Burning an ISO to DVD

Jan 1, 2007
I don't really know where to put this so, if this is in the wrong place, feel free to move it.

Anyway, what i wanted to know is, is it possible to burn an image of an ISO to a DVD-RW? I'm trying to do it now with Nero and it says i can only burn an image of it to a CD-ROM/RW. Is there something i'm doing wrong, or is it just not possible.

Thank you.
What format was the ISO from? I think you need to burn the ISO to the same format as what the ISO was pulled from.
I downloaded the Youp-Pax Software Suite 2007 for my X-Fi card. It was a .RAR file, so extracted it to get the .ISO. Thank you for your help, but it doesn't matter now anyway. I created a virtual drive and mounted it to that. It turns out it doesn't even work like that, and it works better if i just extract the files from the .ISO and run the .exe file.