Buy now or wait?


Limp Gawd
May 2, 2007
I'm pretty new to the game of purchasing PC hardware over the internet since I'm about to embark on my first build. I was wondering since I am going to wait until the July Intel price cuts for my CPU, do you think or believe it would be a wiser move to wait and purchase an 8800GTS 640meg when the Intel price cut happens or should I purchase it now while there is a rebate which lasts until the end of this current month? Basically from your experience do you think I'll get the best deal now with the current rebate or maybe a better deal around the Intel price cuts?

Oh and if I purchased the Video Card now, I would not have a PC capable of using it, so it would just sit in it's box until I get the CPU..
If you can't use it right now, definitely wait. It is extremely unlikely that prices in July will be higher than the AR prices now, considering that we haven't even seen price pressures from ATI/AMD yet, which we will...
in this case, i think it would be wiser to wait... buy all your hardware at the same time.
I know this is all hypothetical and really something that you can't know for sure, but do you think it would still be around the $400 it is today (without the rebate)? If I purchased it now I could get it for $60 cheaper with the Mail-in-Rebate around $340. To me that is a rather large price difference, and I'm not sure by July that the price would come that far down on it's own without a rebate.

I am leaning towards just waiting to purchase everything at once, but I just want to cover myself by getting some opinions.
With the exception of ram, every pc component will decrease in value as time passes and new hardware either comes out, or gets closer to coming out. I have never understood the people who say that that they will buy one component this month, and then when they get some more disposable income in the next month, they will buy another component, etc. Just save the money and when you get enough, buy what you can afford at the time. You will either get faster stuff, or the same stuff for less money. I won't say always because there will undoubtedly be someone here that will be able to cite an example of when it didn't apply, but I will say that 99.999995% of the time, you are better off waiting.
The longer you wait, the better of a deal you'll get.

True but on the other side of the coin you could be in an endless cycle of waiting with that mentality. by the time the GTS comes down in price by a decent amount alot better will be here and youll want that then the waiting begins again where you coulda just bought the original to begin with and enjoyed it.

IMO an upgrade now is better than an upgrade later just buy it and enjoy pure gaming goodness now then when the intel chips are cheaper get that and enjoy it too.

You can wait and wait until the end of time trying to get the most from your money when you could just enjoy it now.
True but on the other side of the coin you could be in an endless cycle of waiting with that mentality. by the time the GTS comes down in price by a decent amount alot better will be here and youll want that then the waiting begins again where you coulda just bought the original to begin with and enjoyed it.

IMO an upgrade now is better than an upgrade later just buy it and enjoy pure gaming goodness now then when the intel chips are cheaper get that and enjoy it too.

You can wait and wait until the end of time trying to get the most from your money when you could just enjoy it now.
did you read what the op said?.............

Oh and if I purchased the Video Card now, I would not have a PC capable of using it, so it would just sit in it's box until I get the CPU..
Dunno if others mentioned it or not, but you might want to grab some RAM if you need it.. its dirt cheap right now and going to go back up soon.
Yep, wait...I don't plan on gaming until around early july...when quake wars is supposed to come out...So, i'll just upgrade my vid card around the time...and wait two weeks and get a quad core system...