do with. Arggg!

I should also mention I live in Canada and there is no Newegg. I thought they were supposed to start up in Canada, but no luck yet.

I do not recall mentioning my greatness but I do appreciate your sentiment. My appologies for obsetting you further its just that it is nearly statistically impossibe for one person to have so much trouble and I thought perhaps you needed to take a deep breath , take a step back and re evaluate the situation. I am glad it was merely a mistake and your situation has been corrected. The Young Padawan statement was meant to indicate a degree of tounge in cheek that i wished to have been interperated within my suggestions and was not meant to be condecending.

Regards and Good luck (hands the op an olive branch)