buying a gamecube


Aug 24, 2004
Just got a GST cheque in the mail I will be going to buy a Gamecube with Super Smash Brothers included, as well as some Metriod Prime, and Resident Evil 4. I'm pumped. A little late in the game, I realize, but what can you do?
Me and my friends play Super Smash Brothers almost every week. Game is very addicting if everyone you know, knows how to play it correctly.
Hey, cool, I love my Gamecube as well as my Xbox and PC....I wasn't into Sonys offering this generation, but I was a diehard PS1 guy back then...who knows what the future holds? And Resident Evil 4 will knock your socks is one of my alll time favorite games, and one of my all time favorite series!
I snagged one on ebay a few months ago with both metroids for $83 shipped. Played through RE:4 last month. Aweseome fucking game. I suck at the mini-games too much though to get the cool unlocks to make replay worth it though :(
yeah, I've already played RE4 to the end, but it's got such replay value. I actually wanted to start right over as soon as I finished it.
How much can you get RE4 for? I still haven't played it yet but I want to sooooooooooooooooooooooooo badly.
You can likely pick it up for $30-40. Great game.
If you like RPGs, get Tales of Symphonia. Don't forget Mario Kart and Wind Waker.
I've wanted to grab a gamecube for a while, and, as stupid as it sounds, donkey konga with the bongos. I've ultimately decided to wait for revolution as it's only 3-7 months away.
Just got back from the store. Too bad I went on my break... I'm at work until 9:30. This is driving me crazy!
Please, at lest rent Eternal Darkness. You'll piss yourself laughing the first time you get the mock-up BSOD.
steviep said:
You can likely pick it up for $30-40. Great game.
If you like RPGs, get Tales of Symphonia. Don't forget Mario Kart and Wind Waker.
wind waker was an insult....the look completly ruined it for me

i just couldnt play it :(
Ballz2TheWallz said:
wind waker was an insult....the look completly ruined it for me

i just couldnt play it :(
Ah, you just didn't release your inner-child. Pretend it was a cartoon, and it made it all
I have to admit though, I think the game would have been much better received by the general public (i.e. not h/core fans of Zelda) if it had shipped with the standard polygon/textures/etc.
Apart from that, I enjoyed every minute of it's entirety. Except for the sailing. That often made me wonder if it was thrown in to increase game time.
Ballz2TheWallz said:
wind waker was an insult....the look completly ruined it for me

i just couldnt play it :(

I liked the look and the rest of the game until they wanted you to sail around and collect the 16 tri-force pieces. From that point until the last battle (which was fine) I realized the game was rushed and had alot of filler content. It really needed 2 more full dungeons to be considered a great game by me.

Up to the Tri-force collection: 9/10
After the Tri-force collection: 4/10
Ballz2TheWallz said:
wind waker was an insult....the look completly ruined it for me

i just couldnt play it :(
That seems so close minded to dislike a game because it doesn't use the same graphical style as it's predecessors.

I thought the game was visually beautiful.
Yeah, playing Wind Waker felt like controlling a cartoon, which was completely novel for me. I didn't like it when it was first revealed, but it grew on me quickly. Still, shard collecting = bleh. I wasn't a big fan of the mario kart offering this generation, but Mario Kart DS seems rather promising.

Anyway, I whole-heartedly suggest the Super Monkey Ball series. It can come off as childish and silly, but the games offer great gameplay (think old school marble madness), and to me exemplifies Nintendo's philosophy that simpler games rule (which is ironic considering how the monkey ball games are made by Sega). I also suggest F-Zero GX, especially if you liked any of the previous versions. It may be outclassed by more modern racing games, but I had a lot of fun with it (and it's fairly challenging to boot).

EDIT: Oh yeah, don't forget to buy Ikaruga if you're into shmups.
Sypder, good call on the Kongas... another genious party game, especially when drunk.
Unfortunately for North Americans, X-mas 2006 is the Revolution release date. Q2 2006 is only for Japan.

As for those that knock on Wind Waker - I admit, the sailing was the weak point of the game. However, I found the visual style of the game to be MUCH better than the usual poly/texture crap. Why? Because if you look at the visual style of the original games, it matched perfectly. Viewing that game in 480p was breathtakingly beautiful - and only RE4 looked better on the GC, IMO. Dismissing a game entirely because of its appearance isn't always the wisest things to do, anyway. Some of the best games in history looked like shit.
It would be ridiculously expensive - especially at first. Truth be told, you can't really go wrong with a Gamecube. I mean, how much is it down in the states, $70? For $90 Canadian, you can get a Gamecube with a game here. I understand if you don't have a job or something, that it would be a wise idea to wait. However, if you have expendable income, $100 on a system + games/controllers isn't too much to spend.

Personally, when I buy the Rev system, I'll stick it downstairs in the entertainment centre of the house. And since the Rev can play Gamecube games w/o emulation (i.e. perfectly) I will move the Gamecube, along with my Wavebirds, up to my room. Perfect way to spend some late night hours, because TV is so terrible nowadays :)

That said, I understand that there is apprehension on purchasing a console so late in the game, when within the next year or so, there will be 3 new ones. But the GC is still damn cheap :D
slowbiz said:
That seems so close minded to dislike a game because it doesn't use the same graphical style as it's predecessors.

I thought the game was visually beautiful.

But it does, am I the only one who thinks this game is styled after 'A Link to the Past'?
Yo dude. If your buying a GC make sure you get a game called "P.N. 03". Its a very good game. :D
No, as I said, Wind Waker takes the visual style of the older Zelda games (incl the NES/GBA/SNES series games) and duplicates it almost perfectly. I know for Twilight they are going back to the N64-themed look (textures+polys), but I, for one, am going to miss the cell shading. I won't miss the sailing, but I wish some people weren't so closed-minded, and remembered their roots.
I love my GC, though the games I own have gotten old. The only one I keep coming back to is NHL Hitz 2003.
altec said:
Yo dude. If your buying a GC make sure you get a game called "P.N. 03". Its a very good game. :D

that game sucks man.. i bought it off of ebay.. i remember there were good reviews on it and everything.. i didn't like it one bit.. i felt the game could have been good.. but lacked something.. i don't know what.. but it lacked something..
I just realized how EFING UBER playing Super Smashbrothers online would be, as well as Mario Kart Online. I am also tempted to buy another Game Cube since my little brother sold my last GC for a sac that wasn't even that good :(
There is a utility called "Controllersim" that allows you to play some Gamecube games online. Smash Brothers is one of them. XLink/Warppipe both allow you to play MarioKart online. None of them are 100%, but it's playable.

Though I'm certainly looking forward to the "real" online debut of both of those series'. Both on the DS, I believe. Though the console SSB could prove me wrong for Rev.

Gamecubes are damn cheap. If you wait till November, you can get a Gamecube with Mario Party 7, a microphone, and at least 1 extra controller, possibly more (not 100%, check IGN) for $99 retail.
Isaacav2 said:
I just realized how EFING UBER playing Super Smashbrothers online would be, as well as Mario Kart Online. I am also tempted to buy another Game Cube since my little brother sold my last GC for a sac that wasn't even that good :(

im ashamed to say this is why(and metroid sucked)i returned my gamecube when i got it

that was a good sack to
Ballz2TheWallz said:

im ashamed to say this is why(and metroid sucked)i returned my gamecube when i got it

that was a good sack to


Is there a link to the current SSB online mod? I would like to read up on it, or could someone please elaborate?
If you can get a good price on the wavebird be sure to get it. Solid controller. (atleast for the games I play)