"Buster" Is a Browser Extension That Can Solve Captchas Automatically


Aug 20, 2006
A developer has answered the call of web surfers who are sick and tired of Google’s relentless Captchas. Available for Chrome and Firefox, "Buster" is a browser extension that uses speech recognition technology to defeat Captchas under their audio challenge option. Users say it isn’t perfect but does work under certain circumstances.

All you do is click on the extension button at the bottom of the widget to have it solve the audio captcha automatically. Speech recognition is not infallible, but you can retry if the extension did not get it right the first time. Granted, it may sometimes be faster to solve the captcha manually but if you run into one that you can't solve, you may want check if Buster can solve it for you.
Only a matter of time until Google starts incorporating advertisements into the actual captchas. Google Captchas have gotten progressively more annoying and time consuming, and I no longer use them on my sites or recommend them. You'll start losing legitimate users and traffic if they have to solve multiple dynamic captchas with the super annoying whack-a-mole design.

For fucks sake, I'm a Google Fiber customer and they randomly make me solve captchas to see google search results when I use their (increasingly shitty and politically and socially biased) search engine.
Only a matter of time until Google starts incorporating advertisements into the actual captchas. Google Captchas have gotten progressively more annoying and time consuming, and I no longer use them on my sites or recommend them. You'll start losing legitimate users and traffic if they have to solve multiple dynamic captchas with the super annoying whack-a-mole design.

For fucks sake, I'm a Google Fiber customer and they randomly make me solve captchas to see google search results when I use their (increasingly shitty and politically and socially biased) search engine.

i get multiple dynamic captchas (i assume the dynamic term is referencing the puzzles where the grid items change after clicking, whereas the static ones show the checkbox and remain there until you click 'done' or whatever) and i'm not on google fibre!

i apologise if you're suggesting that being a google fibre customer should mean that you get *less* and not what non-google fibre subscribers are experiencing (it is a fair suggestion. you are paying them for internet service and they should be able to resolve your IP to figure out you're a subscriber [that presumably *has* to be human]).

ANYWHO: it's very annoying, i agree.

the problem is that many other sites you may want to use are also relying on google's captcha.

sometimes they get greedy and you'll have to solve more than one, just because they know you're at their mercy and they need all of the "expertly-labelled examples" they can get.

it is really getting out of control.

i was tolerant of one puzzle. but now even if you solve that puzzle, they'll make you do more.

it pisses me off every time i have to "temporarily trust" google.com so that i can temporarily trust gstatic.com to complete the captcha.

Only a matter of time until Google starts incorporating advertisements into the actual captchas. Google Captchas have gotten progressively more annoying and time consuming, and I no longer use them on my sites or recommend them. You'll start losing legitimate users and traffic if they have to solve multiple dynamic captchas with the super annoying whack-a-mole design.

For fucks sake, I'm a Google Fiber customer and they randomly make me solve captchas to see google search results when I use their (increasingly shitty and politically and socially biased) search engine.

The reason they've gotten more annoying is because it's a cat and mouse game. I'd expect they're only going to get more annoying because of this extension.

You see, captchas are a required necessity, they're because a lot of bots troll the internet. They do this for all sorts of nefarious things (like spam, click fraud, etc.).

They've only gotten more annoying because the other side is adapting to every new version. It's an arms race. I for one am OK with a slight annoyance logging in (it's automated on Google approved apps/devices where they can authentic the user silently for the latest versions) if it means that I don't have to deal with bots posting Viagra spam or ruining forums.

A world without these captchas is a world like our cell service these days, full of spam calls at all hours. Things become all but useless as they're bombarded with an endless stream of trash.
The reason they've gotten more annoying is because it's a cat and mouse game. I'd expect they're only going to get more annoying because of this extension.

You see, captchas are a required necessity, they're because a lot of bots troll the internet. They do this for all sorts of nefarious things (like spam, click fraud, etc.).

They've only gotten more annoying because the other side is adapting to every new version. It's an arms race. I for one am OK with a slight annoyance logging in (it's automated on Google approved apps/devices where they can authentic the user silently for the latest versions) if it means that I don't have to deal with bots posting Viagra spam or ruining forums.

A world without these captchas is a world like our cell service these days, full of spam calls at all hours. Things become all but useless as they're bombarded with an endless stream of trash.

Yeah, I get all of that. I've been running some very large sites/forums for 20 years, and I'm consequently VERY familiar with the bot and spam problems. Captcha systems are only part of the solution, and must be used with things like StopForumSpam. I've had more success, and fewer captcha-related user support tickets, by rolling my own custom captcha systems. For regional forums, I have even gone so far as to block entire countries/continents (ip2location) that have been the source of spam and bots.
Mind exercises to keep you fully functional.

You should pay for the privilege of Captchas -- advertising sounds like a great choice. ;)
Well I'm already at the point of simply walking away when a site uses google captchas. So they already keep users away, and still didn't solve the bot issue, so perhaps it is not a good solution? . I don't think there is no need for captchas, just look at the mouse trajectory, and if there is any mathematical symmetry in it, then it's a bot. A human can never do a perfect line or curve with the mouse, an algorithm can't do anything but. Any repeating pattern, or noise is a dead giveaway.
Here's a solution: use as little of Google's shit as possible. The only thing google I still use is my email account, and I'm strongly considering changing that too, as painful as that would be since so many sites use your email address as your userid.